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Ford lawyers say she is open to testifying, but not Monday (1 Viewer)

Supreme court nomination or White House janitor. They may be motivated. There is no reason to believe the motivation is toward the left.

The left in this case is acting stupid, Extremely stupid. The left will always be the left. And they will vote accordingly. The independents, women included, are a different matter. IMO they tend to be the most informed.
A sharp recent decline in Indie approval cannot be a good thing, regardless of how you attempt to portray it. And it will have at least some effect on the midterms. How can it not?
LOL First time I agree with, Give her her chance. Let the chips fall

Here are the 2 points prior highlighted though.

1) The Current Hearing is a congressional Nomination Hearing, NOT a Trial hearing. So then to be fair LETS Separate it. Congressional hearing stays on TRACK to see if he is FIT for the SCOTUS pick
2) If there is equatable facts and the ability to setup a CRIMINAL hearing then do so as well.
3) IF the Nomination hearing goes through and he is PICKED to the SCOTUS BUT the criminal hearing is found to be just and he is TRIED and found guilty likely he will have to resign or be removed as a SCOTUS judge? SO lets be fair and provide DUE process FOR BOTH Kavannah and FORD.

Does that sound like a compromise? Lets face it I doubt the other 8 judges would be willing to decided on Roe vs Wade if there is a criminal hearing on one of their fellow judges right.

If the GOP enter into negotiations with her, the dam will open and there will be no way to go but down the floodwaters waters of discontent.

You left out a chunk from the statement, particularly "terms that are fair". That has to be defined by her lawyers and it can't be of the type that tip the scales of justice or bend the rules in her favor. That is not how it works. At this point, she has hijacked the confirmation process with the way everything seems to be going daily. It is why the Senate Committee needs to be firm with how they will proceed. This is a scheduled event that she has no right to negotiate. It is not like a doctor's or hair appointment you can just change because you don't feel good that day. Like with a court hearing, ball game or plane flight you are either there or it continues on without you.

This is all about getting Kavanaugh's appointment quashed and hopefully winning the House and Senate in November. After that, the Democrats won't let Trump seat another judge ever.

The only way forward for Kavanaugh is through being approved and seated on SCOTUS. The Republicans need to protect Kavanaugh from the ruination the Democrats and his accuser are trying to force upon him.
Reps have to be strong, and realize that the only outcome the Democrats want is for Kavanaugh to be thwarted. They do not care one iota what they have to do to make that happen.

Hold the hearing on Monday. Let the Democrats and already-insane "resistance" yowl, howl and march. Screw them all.

Reps have to act, not react.

Rock and a hard place. If Ford sets a firm date for next week and they turn her down, there will be more hell to pay.
Now any later than next week or if she later backs out of that next week date, then Grassley should move forwards.

One thing that people are not considering is when she testifies what will Republicans do if her testimony is compelling enough that it deserves an investigation?

How are they going to spin that?

Her lawyer said her 'reasonable terms' are

"Dr. Ford has asked me to let you know that she appreciates the various options you have suggested. Her strong preference continues to be for the Senate Judiciary Committee to allow for a full investigation prior to her testimony."

Delaying, period.
If I were Grassley, I'd say "fine, be first thing Tuesday" or be in contempt of Congress. This BS has to stop.
Even her supporter is not reliable. She has retracted.

Kavanaugh Accuser's Classmate: 'That It Happened Or Not, I Have No Idea'

A former classmate of Christine Blasey Ford tells NPR that she does not know if an alleged sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh took place as she first suggested on social media.

"That it happened or not, I have no idea," Cristina King Miranda told NPR's Nina Totenberg. "I can't say that it did or didn't."

That's different from what Miranda wrote Wednesday in a now-deleted Facebook post that stated definitively, "The incident DID happen, many of us heard about it in school."
IT depends, if they yell at her or are asses it will go poorly. If they are deferential to her and merely ask simple but tough questions that she cannot answer...
Agreed, to a point.

And not that I'm trying hem & haw here, but I just see her testimony as nothing good for them. Even if it goes "good", it will actually be minimally bad. I just don't see a good thing with televising her across the country, regardless of her testimony. And she will have friendly Dems on the panel, too.
Her lawyer said her 'reasonable terms' are

"Dr. Ford has asked me to let you know that she appreciates the various options you have suggested. Her strong preference continues to be for the Senate Judiciary Committee to allow for a full investigation prior to her testimony."

Delaying, period.
In all fairness, "strong preference" does not equate with "demands".

If anything, it seems like a negotiation point.
In all fairness, "strong preference" does not equate with "demands".

If anything, it seems like a negotiation point.

I didn't say 'demands'.
shes had since 1982 to prepare....monday is still too soon.
There are few law enforcement entities better prepared to protect an individual from outside threats than those assigned to the capital. I’d love to understand how in the world the death threats make Monday impossible, as that would seemingly be a decision (in terms of the ability to keep her safe) that would be best made in conjunction with the forces that would be charged with doing such

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Her lawyer said her 'reasonable terms' are

"Dr. Ford has asked me to let you know that she appreciates the various options you have suggested. Her strong preference continues to be for the Senate Judiciary Committee to allow for a full investigation prior to her testimony."

Delaying, period.
Hoping that someone else will come out from his past to lend credence to her allegations, plain and simple.
Her lawyer said her 'reasonable terms' are

"Dr. Ford has asked me to let you know that she appreciates the various options you have suggested. Her strong preference continues to be for the Senate Judiciary Committee to allow for a full investigation prior to her testimony."

Delaying, period.

That’s not reasonable terms, that’s just saying the exact same thing she was saying before the deadline, but acting like it’s different. At this point I’m beginning to more and more buy into the “there’s an orchestrated effort to use this simply to delay” narrative.

If that’s really their response, I say stick to the guns. Grassley made it abundantly clear; he was being accommodating but also fair to the process as a whole. She either agrees to the Monday hearing by tomorrow at 10 or you go forward with the info that’s currently available.

Saying “okay I’ll come, if you meet the requirements I’ve been ‘demanding’ and you and the fbi already said you won’t do” is not a “reasonable” response to Grassley a deadline.

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There are few law enforcement entities better prepared to protect an individual from outside threats than those assigned to the capital. I’d love to understand how in the world the death threats make Monday impossible, as that would seemingly be a decision (in terms of the ability to keep her safe) that would be best made in conjunction with the forces that would be charged with doing such

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Sad to say, invoking death threats is a total wash. Yeah? and...?

I'm posting this quote large and red because it reflects just how disgusted I am with the Left's pity party for Dr. Ford, who is playing games with peoples' LIVES at this point.
These people have to live their lives, too, and never expected the vulgar, frightening circus their lives and the lives of their children have become.

"Separately, Judge Kavanaugh’s wife, Ashley Estes Kavanaugh, received violent threats this week following the allegations against her husband, a senior Trump administration official said Thursday. The U.S. Marshals Service is investigating the emails.

Mrs. Kavanaugh received two profane notes in her work email account in recent days, the official said. Both notes, which have been reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, were sent from the same email address.

Citing intelligence reports, the official said that “Threats, including to his (Judge Kavanaugh’s) wife, have risen this week.”

One note to Mrs. Kavanaugh, a town manager in the Washington, D.C. suburbs read, “May you, your husband and your kids burn in hell.”

The other, whose subject line reads, “Hi, Ashley,” said she should tell her husband to “put a bullet in his … skull.”


So, cry me a river, Dems. This all ALL your handiwork.
Sad to say, invoking death threats is a total wash. Yeah? and...?

I'm posting this quote large and red because it reflects just how disgusted I am with the Left's pity party for Dr. Ford, who is playing games with peoples' LIVES at this point.
These people have to live their lives, too, and never expected the vulgar, frightening circus their lives and the lives of their children have become.

"Separately, Judge Kavanaugh’s wife, Ashley Estes Kavanaugh, received violent threats this week following the allegations against her husband, a senior Trump administration official said Thursday. The U.S. Marshals Service is investigating the emails.

Mrs. Kavanaugh received two profane notes in her work email account in recent days, the official said. Both notes, which have been reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, were sent from the same email address.

Citing intelligence reports, the official said that “Threats, including to his (Judge Kavanaugh’s) wife, have risen this week.”

One note to Mrs. Kavanaugh, a town manager in the Washington, D.C. suburbs read, “May you, your husband and your kids burn in hell.”

The other, whose subject line reads, “Hi, Ashley,” said she should tell her husband to “put a bullet in his … skull.”


So, cry me a river, Dems. This all ALL your handiwork.

Just when I didn't think this circus fun house couldn't get anymore creepy.
Republicans refusing FBI investigation out of fear of committing a felony of lying to the FBI doesn't sound very convincing.

The FBI themselves have said they aren't going to investigate this thing. The Republican have nothing to do with it.
Republicans refusing FBI investigation out of fear of committing a felony of lying to the FBI doesn't sound very convincing.
poweRob trying Debate Politics forum post out of fear of concocting a message of nonsensical rambling to other readers doesn't sound very coherent.
The FBI themselves have said they aren't going to investigate this thing. The Republican have nothing to do with it.

I wonder how many times the above must be repeated on this forum before some go do some research and realize that this 'Republican obstructing the FBI from doing an investigation' is pure nonsense?
Hoping that someone else will come out from his past to lend credence to her allegations, plain and simple.

If democrats can find no credible witness to support the allegations they need not fear. Bill Clinton's former 'war room' director is now quietly advising Dr. Ford.


Democrat super-activist Ricki Seidman is now on the job, and may have been on the job for a long time already. She worked for the Dukakis, Mondale, and Clinton campaigns. She served as Joe Biden's communications director and managed the confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor to the SCOTUS.
She ran attack ads against Robert Bork while she was legal director for Norman Lear's leftist activist group People for the American Way. She was working for Ted Kennedy when she convinced Anita Hill to make allegations against Clarence Thomas in what became known as a high-tech democrat lynching of a conservative black man.

This woman is an amazon for the cause and she is driving the train to try to derail the Kavanaugh nomination. To hell with her and her demoncrap co-conspirators.
If democrats can find no credible witness to support the allegations they need not fear. Bill Clinton's former 'war room' director is now quietly advising Dr. Ford.


Democrat super-activist Ricki Seidman is now on the job, and may have been on the job for a long time already. She worked for the Dukakis, Mondale, and Clinton campaigns. She served as Joe Biden's communications director and managed the confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor to the SCOTUS.
She ran attack ads against Robert Bork while she was legal director for Norman Lear's leftist activist group People for the American Way. She was working for Ted Kennedy when she convinced Anita Hill to make allegations against Clarence Thomas in what became known as a high-tech democrat lynching of a conservative black man.

This woman is an amazon for the cause and she is driving the train to try to derail the Kavanaugh nomination. To hell with her and her demoncrap co-conspirators.

The Democrat partisan activist, who has a history of smear tactics, is going to have to do a lot more for Ford than to say, "I believe her." How's she going to plug the holes in her story after the fact?
Big mistake leaning on Ricki Seidman.
The optics look bad.
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That's just sad. The only example you can come up with is her care and concern for the safety of people who are not citizens of the US, yet she got her position through being elected by citizens who would expect her to care about their safety.

Oh that's right, you're a Republican, the ones that scream that women are killing babies by having legal abortions but don't give 2 cents for 12,000 kids that were forcefully separated from their parents and essentially 'lost' to society since the government committed a double crime by not complying with a federal order to return them and now they don't who those kids belong to. How do you sanctimonious 'good christian' Republicans even sleep at night with that on your conscience? I don't care if they're illegal, or if they came right out of the wombs of serial killers, those are innocent children that never hurt anyone.
She didn't' care when Obama was doing it... neither did you.

You don't know what you're talking about. You've heard pieces and bits of fake news from Fox. Presidents Bush and Obama did not have policies that resulted in the mass separation of parents and children like we’re seeing under the Jeff Sessions and Trump administration. Not even close. The likely reason you will not find any data on this is because it was done in “really limited circumstances” such as suspicion of trafficking or other fraud. Bush and Obama administrations used family detention facilities, allowing the whole family to stay together while awaiting their deportation case in immigration court, or alternatives to detention, which required families to be tracked but released from custody to await their court date.

So, please...do NOT equate the way immigration family detention were in the administrations of both George Bush and Barack Obama, there is absolutely no humane reason that 12,000 little children are virtually lost in this country and hidden from the eyes of the public.
Grassley has every choice. Most obvious is to stick with the Monday 10:00 hearing. No show? Vote at noon.

I think you give women far too little credit. Stupid they're not. If there is any wrath directed, it will most likely be directed at the stallers.

Greetings, Jimbo. :2wave:

:agree: I'm unclear on why she is being treated with kid gloves about something that happened nearly 40 years ago - when she can't even recall enough about some party she attended back then, such as where and why the party was held, who was there, how she got there, were her female friends also invited, etc. Also, I sure wasn't aware that anyone can inform the Senate which terms will apply to their meetings, and what rules will apply if someone asks a question for clarification on something she has stated. This is certainly one of the most peculiar events that I've ever read about! :yes: and definitely a :thumbdown:
The Democrat partisan activist, who has a history of smear tactics, is going to have to do a lot more for Ford than to say, "I believe her." How's she going to plug the holes in her story after the fact?
Big mistake leaning on Ricki Seidman.
The optics look bad.

While the Kavanaugh team has been investigating this claim since it was made with Kavanaugh and three other names mentioned by Ms. Ford along with another in their investigation signed sworn affidavits swearing to their testimonies and if proved to be lies face a felony. All sworn affidavits prove Kavanaugh's innocence. A lawyer that clerked for Scalia who has been working on this investigation stated the information that they have compiled will leave no cloud over Kavanaugh and he will be confirmed.
Greetings, Jimbo. :2wave:

:agree: I'm unclear on why she is being treated with kid gloves about something that happened nearly 40 years ago - when she can't even recall enough about some party she attended back then, such as where and why the party was held, who was there, how she got there, were her female friends also invited, etc. Also, I sure wasn't aware that anyone can inform the Senate which terms will apply to their meetings, and what rules will apply if someone asks a question for clarification on something she has stated. This is certainly one of the most peculiar events that I've ever read about! :yes: and definitely a :thumbdown:


I think the kid gloves treatment is because it's all they got. At this point I am beginning to believe that they had less than nothing a couple weeks ago and created something. I don't believe she will ever testify. She has nothing to say, and that will all too soon be apparent.
I'm very sorry to hear of your tragedy. I have a 14 year old daughter and I can't imagine something like .

That being said, all incidents are different and all people react differently
Was she drunker than she thought, was she drugged? Did she suffer from PTSD, did she hit her head in the struggle?

There are lot of reasons for her memory to be fragmented.

She said she sought medical treatment after the attempted rape. If so, why is there no record of it?
A medical record would have a date on it. IF we have a date, we can find out where Kavanaugh was on that particular day.
Who knows, maybe he was on vacation with his folks, at summer camp or something similar.

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