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Forget everything I've said (1 Viewer)

Mixed View

Active member
Mar 7, 2005
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Slightly Liberal
I have said earlier that I'm against the war, but that has changed. Everyone deserves a democracy and democracy is for everyone. Maybe if you liberals would stop being bitter and only care about money then you can care for the people who have had a horrible life living in a country run by a dictator. A life is more precious than money. Freedom is greater than money.
1,500 American soldiers and who knows how many Civilians were killed to attain that freedom. We chose open war as means to give these people your beloved democracy and that one "evil dictator" is alive while thousands are dead. You want to talk about greed? Let's talk about the Oil for Food scandal; let's talk about Halibruton.

And it's amazing how we went from WMD's to Operation Iraqi Freedom so fast. Let's pretend I've been living under a rock: How did that whole WMD thing work out?

Freedom is greater than money. I agree. Peace is greater than profiteering in war.

On that note I leave you with words of wisdom from the greatest man to bless the dirt with his brown feet.

What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy? Mahatma Gandhi
Satin I now believe you do this to draw attention to yourself.

All you do is "Liberals suck" "Liberals are horrible horrible people" "Liberals haven't done ANYTHING good!"

Please quit, you're nothing more than a retarded brainwashed Republican.. maybe just MAYBE if you went under apprenticeship of NYU you might have your own opinions and not the cliche preachings of YOUR lord and savior George W. Bush.

"Everyone deserves Democracy?" You literally mean EVERYONE.. even the ones who took our planes and drove them into our towers? Even those who hate the very ground you walk on and wouldn't think twice in blowing himself up just to kill you?

We only care about Money? Greed? is it just me or did Bush just recently ask Congress for more money? I picture this situation in the perspective of the book "A Doll's House" George Bush is Nora and Congress is Torvald.

So is it a horrible life to live in a country with a dictator? Is this from personal experience or are you just making an untrue statement?

Unbelieved by you, Conservatives/Republicans are are fault as well.

By the way.. Democrat and Liberal is not interchangeable.
I believe it was the Conservatives and Republicans (Reagan and Papa Bush) that sold weapons to Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war. Then secretly sold weapons to Iran.

Why would they do this?

Well, it's not because they want both sides to be equally equipped. It's because they want money.

Greed isn't a conservative problem or a liberal problem. It's a douche bag problem, and there are douche bags on both ends of the political spectrum. Just look at the Oil for Food scandal. Good idea, Douche Bag people corrupting it.

Ohh and while I am generally fairly liberal and wholeheartedly against the war, I must say I don't have to live in a communist dictatorship to know how much it blows. I can read.
Dude I am really acting like a freakin jerk aren't I? The name-calling will stop. So how would have Gandhi have done during 1776 when the colonies were talking about independance and freedom and a war to get it. Aren't Iraqis getting democracy? Aren't they experiencing freedom? Isn't that awsome? "Is living under a dictatorship that horrible" yea it is. How would you like it if you couldn't choose anything. The dictator would. How would you like it if you were pulled off the street and then raped by your dictator? How would you like to be gassed and killed by your dictator for no reason? America is reaching out to them in the greatest way. Giving something they've never had, freedom.
satinloveslibs said:
Everyone deserves ... greater than money.
Is there any country that we shouldn't invade and restructure?

Should we set out to remake swaths of the African continent through war?

Should we set about to topple China's ruling party via invasion?

What about the dictatorship of "our ally" in the Global War on Terror, Pakistan? Should we overthrow the dictator Musharraf?

Should we expend the lives of our nation's finest in pursuit of idealistic visions w/o regards to the costs?

Or, perhaps we should always peaceably work toward Liberty for all, yet restrict our use of military and major monetary resources for times when it is in our best national interests.
What Would Gandhi Do?


I like it. I'm going to be rich and you're not getting any.

The truth is, I can't tell you what Gandhi would have done because my mind is no where near the level of greatness that Gandhi's mind was.

I'll tell you what he wouldn't have done. He wouldn't let himself be reduced to the same level as his enemies.

Boston Massacre - The British Killed 5. We killed back.

The Amristar Massacre - The British Killed 400. Gandhi and his people did not waver.

Both countries are to this day independent.

Ganhi vs. Washington in Morality Moral Combat - Gandhi Wins. Flawless Victory. Fatality.


Gandhi would have supported the Boston Tea Party. That was some good stuff. Dressing up like indians (sitting bull indians not asia indians mind you) throwing tea, and most importantly, NOT KILLING ANYONE.
satinloveslibs said:
So how would have Gandhi have done during 1776 when the colonies were talking about independance and freedom and a war to get it.
Speaking of countries seeking independence from the British Empire...
How did Gandhi's fight for Indian independence from the British Empire turn out? Did he end up having any luck? Or is India still a jewel of the British crown?
Gandhi>Bush said:
India has it's independence.
So, do you suppose that says anything about how Gandhi would "have done during 1776 when the colonies were talking about independance and freedom and a war to get it?"
I'm almost postive I addressed that up there.



That was 1776. This is 2005.

1776 - People look up at the moon and think, "Cool."

2005 - People look up at the moon and think, "Been there; done that."
Gandhi>Bush said:
I'm almost postive I addressed that up there. ::points::
Work with me here.
I addressed Satin [why not Silk?] and you responded.
I'm not sure if you could tell from my post to Satin [why not Silk?] that I was already well aware of India's independence and the roles Gandhi played in bringing this about. My comment to Satin [why not Silk?] was to point out to Satin [why not Silk?] that Mr. Gandhi had had some success re the British Empire and gaining independence for a country. I was laboring under what may be a misapprehension that Satin [why not Silk?] had not considered these facts when he posted his pithy hypothetical question about Mr. Gandhi and the American Revolution.

Please overlook my plodding commentary.
dont you mean everyone deserves democracy that is an oil rich country/or one that has a pipeline that could choke a horse (amoung other large animals). I dont see the US invading North Korea, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Pakistan, Myanmar, Kazakstan, Libya, Sudan or any other handful of African countries that all have dictators. Not to mention all those countries that have a one party system of government that dont enjoy the fruits of democracy. I mean I'm all for war (mostly) but lets face facts here and stop b/s'ing yourself....Iraq and democracy, doesnt get us anywhere if not for the $$$ at the end of the rainbow....and quite frankly I cant aruge against that. I can even say that, and still be a liberal :wink:
OOPS....wrong thread
I'll take my post and go elsewhere.....you know, where it belongs :lol:
Ghandi is defiantly on my top of best role models.

It's him then Mumia.
satinloveslibs said:
I have said earlier that I'm against the war, but that has changed. Everyone deserves a democracy and democracy is for everyone. Maybe if you liberals would stop being bitter and only care about money then you can care for the people who have had a horrible life living in a country run by a dictator. A life is more precious than money. Freedom is greater than money.

Forget everything you said?
Why would anyone read a word that you say when you use a name that shows such contempt.
yeah you know....Im thinking about it more now...why did I waste my time writing in response to that

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