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French Riots Vs U.S. peaceful protests? (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
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We can't stop here this is bat country!
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Very Conservative
compare and contrast I'll go first.

Their immigrants and work force blow **** up, ours walks in a circle with American Flags, I infact saw more American flags than Mexican flags I only saw a few of them because the media focused on them trying to stir **** up.

And for people who think we should kick the people out who are already here are wrong, we need to give them amnesty or something along those lines and seal down the poor the day before yesterday. And I'm not sure I believe in a guest worker program, because you see how well it's worked over there in France and the rest of Europe.

I think America has by far the best immigrant program to ever exist in the history of the world but what we need now is an amnesty program combined with a border initiative (perhaps a wall), as well as, more legal channels for those who want to recieve citizenship from Mexico to be able to do so by the proper channels.
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compare and contrast I'll go first.

Their immigrants and work force blow **** up, ours walks in a circle with American Flags, I infact saw more American flags than Mexican flags I only saw a few of them because the media focused on them trying to stir **** up.

And for people who think we should kick the people out who are already here are wrong, we need to give them amnesty or something along those lines and seal down the border the day before yesterday. And I'm not sure I believe in a guest worker program, because you see how well it's worked over there in France and the rest of Europe.

I think America has by far the best immigrant program to ever exist in the history of the world but what we need now is an amnesty program combined with a border initiative (perhaps a wall), as well as, more legal channels for those who want to recieve citizenship from Mexico to be able to do so by the proper channels.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
And for people who think we should kick the people out who are already here are wrong, we need to give them amnesty or something along those lines and seal down the poor the day before yesterday. And I'm not sure I believe in a guest worker program, because you see how well it's worked over there in France and the rest of Europe.

I think America has by far the best immigrant program to ever exist in the history of the world but what we need now is an amnesty program combined with a border initiative (perhaps a wall), as well as, more legal channels for those who want to recieve citizenship from Mexico to be able to do so by the proper channels.

1) Several thousand protesters going on about illegals is still well within the liberal fringe. The people in France who are upset are minorities and the mainstream-they have no jobs.

2) Amnesty rewards people for breaking our laws. It won't end there if we do it. No way.
aquapub said:
1) Several thousand protesters going on about illegals is still well within the liberal fringe. The people in France who are upset are minorities and the mainstream-they have no jobs.

2) Amnesty rewards people for breaking our laws. It won't end there if we do it. No way.

No it's not, I do remember alot of Hispanics voted for Bush. I understand they want to be Americans my ancestors were immigrants to this country too, I just want the Mexicans to go through it by legal means. But at the same time I don't want to deport the ones who are already here and working hard for a better life.

For me it's a security issue if we seal the border, exchange amnesty for a fine and back taxes, and establish more legal outlets by which Mexicans can become documented citizens who speak English then I'm all for Mexican immigration.

For amnesty I would make it that they have to speak English, they have to be employed, they have to pay a fine, they have to start contributing to the tax base, etc etc. the trick is in stopping the flood and assimilating the ones who are already here into society while at the same time making it possible for acceptable applicants for citizenship to become Americans legally.

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