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Former GOP state lawmaker pleads guilty in Capitol riot (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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Does anyone remember how many democratic politicians have been arrested?

"The felony, a civil disorder charge, could result in up to five years in prison...

"I take full responsibility for my actions, and deeply regret any hurt, pain or embarrassment I may have caused my family, friends, constituents and fellow West Virginians," he said in a statement at the time.

Evans isn't the only politician charged in connection to January 6. Couy Griffin, a county commissioner in New Mexico and founder of Cowboys for Trump, is set to go to trial in Washington, DC, next week. He was charged with two misdemeanors for illegally entering Capitol grounds, but maintains his innocence."

SC Justice Thomas wife, Gini, attended the 1/6 coup attempted, and tweeted her support of the violence and signed a letter condemning the 1/6 committee. I thought all in attendance that could be ID'd were supposed to be investigated, even if it was for a minute. Perhaps there are some exception(s).
They should all get the maximum sentence. They attacked the United States of America.
They should all get the maximum sentence. They attacked the United States of America.

So far, most, if not all, are getting minimum sentences by DOJ recommendation. Once the DOJ sets such a pattern, it's really hard to later slam the worst offenders with anything more than a min sentence. The DOJ is declaring "To the full extent of the law" out of use. A joke.

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