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France, Italy, Netherlands Now Want Referendum... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
oters in France, Italy and the Netherlands are demanding their own votes on European Union membership and the euro, as the continent faces a “contagion” of referendums.

EU leaders fear a string of copycat polls could tear the organisation apart, as leaders come under pressure to emulate David Cameron and hold votes.

The Brexit contagion: How France, Italy and the Netherlands now want their referendum tooÂ*

Imagine all those countries with real borders. Imagine who they could keep out.
oters in France, Italy and the Netherlands are demanding their own votes on European Union membership and the euro, as the continent faces a “contagion” of referendums.

EU leaders fear a string of copycat polls could tear the organisation apart, as leaders come under pressure to emulate David Cameron and hold votes.

The Brexit contagion: How France, Italy and the Netherlands now want their referendum tooÂ*

It is hard to say, when the right time will be, but we will almost certainly see more people demand that the absurd political structure of the EU is rolled back and largely eliminated. If the UK plays its mandate correctly, the Eu might look totally different in 10 years.
Imagine all those countries with real borders. Imagine who they could keep out.
These are individual nations, awash in a sea of refugees/immigration and impotent bureaurcracy. Drowning, they choose to separate, break off, save themselves individually rather than clinging together and sinking for sure.

I applaud them for their efforts, a bit late, to survive. Better late than never proving to the world, in exponential form, that good intentions, like those first cocaine highs, do little more than feel good for the short while, then eat away at everything that is really you, eating you up if you don't swear off them in the longer run.

Brave folk those Brits, showing they still have the spirit, are still trend setters, still have some common sense.
The EU has much to commend it. But the onslaught of Islamic extremism has changed the world in significant ways. And countries without enforceable borders no longer look as appealing or practical to many in Europe these days. The EU better wake up and change its policies and give its member states more leeway to defend themselves fast or it may indeed dissolve. If the EU can fix itself, it may see the UK voting to rejoin.
whole thread's a fail from the outset.

"France, Netherlands, Italy want" is rubbish.

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