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Friedman Rips/Mocks the DC GOP (1 Viewer)


Buttermilk Man
DP Veteran
Dec 29, 2015
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Olympia Wa
Political Leaning
“Really? Mr. Speaker, your agenda is a mess, Trump will pay even less attention to you if he is president and, as Senator Lindsey Graham rightly put it, there has to be a time ‘when the love of country will trump hatred of Hillary,’” Friedman wrote. “Will it ever be that time with this version of the G.O.P.?”

Friedman also reprimanded Arizona Sen. John McCain and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.

“Et tu, John McCain? You didn’t break under torture from the North Vietnamese, but your hunger for re-election is so great that you don’t dare raise your voice against Trump? I hope you lose. You deserve to. Marco Rubio? You called Trump ‘a con man,’ he insults your very being and you still endorse him? Good riddance.”


THis guy is a trip. Long long ago I sort of listened to him, then I finally figured out how biased he is, and in person he is annoying as all hell.

Hillary will be a better friend to Ryan and his agenda than Trump?

When she has to track left because of Crazy Bernie?

Ya, I dont see it pal.
Is the country center left or left center?
Is the country center left or left center?

It is fragmented, fundamentalist, extremist....and getting worse. THe political center has long been getting eaten by the Grand Rot of the nation just as the middle class has been.
It is fragmented, fundamentalist, extremist....and getting worse. THe political center has long been getting eaten by the Grand Rot of the nation just as the middle class has been.

I always hear MSM claim that the country is Center Left but I feel it is Left Center.
I always hear MSM claim that the country is Center Left but I feel it is Left Center.

I make it a practice to not assume that the Corporate Class Propaganda Machine is selling truth.
Anyone who buddies up to the gang of 8 guys isn't even worth a 10 second sound byte.

His best selling book is ranked 7,800 on Amazon which says it all. His new book, the one that he seeming has been working on for YEARS "Thank You for Being Late: Finding a Job, Running a Country, and Keeping Your Head in an Age of Accelerations " is out in Nov....I will be shocked if it is worth reading:

American journalist and former civil rights litigator Glenn Greenwald, writing for Salon on July 25, 2012, commented: "His status among American elites is the single most potent fact for understanding the nation's imperial decline.

Frieman is the epitome of the snotty self proclaimed expert who spends his life telling the rest of us what is important and how to act.....in spite of the fact that he has been proven wrong a high percentage of the time for an expert.
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