globalvision said:
what is your products of labor (as u spell it over there) how do we value your labour.
The products of your labor are anything you put time and energy into.
They are what many people define as 'property'.
Naughty Nurse said:
If you're employed you do not own the products of your labour, and you do not completely own your own body - there are regulations about what can be done with your body after you die, for example. In many parts of the world there are quite restrictive laws about the types of sexual activity you can indulge in. There are few absolute rights in this word!
Your employment to a company is a CONSENTED exchange of product/service, which makes it perfectly legal. Violation of rights is only illegal when achieved by FORCE.
globalvision said:
but we can not own the products of our labour. surely then taxes are an infringement upon us. without taxes though we would all be a hell of a lot worse off.
Taxes are simply a way to...
1) allow government to give away our hard earned money to special interests
2) provide a product/service publicly that could be provided just as well or possibly even better if done privately
3) redistribute wealth
Each of these things do not make our lives "a hell of a lot" better. In fact, lots of what the government does with our taxes actually make our lives worse.
There is no such thing as a cookie cutter lifestyle that will fit everyone. Each individual has their own belifs, wants, needs, personality, and preferences. Government is most beneficial when it allows each individual to create their own cookie cutter instead of trying to squish the general public into a cookie cutter of its own making.
Self-interest service allows for a variety of cookies, both good and bad. But most of all, people are allowed to be themselves, and run their own lives.
globalvision said:
u cannot go around doing whatever you wish there are laws that prevent you from doing certain actions, or should we be permitted to do anything as long as it does not physically harm anyone else.
Not only should physical harm be prohibited, but any harm done to an individual's or group's natural rights.
There is no reason to limit people beyond this point, as everyone is unique and prefers a different lifestyle than everyone else.
globalvision said:
do children own there own bodies, should they be allowed to do whatever they wish to themselves of should they be of a certain age and have the mental faculties to understand what they are doing. what about the mentally incapable?
Children are under the legal guardianship of their parents. This means their parents can (and often do) make many or all of their decisions for them. The child, however, should be free to renounce the guardianship at any time if they would rather be self-serving and self-sufficient.
Also, mentally incapable is a different story. If the person wasn't always mentally incapable, they could create a contract allowing them to be put under the guardianship of someone should they become incapable. A sanity will, if you get what I mean.
But, should they fail to create a contracted agreement, they are free to stay individual and on their own. If they break the law, they should be treated just the same as everyone else.