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For Conservatives: Who do you think is worse -- Obama or Sanders? (1 Viewer)

Who is worse as President?

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German guy

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Jun 9, 2010
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Berlin, Germany
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This is no trick or bait question, I'm seriously curious:

Who do you think would be worse as President -- Obama or Sanders?

And why?
This is no trick or bait question, I'm seriously curious:

Who do you think would be worse as President -- Obama or Sanders?

And why?
What if you like both of them?
What if you like both of them?

Sorry, I forgot the option ... I assumed when you identify as conservative, you dislike both on some level.

But I guess technically, you could choose the third option in that case. ;)
I will enjoy reading this thread...
Probably Sanders, if he could get all his trinkets passed. I don't think Obama has been all that bad. Not my favorite, but certainly not as bad as I thought he'd be.
Obama lied and knew he was lying, making false promises. Sanders believes what he says and would actually try to do what he says he'll try to do.
Doesn't matter. Obama is a lame duck and Sanders is a lame dick.
Sorry, I forgot the option ... I assumed when you identify as conservative, you dislike both on some level.

But I guess technically, you could choose the third option in that case. ;)
Ah, my bad Guy; I missed "For Conservatives" in your thread title.

Oh well.

I think there are some good conservative ideas, but since I often lean liberal or progressive and don't identify as conservative, I'll let you guys carry-on without me tainting the data! :thumbs:
In terms of policy Sanders, but in terms of all around horrible president, Obama. Neither one of them have much respect for the Constitution or the rule of law and I'm not entirely confident that Sanders can do basic math, but Obama is just a complete ****ing asshole that divides the country more from the way he comes across alone than any of stupid robbing the treasury douchebaggery that Sanders has in mind.
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Ah, my bad Guy; I missed "For Conservatives" in your thread title.

Oh well.

I think there are some good conservative ideas, but since I often lean liberal & progressive and don't identify as conservative, I'll let you guys carry-on without me! :thumbs:

Yeah, I realize now I should have made this poll more open, to include people who don't identify as conservative ...

I don't identify as conservative either. Not even American. But I'm genuinely curious about the answers.
One of them was a useless drug using free loader who never held a real job, while the other was a freeloader who never held a real job until his forties.
This is no trick or bait question, I'm seriously curious:

Who do you think would be worse as President -- Obama or Sanders?

And why?

Sanders. Obama is at least nominally a Christian, and he's not a socialist. Moreover, there's a sincerity to Sanders that makes him more dangerous (insofar as they both adhere to terrible ideas).

Obama lied and knew he was lying, making false promises. Sanders believes what he says and would actually try to do what he says he'll try to do.

As a practical matter; that makes Sanders worse. Corrupt liars can eventually be satisfied, but idealist radicals can never be.
Sanders, in the sense that his socialism is more "advanced", thus being even further from my own liberal (in the European sense of the word) views than Obama's.

Until recently, I would say "Obama", in the sense that someone like Sanders has no chance to obtain real power, but these days I don't know if that is true anymore.
Let's say, if given the horrible choice between Sanders, Hillary, Obama and Trump, I would choose Obama without hesitation.
Obama is worse. He's a race huckster and is fundamentally anti-american. Bernie is cute and fuzzy and sincerely believes in his puppys and rainbows agenda. Even as president he would mostly be neutered on domestic issues.
Obama is worse. He's a race huckster and is fundamentally anti-american. Bernie is cute and fuzzy and sincerely believes in his puppys and rainbows agenda. Even as president he would mostly be neutered on domestic issues.

I find Obama to be a great representation of everything good about America, certainly not anti-american.
Now if you want an Anti-American, take one good look at Ted Cruz. The only thing that Cruz seems to really stand for that is not just obvious pandering, is his hatred for America.

I have to agree about Bernie though. I love the guy and his ideals are legit, but his agenda would be as disruptive as Cruz. Total gridlock and collapse of the system either way.
I find Obama to be a great representation of everything good about America, certainly not anti-american.
Now if you want an Anti-American, take one good look at Ted Cruz. The only thing that Cruz seems to really stand for that is not just obvious pandering, is his hatred for America.

I have to agree about Bernie though. I love the guy and his ideals are legit, but his agenda would be as disruptive as Cruz. Total gridlock and collapse of the system either way.

Can you be more specific why you think he hates "America"?
How do I choose between a corrupt crook for sale and a communist idiot? Oh, I know, I will write-in Charles Manson for his leadership qualities and the ability to attract women followers.

"America" is in a sorry state when these two characters from a bad sitcom is the best the U.S. Communist Party - my apologies, the Democrat party - can offer.
This is no trick or bait question, I'm seriously curious:

Who do you think would be worse as President -- Obama or Sanders?

And why?

I see little distinction between the two.

Both share the same ideology and if they had their way would do the same amount of damage.

Obama's done enough damage, Sanders would just finish off the Republic.
I find Obama to be a great representation of everything good about America, certainly not anti-american.
Now if you want an Anti-American, take one good look at Ted Cruz. The only thing that Cruz seems to really stand for that is not just obvious pandering, is his hatred for America.

I have to agree about Bernie though. I love the guy and his ideals are legit, but his agenda would be as disruptive as Cruz. Total gridlock and collapse of the system either way.

Whats twisted view of America you have

Obama called the Constitution a charter of negative liberties and then went on a World wide apology tour

Obama thinks America and the fundamental principles it was founded on are the problem, not the solution.

He thinks its the Governments job to be the arbiter of " fairness ", he thinks its the Governments job to distribute wealth and to punish success

Bernie's a Socialist , a dinosaur representing a failed ideology that not compatible with our founding principles.
His solsolution is to force our Nation to devolve into a simile of some Western Europe hell hole.

Cruz has a history if defending the Constitution and please name one time where Cruz said he hates America.
This is no trick or bait question, I'm seriously curious:

Who do you think would be worse as President -- Obama or Sanders?

And why?

Hm. Hard to answer. I would bet that they would be very similar, with the exception that Sanders is more likely to end up in fights with other Democrats.

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