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Fox News: Obamacare Numbers Are 'Phony' (1 Viewer)

I don't think I have ever seen a professor force his political views on his students. How do you know professors do this?
It isn't useless, but it isn't the end all be all either.

You, me.....everyone is at the mercy of their professor and what ever THEIR point of view is.
I don't think I have ever seen a professor force his political views on his students. How do you know professors do this?

Mine did.

History Professor,black all hung up on Slavery.
When I pointed out that the American Indian was prone to taking slaves too it got very uncomfortable.
Besides being wrong, that makes absolutely no sense at all. The fact is that most Americans will only be aware of Obamacare is when they do their taxes.

Tell that to the millions of us who had out individual policies cancelled. Tell it to the millions of employees who are now restricted to 29 hour work weeks so that the government cannot force them to provide insurance and dictate how much they provide.
Mine did.

History Professor,black all hung up on Slavery.
When I pointed out that the American Indian was prone to taking slaves too it got very uncomfortable.

He was a terrible professor then and you should have reported him to an administrator or someone who would handle the situation accordingly. If the administration at this point did nothing then you went to a terrible as **** university.
Like the notion or not, the government is not running a thing. The "notion" to which you refer is a gross (and I mean gross) over dramatization of what happened designed by certain media organization to incite those that did not know better. Sorry you were suckered into this. The government did not take over a thing... it only added regulations to the definition of what constitutes a health insurance policy; tightened some medicare regulations; and mandated that everyone needed to buy insurance.

Perhaps you think the government has also taken over the airline industry. After all, no a single flight can fly without a flight plan approved by a government employee, nor can a plane even leave the gate area without the express approval of an employee paid by the government.

I suggest you study up on government run healthcare and get back to us. No one likes a Chicken Little.

....actually, let's try this another way. After all, this is DEBATE politics. You have made the assertion that government has taken over the healthcare industry. Prove it! Make your case. Anything less is nothing more than debating impressions, which is not debate but schoolyard shout downs. Show us how the government has taken over healthcare. If you can't make the case, you can't make the statement.... this is debate

Actually the "chicken little crowd" was the progressives screaming phony and misleading numbers on how many Americans were actually un-insured. The breakdowns on the uninsured were not given by those promoting obamacare. Insurance is certainly expensive, however it was not the crisis that "Hussein" Obama, Reid, and Pelosi made it out to be. And once again, while private healthcare companies are administering the insurance, the government is calling the shots. It was not Fox News that canceled by individual insurance policy, it was the so-called Affordable Healthcare Act.
Eliminate the artificial ceiling on medical school enrollment and allow individual programs to set limits based upon building and faculty capacity. Allow for a board of health professionals to determine merit of a malpractice case before sending it to court, further tort reform. Remand health standards to the state level and allow them to set legal regulations and standards.

Allow the government to create a last resort system of insurance for those who have pre-existing conditions known as a high risk pool. This insurer of last resort would have to follow all private insurance regulations such as cash on hand requirements, funding would have to be accounted for, no funds could be moved from that program to others, reinvestment, and all applicable accounting practices regulated on the private market. This would be a premium based service and some tax payer money if necessary could make up the difference.

Change the patent structure on drugs slightly to allow for generics to enter the market earlier, even if they increase slightly, allow for licensing of such to the patenting company.

Agreed on all. What you propose is common sense regulation.....actually addressed at cutting costs of healthcare without throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The ACA was never about cutting overall costs...it was about government power over the healthcare industry.
Quoting people in the profession is far different than conducting studies.

Would you rather discuss mechanical issues affecting your family care with a cake decorator or an auto mechanic?
Jay Carney said today that they have NO idea what the "real" numbers are.

Translation: He knows what the numbers are and they do not make obamacare look successful, so the administration will keep the numbers private.....at least until an FOIA request forces them to release them.
So buying accross state lines would have fixed our old system? This is why we say the RW doesnt have a plan...

It would certainly spur competition on individual health insurance policies.
Why would I? I have a great policy nad have had for 25 years or so that qualifies as real health insurance. Your point...is pointless. Hat, cattle something, whatever...

Probably Tricare.
As of April 15, 2014, insurers informed the committee that only 2.45 million had paid their first month’s premium for coverage obtained through the federally facilitated marketplace.

It's no wonder that the Obama admin is afraid to release the numbers.
It makes my point concerning your ludicrous argument.

I disagree with you but I don't call your opinions ludicrous. Your point hasn't been made to me. The only thing made was your ability to be extremely rude and ignorant to others.
evidence that is not reliable only makes the point you don't understand something as big and complicated as a national healthcare system.
It makes my point concerning your ludicrous argument.
I disagree with you but I don't call your opinions ludicrous. Your point hasn't been made to me. The only thing made was your ability to be extremely rude and ignorant to others.


I don't even need to search for evidence. You just proved it right there for me :D

Conservatives should stop wondering why liberals think of them to be foolish and ignorant. Because 9/10 conservatives are literally foolish and unwilling to hear the other side. At least we liberals are more cooperative than you.
evidence that is not reliable only makes the point you don't understand something as big and complicated as a national healthcare system.

Who elected you as the arbiter of whether given evidence is or is not reliable. You seem to be just rejecting sources that do not agree with your point of view.
I don't even need to search for evidence. You just proved it right there for me :D

Conservatives should stop wondering why liberals think of them to be foolish and ignorant. Because 9/10 conservatives are literally foolish and unwilling to hear the other side. At least we liberals are more cooperative than you.

Actually I do not lose any sleep over what liberals think of conservatives. I see liberals as more emotional then intellectual.
Actually I do not lose any sleep over what liberals think of conservatives. I see liberals as more emotional then intellectual.

I see conservatives as more emotional. They're always screaming and raging at liberals every time they speak. Anger is an emotion to you know. We liberals tend to be more analytical than you could ever hope to be.
one of the things you do anytime you read a study is critique the construct of the study and the quality of the evidence. Anecdotal evidence is about as reliable as rumors. This is one of the things that make discussing something as complicated as a healthcare system with people who don't understand very basic concepts of science very difficult. But carry on, don't let me interfere with the fantasy thingy.
Who elected you as the arbiter of whether given evidence is or is not reliable. You seem to be just rejecting sources that do not agree with your point of view.
I don't even need to search for evidence. You just proved it right there for me :D

Conservatives should stop wondering why liberals think of them to be foolish and ignorant. Because 9/10 conservatives are literally foolish and unwilling to hear the other side. At least we liberals are more cooperative than you.

I see conservatives as more emotional. They're always screaming and raging at liberals every time they speak. Anger is an emotion to you know. We liberals tend to be more analytical than you could ever hope to be.
See how literally stupid that all sounds? Let's flip the coin.

Likewise liberals should stop wondering why conservatives think them to be foolish and ignorant. Because 9/10 liberals are literally foolish and unwilling to hear the other side. At least we conservatives are more cooperative than you? That is why you don't need to search for evidence?

Seriously Luftwaffe there are "literally" huge problems you have here. First off Obamacarefail was not speaking to you, he was speaking to another poster and you decided to quote his comment to another posters as if it were to you. Also, broadly generalized comments that you dream up, like this "literal" figure that is literal BS? Like 9/10 of anything, is still a "figure" or figment of your imagination. Claiming statistical quotes that in fact do not exist, appealing to emotion and then stating that you "liberals" are more "analytical" than anyone when you are proving that you have no analytics to point to? Literally foolish and guess what? Nobody needs to "search" for the evidence you would point to that would support your claims, because it is all a figment of your imagination. At best an inadvertent declaration by you about the limitations of your literally specious and very foolish argument which is really just pure fluff and nothing else.

So instead of couching your arguments in made up 9/10 stats and painting all "conservatives" as anything is just as foolish as doing it with any other group. As you have said you are young, in high school. So you are still learning about all of this, which is why next time you want to make an argument you should look at data and evidence and links submitted by those you have decided you want to argue with. Because ignoring all of that to instead supply broadly ignorant characterizations, stereotypes and non existent claims like the ones highlighted above are not going to win you any arguments or persuade anyone you make a lick of sense much less have any to offer. Just pointing out the literally obvious. :shock:
Actually I do not lose any sleep over what liberals think of conservatives. I see liberals as more emotional then intellectual.

I agree, but I also see most self proclaimed conservatives as emotional thinkers and not intellectual.

I suspect it depends on what group of liberals or conservatives that we are thinking about.

Another thing, when one labels themselves as liberal or conservative, that means that they tend to allow whatever the standard liberal or conservative platform may be at the time to form their personal opinions, instead of thinking for themselves. I consider that the easy route. It's much harder to think for yourself.
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