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Former Israeli defense minister calls Netanyahu a fearmonger who hypes threats (1 Viewer)


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DP Veteran
Dec 22, 2005
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... Yaalon charged that Netanyahu and his top ministers exaggerate the security threats Israelis face — from Hamas, Hezbollah or Iran — to distract the people from what he called the real challenges facing Israel.
"At this time and in the foreseeable future, there is not an existential threat to Israel,” the former defense minister said. “Israel is the strongest state in the region and there is an enormous gap between it and every country and organization around it. Therefore, it is appropriate for the leadership in Israel to stop scaring the citizens and to stop telling them that we are on the verge of a second Holocaust." ...
... Netanyahu came under attack on Thursday from multiple critics, including two former heads of Israel’s armed forces and a former prime minister, Ehud Barak, who asserted in a speech that there had been “a hostile takeover” of a “hijacked government” that had swung Israel so far to the right that it would alienate the world, as well as young Jews in the United States. ...
some strong insider observations
and from my vantage, very valid ones
this is a good article

some strong insider observations
and from my vantage, very valid ones
this is a good article

Not a bad position for someone with serious credentials looking to replace the PM the next go around.

None of it justifies making concessions to the Palestinians who have no interest in, and cannot in any event deliver, any sort of peace, nor does it justify tolerating Iran's nuclear ambitions, but I don't think he's wrong about Israel's strength.

Incidentally, as if Yallon ever becomes PM I would expect many anti-Israel folks to demonize him and everything he says/does, are we to imply from your noting of his "strong insider observations" that are "very valid" that you trust him and what he has to say about threats to Israel and political dynamics?
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Incidentally, as if Yaalon ever becomes PM I would expect many anti-Israel folks to demonize him and everything he says/does, are we to imply from your noting of his "strong insider observations" that are "very valid" that you trust him and what he has to say about threats to Israel and political dynamics?

Yaalon has a very solid opinion on settlements, I find it very hard to believe any pro-Palestinian will embrace him, he refuses to evacuate ANY settlement, he believes that the settlements are a pillar in Israel's security, forcing the army to be present deep in Palestinian territory and by that have a firm grip on any terrorist activity in the area.

Unlike Bibi, he is an idealist, I think there is much more chance to pressure Bibi into compromise than Yaalon. I remind you what Yaalon said on Kerry
Ya'alon Raises U.S. Ire Calling Kerry 'Obsessive and Messianic' - Diplomacy and Defense - Haaretz
Ya'alon: Kerry should win his Nobel and leave us alone - Israel News, Ynetnews
.......and in which subterranean vault was Yaalon keeping all these enlightened gems of wisdom all these years?

Could it be that standing so far right of those he now criticizes blocked the view to the entrance?

Okay, while I'll try to consider the message more than the messenger, could somebody in the meantime bring me a bucket?

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