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France- 1/3 of Muslims Reject French Law in Favor of Sharia Law (1 Viewer)

What is funny to you makes no difference, and does not change one fact about Islam or gutless European politicians. Does it?

Factual Persuasion: Example Cases - WikiIslam

That simple. Mohammads words and deeds are Islam. Deal with it.
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I know about Islam. And your politicians.

You know nothing about Europe. I know nothing about the USA because I don't live there. You don't live here. All you have is your hatred of Muslims.
You know nothing about Europe. I know nothing about the USA because I don't live there. You don't live here. All you have is your hatred of Muslims.

It is not hate for Muslims, it is a hate for Islam an intolerant hateful violent belief system. If you can't figure out the difference that is your problem.
............and nothing about Islam either, let alone about any Muslim country.:roll:

Can you back that up? I have challenged you to do that.

I contend I know all about Islam because if you know Mohammad you know Islam. For you to say any different is a lie. Now what don't I know?

I don't know that he was a killer, rapist, and pedophile who is glorified in the Koran as the perfect man to follow in words and deeds? To say anything different is a lie.
And that what he said and did is at the root and inspires all of Islams violence hate and intolerance. That is Mohammad that is Islam. It is what ISIS follows to the letter.

What else is there to know except the apologists neglect to say that anything he said is not to be disagreed with under penalty of death. We all know people are still killed for just insulting him.

So tell me why excuses for what is fact change any of those facts. When a Muslim comes out and says he does not believe Mohammad is a prophet, that is the day to start listening to what they have to say. Until then they just can't be trusted, just like anyone who apologizes for them. Or anyone who accuses critics of the hate Islam condones preaches and infects the whole world with.
What is funny to you makes no difference, and does not change one fact about Islam or gutless European politicians. Does it?

Factual Persuasion: Example Cases - WikiIslam

That simple. Mohammads words and deeds are Islam. Deal with it.

Wait... YOU stated that observant and devout Muslims can eschew jihad.

Well which is it? Are 1.5 billion Muslims not observant or devout enough?
Wait... YOU stated that observant and devout Muslims can eschew jihad.

Well which is it? Are 1.5 billion Muslims not observant or devout enough?

They're probably not interested in leaving their families and possessions in order to blow themselves up, like the rest of us. That's not to say that they wouldn't support Sharia Law in a European country if Muslims suddenly had the ability to enforce it.
You know nothing about Europe. I know nothing about the USA because I don't live there. You don't live here. All you have is your hatred of Muslims.

By that standard, I can say that you know nothing of Islam because you aren't Muslim. Absurd, right?

But they must blow themselves up for the greater jihad.....

Sam Harris has explained how the faith of Muslims can be compared to concentric circles. The core circle the most fundamental and the most violent. The circles after that are lesser degrees like financial support and approval of these actions. Until you get to Muslims in name only. Not everyone will except that but I will not mention any names.

Also, expect a lot of repetition of that question.
But they must blow themselves up for the greater jihad.....

That would be unnecessary if Sharia Law were implemented. Then those who slander Islam (read 'disagree with Islam') could and would be jailed, and executed. Petty criminals would have their right hand amputated. Women would be forced to cover themselves or face being lashed. This is what Sharia Law entails.

And 1 in 3 Muslims in France want Sharia Law.
Do you have an opinion about that?

Hey!! How dare you ask him to discuss the topic.:lamo
By that standard, I can say that you know nothing of Islam because you aren't Muslim. Absurd, right?

I've lived among and worked with Muslims. I have Muslim friends. The bass player in our band is a Muslim. I know more than you.

Sam Harris is someone I really respect on this issue. I've seen him debate a lot of secular Western defenders of Islam, and he clearly wins every debate. He makes most of these people look like imbeciles who invariably stoop to predictable accusations of "you're rayyyycist!" when Harris decimates their arguments.
I've lived among and worked with Muslims. I have Muslim friends. The bass player in our band is a Muslim. I know more than you.

I've had Muslim friends as well. Several of my neighbors are Muslim, and I'm friendly with them. I must be a damned Islamic scholar!

Just the mention of his name and the apologists have left. They are not browsing this thread anymore.
I've lived among and worked with Muslims. I have Muslim friends. The bass player in our band is a Muslim. I know more than you.

Individual Muslims have 0 say in the doctrine of Islam. Remember, Muslims did not cause Islam. Islam is the cause for Muslims.

Yes I have an opinion.

It won't happen.
Yes I have an opinion.

It won't happen.

Recent trends have seen Muslims in France grow from being mostly secular or non-radical in the 70s-80s, to more devout and thus more radical in the 2000's. We have a French poster who lives in France. He contributes some great posts to the Europe sub forum. His name is Auvergnat. Ask his opinion about this issue.

If current trends continue, you may see 1/2 of Muslims in France support national Sharia. That would be a tipping point.

And their percentage of the population?

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