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France: Spoiled Ballot Issue Returns in Macron Election, Fraud Charged (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 25, 2016
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12% spoiled? Spoiled ballots should always be under a percent. That would trigger a recount in any US state.

Arizona should do an audit, at which point it’ll be discovered that the only people committing actual election fraud were Le Pen voters, at which point Le Pen supporters will say, “A ha!, so you see there was election fraud!”
The two of them should just French kiss and make up.

Wait a minute--that doesn't sound right.

( :) )
12% spoiled? Spoiled ballots should always be under a percent. That would trigger a recount in any US state.
Indeed. Le Pen supporters should immediately hire the Cyber Ninjas to do a forensic audit, for a mere 5 million euros, and she should have whatever election results she wants in about 6 months.
Right out of the crazy Trump playbook.
When will these far right crazies get the hint that the majority of world does not want them in power.
12% spoiled? Spoiled ballots should always be under a percent. That would trigger a recount in any US state.

Coronavirusnews123 ??
and nobody brave enough to sign their name to this piece. Major red flag
It was reported a large number of spoiled ballots were expected because of high protest against both candidates. That it was the second lowest turnout in 50 years. Don't go running crying foul without evidence.
What was the rate in previous runoff elections? It wouldn't be surprising at all if some voters who didn't want either of the two on offer, wrote or drew on their ballot.

Edit: According to Wikipedia it was 11.5% blank and "null" ballots in the second round, in 2017. This is a non-story.

Edit(2): Only 5.8% in 2012, when the contenders were Hollande and Sarcozy.
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12% spoiled? Spoiled ballots should always be under a percent. That would trigger a recount in any US state.

This time it was Kirabati doing the hacking and on Al Gore's behalf. Didn't expect him to be scheming now did ya?
What was the rate in previous runoff elections? It wouldn't be surprising at all if some voters who didn't want either of the two on offer, wrote or drew on their ballot.

Edit: According to Wikipedia it was 11.5% blank and "null" ballots in the second round, in 2017. This is a non-story.

Edit(2): Only 5.8% in 2012, when the contenders were Hollande and Sarcozy.

"According to wikipedia." LOL nuff said.
Wikipedia is sourced. The OP is not. Nuff said.
Wikipedia is not sourced. Some of what you find on Wiki is, but I could go on and edit JFK's birthday and it would remain false until someone else caught it.

Having said that, the sources at the bottom of the Wiki page are often excellent.
Wikipedia is not sourced. Some of what you find on Wiki is, but I could go on and edit JFK's birthday and it would remain false until someone else caught it.

Having said that, the sources at the bottom of the Wiki page are often excellent.
The footnotes are what I'm referring to.
This time it was Kirabati doing the hacking and on Al Gore's behalf. Didn't expect him to be scheming now did ya?

On one of the MSM from France. The screenshot was taken 30 minutes before the end of the vote. She was winning. 30 minutes later, she lost by more than 10%.

What an ignorant posting !

You do not understand how French presidential elections work:

There are 2 rounds, the first with many candidates, the second a runoff.

In the first round, the eliminated candidates sometimes didn't endorse Macron and urged their voters to cast an invalid ballot. It means they cast either a blank ballot or striked through both candidates or scribbled something on the ballot making them invalid.

That is totally legitimate, because voters of eliminated candidates don't like the remaining 2 candidates, but still wanted to vote.

And the issue with Le Pen ballots being useless and thrown in waste bins is also totally legitimate:

In France, when you enter a polling station, a voter picks 2 ballots with the runoff candidates on them, then puts the one he's voting for in the envelope and throws the other away. Especially in small towns, a voter picks both ballots so others don't know who the person is voting for. In larger cities, voters just pick one ballot because you don't know anyone in such a large city anway.
On one of the MSM from France. The screenshot was taken 30 minutes before the end of the vote. She was winning. 30 minutes later, she lost by more than 10%.

Got anything that looks like proof?
On one of the MSM from France. The screenshot was taken 30 minutes before the end of the vote. She was winning. 30 minutes later, she lost by more than 10%.


That was a graphics fail on French TV. Or a test result before the broadcast started. TV stations often do graphic tests before an election, then when the election results are not liked, these screenshots of the tests are used by the loosing side as proof of "voter fraud".

Le Pen was never at 14,4 million votes during the count.

She only received 13,3 million votes.

Le Pen lost by 5.5 million votes.

There were 3 million invalid/blank ballots cast.

Even if she won every single one of them, she still would have lost by 2.5 million votes ... lol.
That was a graphics fail on French TV. Or a test result before the broadcast started. TV stations often do graphic tests before an election, then when the election results are not liked, these screenshots of the tests are used by the loosing side as proof of "voter fraud".

Prove it was a "graphics fail" LOL 🤣

Don't worry more election truth coming. It's game over.

New 2020 election documentary: 2000 Mules
What an ignorant posting !

You do not understand how French presidential elections work:

There are 2 rounds, the first with many candidates, the second a runoff.

In the first round, the eliminated candidates sometimes didn't endorse Macron and urged their voters to cast an invalid ballot. It means they cast either a blank ballot or striked through both candidates or scribbled something on the ballot making them invalid.

That is totally legitimate, because voters of eliminated candidates don't like the remaining 2 candidates, but still wanted to vote.

And the issue with Le Pen ballots being useless and thrown in waste bins is also totally legitimate:

In France, when you enter a polling station, a voter picks 2 ballots with the runoff candidates on them, then puts the one he's voting for in the envelope and throws the other away. Especially in small towns, a voter picks both ballots so others don't know who the person is voting for. In larger cities, voters just pick one ballot because you don't know anyone in such a large city anway.

This is interesting. At the expense of a lot of wasted paper, it provides for people who can read but not write very well. Are there photographs on the ballot (like in India)?

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