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Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon arrested on charges of defrauding donors in fundraising scheme (1 Viewer)


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Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon arrested on charges of defrauding donors in fundraising scheme

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon has been arrested after being charged with defrauding hundreds of thousands of donors.

This is breaking news. Please check back for updates.

Fraud charges, not much info as just breaking. Could not happen to a nicer guy

Found this
Steve Bannon, former chief strategist to President Donald Trump, was arrested in New York Thursday on charges of using the viral “We Build the Wall” fundraising campaign to enrich himself.

Hundreds of thousands of donors who gave a total of $25 million to the crowdfunding campaign were defrauded, Audrey Strauss, acting U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said in a statement.

Three others were indicted along with Bannon: Brian Kolfage, Andrew Badolato and Timothy Shea.
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LMAO... The We Build the Wall for suckers organization....

Everyone remember Brian Kolfage.... Also indicted... Andrew Badolato and Timothy Shea... indicted...

Time for another Trump pardon. Being a buddy of Trump means never having to serve out your sentence for committing Federal crimes.

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