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Fox News: Obamacare Numbers Are 'Phony' (1 Viewer)

^ His source is "HUMAN EVENTS POWERFUL CONSERVATIVE VOICES" Because that isn't biased in any way shape or form.... *hint* *hint*

You guys need to go back to College with your sources seriously. If a Freshman in HS can call you out on bull**** biased sources then clearly you do not know how to pick an unbiased source.
Stop this nonsense now. You either find an unbiased scholarly source otherwise everything you say...

♪ It goes in one ear, and right out the other! ♪

Again it is too easy......

Committee Learns Who’s Paid for Obamacare: As of April 15, Only 67 Percent of Enrollees in Federal Marketplace Had Paid First Month’s Premium

Committee Learns Who

The search for intelligent Leftwing life goes on.
The problem is that the Obama Administration can not be trusted to tell the truth either. The truth will fight to get out but in the meantime various unfounded rumors and lies will circulate and some will believe since there is no trust in government anymore.
For months, the committee and members of the press have urged the administration to provide rudimentary details about enrollment under the law, including information regarding the makeup of the risk pool and who had actually paid for their health care plans. Administration officials repeatedly insisted they were incapable of collating that data and that the insurance providers are the only ones with those details.The committee followed the administration’s suggestion and went directly to the insurance providers.

A "scholarly" source. Not a website As a student from Fairfield University warned me, "Unless it's literal documentation of something that can be considered a scholarly work, things like websites professors really crack down on and penalize the writer."

You can be an ass to me once you prove me wrong with a source I called for. But of course, whatever, a freshman just made mince meat of you. That is of course, until you can find a truly credible source in which I'll happily concede ALL MY POINTS made thus far on your sources' credibility.
a sad reversal away from its vows of transparency, the Obama administration, from inside the Oval Office on down, has gone to extraordinary lengths to keep basic details of the health law from the public. Tired of receiving incomplete pictures of enrollment in the health care law,we went right to the source and found that the administration’s recent declarations of success may be unfounded,” commented full committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI). “We need a complete picture of how this law is working.

Committee Learns Who

(shrugs) If Barack's mouth is open he is lying.

What you call for means nothing to anyone but you.

SOP for the Left is claiming NO source is correct unless YOU ok it.

Your "Nuh-Uh"response is duly noted, but laughed at.
So I did a little searching around on the authors of the website who were Marsha Blackburn and Fred Upton.

Sure enough, both are Republican.

Marsha was a fiscal conservative. Oh wait, AND social conservative.

Upton is more moderate than her so I'll be lenient for that.

But your sources are still biased, and therefor, aren't scholarly.
What you call for means nothing to anyone but you.

SOP for the Left is claiming NO source is correct unless YOU ok it.

Your "Nuh-Uh"response is duly noted, but laughed at.

No, essentially every high end university has the same expectations as the one I'm giving to you. Of course I was treating you like an intelligent college student but it seems clear that I shouldn't be doing so.

Not the way it works kid....but see that's the thing your "professor's" won't tell you....

Just because YOU don't "approve" of a source in no way renders it invalid....that's a cop out and a contrivance BOTH sides use to try and marginalize an unsympathetic source.

It is childish and juvenile.

Fact....the Admin directed them to the Provider's, it just did not work out in their favor.
No, essentially every high end university has the same expectations as the one I'm giving to you. Of course I was treating you like an intelligent college student but it seems clear that I shouldn't be doing so.

LOL.....you are a trained lemming son....and incapable of seeing any side but your own.

You paid WAY too much for your education....
LOL.....you are a trained lemming son....and incapable of seeing any side but your own.

You paid WAY too much for your education....

Huh, I'm arrogant of course but this seems to be on a whole new scale. And nah I didn't pay too much for my education, a top notch private school will increase my chances of getting into a great college. So of course I should be paying a little extra more than you make in an entire year.

Sure thing...but see.....you must take their word they are telling you and teaching you the truth.....

I am already living it and know that it isn't.

All I can do is hope and pray that you learn to think for yourself.....but at your age you still think your Professor's are/will be gods who can impart to you the wisdom of the ages.....


I already did it and learned that they know nothing outside of their Academic Walls.....

Tenure makes for inbreeding.

My teachers haven't said a single thing about politics at all, unless if you're referring to my Western Civilization teacher who is teaching me about the political, military, and religious situation of Europe since the Imperial Roman eras to the 1800's.

I guess in that case my teachers have been polluting my brain with garbage about Obama (who by the way is someone who lives in the 21st century) ruining the world.

I do hope when you "educate" (if you are a teacher of some sorts) that you don't bring this horrid bias to class. You'll be raising a new generation of puppets who have yet to form ideas for themselves (like I have done, sorry that when I formulated my own opinions they did not coincide with your opinions. Because of course it is a sin to have a differing opinion).

Nope, I am a lowly insurance agent agent who understands what is going on.

I am a man whose College Education actually taught him to think for himself....not just accept what one side or the other thinks.

I am on the phone 5 days a week with people whom this Law is actually affecting.

You see YOU think you hundred grand can buy you how to think....

That isn't how it works.

Getting up everyday and helping/talking/ counseling normal everyday people how to navigate this abomination teaches one how to think and work.

You are being taught that the Gov is the cure for everything...

I am living the fact the fact that I am responsible for me.

I am being taught the government cures everything? Oh god no.

So during the discovery of America the governments of Europe installed mercantilism and forced monopolies with their own colonies, and cut off all trade with anyone other than the mother country.

Oh yeah, The government of the Carolingian empire input the use of nobles to oversee parts of the land. Turns out that only a few decades after the fall of the Carolignian empire the extremely faulty system of feudalism rises and dominates all of Europe for centuries.

Oh yeah, the Roman government decided that all of its territories conquered should have it's inhabitants treated like **** and subject to conscription and insane taxes/literally having things stolen from them.

I guess Western Civ is teaching me that the government is a panacea to all political problems (which by the way are caused by governments)?

Get a life kid.....what you see while you are ensconced in your "collegiate" life is not real.
Get a life kid.....what you see while you are ensconced in your "collegiate" life is not real.

So it is true, when someone persistently searches for the truth they will eventually hit it. Get a life? So you're just an asshole huh, and I'm a freshman in high school. Not some kid hiding in a "college."

But I'll keep that in mind. Education is useless even at the university level. I can try and test that out and see how far it gets me in life. I'm thinking maybe a lowly insurance agent Who went to college despite it being useless.

It isn't useless, but it isn't the end all be all either.

You, me.....everyone is at the mercy of their professor and what ever THEIR point of view is.

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