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French Muslim Terrorist Had KILL LIST- Kills Police At Their Homes (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2014
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PARIS (AP) — A man who stabbed two police officials to death at their home in a Paris suburb posted a video online confessing to the killings and pledging loyalty to the Islamic State group. The attacker also had a list of other targets, including rappers, journalists, police officers and public officials.

"I just killed a police officer and his wife," he says, adding: "The police are currently surrounding me."
The video was edited, and the victims do not appear. Neither does the police couple's 3-year-old son, who survived the attack Monday night in the suburb of Magnanville, about 35 miles (55 kilometers) west of Paris.

France stabbing suspect: 'I just killed a police officer'

Apparently terrorists are compiling hit lists, and using them to kill people. Thoughts? Comments?
PARIS (AP) — A man who stabbed two police officials to death at their home in a Paris suburb posted a video online confessing to the killings and pledging loyalty to the Islamic State group. The attacker also had a list of other targets, including rappers, journalists, police officers and public officials.

"I just killed a police officer and his wife," he says, adding: "The police are currently surrounding me."
The video was edited, and the victims do not appear. Neither does the police couple's 3-year-old son, who survived the attack Monday night in the suburb of Magnanville, about 35 miles (55 kilometers) west of Paris.

France stabbing suspect: 'I just killed a police officer'

Apparently terrorists are compiling hit lists, and using them to kill people. Thoughts? Comments?

These are sick sub-humans ! What did these three do to be slaughtered . What type of religion makes kill lists ?
What type of religion makes kill lists ?

"Kill lists" aren't just a "religion" thing. It's pre-meditated murder...usually people who have a serious ax to grind.
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What's more important is that he was jailed for terrorist-related charges and then released after his sentence was up....a sentence that was only 3...f-ing...years! In the US, his ass would be in prison for 20+ years.

But then, this is in Europe. Their justice systems are soft on Muslims.
PARIS (AP) — A man who stabbed two police officials to death at their home in a Paris suburb posted a video online confessing to the killings and pledging loyalty to the Islamic State group. The attacker also had a list of other targets, including rappers, journalists, police officers and public officials.

"I just killed a police officer and his wife," he says, adding: "The police are currently surrounding me."
The video was edited, and the victims do not appear. Neither does the police couple's 3-year-old son, who survived the attack Monday night in the suburb of Magnanville, about 35 miles (55 kilometers) west of Paris.

France stabbing suspect: 'I just killed a police officer'

Apparently terrorists are compiling hit lists, and using them to kill people. Thoughts? Comments?

We can't rule out the possibility that this was workplace violence or the fault of the NRA.
What's more important is that he was jailed for terrorist-related charges and then released after his sentence was up....a sentence that was only 3...f-ing...years! In the US, his ass would be in prison for 20+ years.

But then, this is in Europe. Their justice systems are soft on Muslims.

They're favoring Muslims in Europe, and I can't figure it out, choosing to favor other people over your own always sounded nuts to me.

Just look at how every lib poster on DP has avoided this thread like the plague. They want to hide their heads in the sand because radical Islam is getting worse, in spite of us giving them free food, houses, education, etc.
"Kill lists" aren't just a "religion" thing. It's pre-meditated murder...usually people who have a serious ax to grind.

Well that's comforting to know ! :roll:
~ Apparently terrorists are compiling hit lists, and using them to kill people. Thoughts? Comments?

Hit lists are not confined to ISIS terrorists, plenty have done this before. I recall however the list included some involved in the terrorists previous dealings with the law so there may have also been a revenge motive here.
Hit lists are not confined to ISIS terrorists, plenty have done this before. I recall however the list included some involved in the terrorists previous dealings with the law so there may have also been a revenge motive here.

Just last week, many DP members were saying that terrorists weren't compiling hit lists. Thank you for being the only liberal willing to comment on this.
Just last week, many DP members were saying that terrorists weren't compiling hit lists. Thank you for being the only liberal willing to comment on this.

I'm always interested in the labels given me on this forum having stated that I supported Thatcher and Reagan in the 80's.

Anyhow, that's beside the point, any ex military who served in Northern Ireland will tell you of IRA hit lists and that has nothing to do with political lean and more to do with facts.
I'm always interested in the labels given me on this forum having stated that I supported Thatcher and Reagan in the 80's.

Anyhow, that's beside the point, any ex military who served in Northern Ireland will tell you of IRA hit lists and that has nothing to do with political lean and more to do with facts.

Hi, maybe I had you confused with someone else. Now I remember talking to you before, you are the guy that served in the military during the IRA troubles. There's a few people with Je Suis Charlie avatars. My bad.
These are sick sub-humans ! What did these three do to be slaughtered . What type of religion makes kill lists ?

I don't believe the religion made a kill list.
Very evil people following a very evil prophet, Muhammad.

Muhammad has been dead since 632 A.D. Highly doubt he made this guy's kill list for him.

When are you going to start holding the people who perpetrate these acts responsible for them, rather than the bastardized version of their religion they allegedly follow (when it's convenient)? Yanno, since you guys are supposedly the party of personal responsibility and all.

For the record, this guy is a twisted turd and the world wouldn't miss him if he had been taken out during the commission of his crimes.
Just last week, many DP members were saying that terrorists weren't compiling hit lists. Thank you for being the only liberal willing to comment on this.

Care to link to where this was said? It's not that I don't believe you, but I don't.
Muhammad has been dead since 632 A.D. Highly doubt he made this guy's kill list for him.

When are you going to start holding the people who perpetrate these acts responsible for them, rather than the bastardized version of their religion they allegedly follow (when it's convenient)? Yanno, since you guys are supposedly the party of personal responsibility and all.

For the record, this guy is a twisted turd and the world wouldn't miss him if he had been taken out during the commission of his crimes.

I don't think it's conservatives who frown on assigning personal responsibility for terrorists.

Abballa (the turd in question) was sentenced to 3 years in a French prison for recruiting Muslims to carry out terror attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Before this case, Aballa was in and out of jail for theft and violence.
While in prison for the terror case, Abballa was documented as constantly proselytizing for Islam, trying to lure others into the radical Muslim beliefs that he held.

Upon being released from prison, Abballa was added to France's terrorist watch list for meeting with men who were leaving France to fight in Syria for Isis.

Why do you think Abballa served so little time and was free to carry on his radical agenda both in and out of prison?

Do you realize that Gitmo is full of Abballas and Democrats have been demanding they be released for 10 years? I never hear conservatives saying that.
You can't separate the individual from Islam here, because it is unequivocally Islam that is motivating them to commit murder. Abballa probably would have been a petty street criminal his whole life if not for Islam. Now 2 people are dead because leftist imbeciles dream of a multicultural utopia, and don't have the good sense to admit when its not working.

And oh yeah, Turdy boy is dead too, the (probably very conservative) police officers who arrived at the scene, killed the terrorist and saved his 3 year old hostage. Liberal insanity created this mess, conservative police officers cleaned it up the best that they could.
I don't think it's conservatives who frown on assigning personal responsibility for terrorists.

Abballa (the turd in question) was sentenced to 3 years in a French prison for recruiting Muslims to carry out terror attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Before this case, Aballa was in and out of jail for theft and violence.
While in prison for the terror case, Abballa was documented as constantly proselytizing for Islam, trying to lure others into the radical Muslim beliefs that he held.

Upon being released from prison, Abballa was added to France's terrorist watch list for meeting with men who were leaving France to fight in Syria for Isis.

Why do you think Abballa served so little time and was free to carry on his radical agenda both in and out of prison?

Do you realize that Gitmo is full of Abballas and Democrats have been demanding they be released for 10 years? I never hear conservatives saying that.
You can't separate the individual from Islam here, because it is unequivocally Islam that is motivating them to commit murder. Abballa probably would have been a petty street criminal his whole life if not for Islam. Now 2 people are dead because leftist imbeciles dream of a multicultural utopia, and don't have the good sense to admit when its not working.

And oh yeah, Turdy boy is dead too, the (probably very conservative) police officers who arrived at the scene, killed the terrorist and saved his 3 year old hostage. Liberal insanity created this mess, conservative police officers cleaned it up the best that they could.

What twaddle. I'll dissect it later, if I feel like it.

"Conservative police officers." Yep, I'm sure those French cops are rock-ribbed Republicans.

You live in a fantasy world.
What twaddle. I'll dissect it later, if I feel like it.

"Conservative police officers." Yep, I'm sure those French cops are rock-ribbed Republicans.

You live in a fantasy world.

And Gitmo? Care to address the high recidivism rates for terrorists, and demos favoring Gitmos closure?
Oh I know, we're compromising the 'rights' of killers and rapists, boooo f**king hoooooo.

Tell me, do you support closing Gitmo and sending terrorists back into the world to rape and kill?
Absolutely nobody there said they didn't have lists. One person I saw seemed to think they were merely an intimidation tool. Great detective work, Columbo.

5 posters guffawed and sneered at the idea of Muslim terror lists, exactly how some non-caring people on the left behave when any news story about terrorism surfaces.
Funny that those 5 posters haven't raised a peep on this thread.
Just last week, many DP members were saying that terrorists weren't compiling hit lists. Thank you for being the only liberal willing to comment on this.

5 posters guffawed and sneered at the idea of Muslim terror lists, exactly how some non-caring people on the left behave when any news story about terrorism surfaces.
Funny that those 5 posters haven't raised a peep on this thread.
apart from the fact that your second post above does not support your first (above), the thread you linked to doesn't support your perception either.

The salient point remains that some DO compile (like in this example) and some don't. Nobody on DP generalized to the point of denying either for all Islamist terrorists.

On the point of "generalizing": There are surely some people on the left that don't care much, just as much as there are some people on the right that don't mind how daft they get in their overall labelling.

The roles and positions can be switched at one's pleasure.

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