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Frexit more than a possibility worries French President. (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
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Jan 21, 2013
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The Far right have little power in France. They are very vocal and have gotten some wins on local level and EU level. However on a national scale they are nothing.

How many members of the French parliament? 2 out of 577.
How many members of the French Senate? 0 out of 348.

They can call all they want, but getting a referendum going would require them getting support from other parties who all are pro-EU. Aint gonna happen at the moment.
The Far right have little power in France. They are very vocal and have gotten some wins on local level and EU level. However on a national scale they are nothing.

How many members of the French parliament? 2 out of 577.
How many members of the French Senate? 0 out of 348.

They can call all they want, but getting a referendum going would require them getting support from other parties who all are pro-EU. Aint gonna happen at the moment.

The EU is less popular in France than it was in the UK.

How European Countries View Brexit | Pew Research Center


Jun 7, 2016 - Supporters of Euroskeptic parties – especially in France, Italy, Poland, ... The drop-off in overall EU support in key countries in the past year has been .... Europeans overwhelmingly agree that UK departure would hurt EU ...


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