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For all the ignorant pro trans-girls playing with actual girls (1 Viewer)


Just waiting for my set...
DP Veteran
Sep 29, 2007
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All we heard a couple of years ago was "so what if one boy here or there beats the girls... it only affects a few girls" or "trans girls do not have an advantage". It doesn't. I said from day one that girls all the way down the line are affected from the 12 girl on the basketball team who lost the seat to a boy to a whole team forfeiting. ALL the girls are affected. Not just a few.

I know that most people did not participate in sports past youth soccer, much less be top level competitive... so they don't really understand or care, until their daughter gets slammed by a boy... and then you will have to hear, "oh golly gee... girls don't hurt girls?" with some stupid ass smirk on their face... as they never had played sports themselves. Ref a girls soccer game then a boys game... see the difference.

But those that should hear this won't because they are misogynists and do not care about females.

All we heard a couple of years ago was "so what if one boy here or there beats the girls... it only affects a few girls" or "trans girls do not have an advantage". It doesn't. I said from day one that girls all the way down the line are affected from the 12 girl on the basketball team who lost the seat to a boy to a whole team forfeiting. ALL the girls are affected. Not just a few.

I know that most people did not participate in sports past youth soccer, much less be top level competitive... so they don't really understand or care, until their daughter gets slammed by a boy... and then you will have to hear, "oh golly gee... girls don't hurt girls?" with some stupid ass smirk on their face... as they never had played sports themselves. Ref a girls soccer game then a boys game... see the difference.

But those that should hear this won't because they are misogynists and do not care about females.

You got one part right. I don't care.
I know that most people did not participate in sports past youth soccer, much less be top level competitive

Well, I didn't but my daughter did participate at the top level in the world so this never effected her. No one was going to push her off a roster.
That said, I support trans in their struggle for acceptance but not in their demands to be accepted for what they are not.
No trans should ever play on a girls sports team.
the loudest mouthpieces about sports on the right-wing griftmobile are a woman who lost to a child and a woman who came in 5th place. maybe they should consider not being losers

All we heard a couple of years ago was "so what if one boy here or there beats the girls... it only affects a few girls" or "trans girls do not have an advantage". It doesn't. I said from day one that girls all the way down the line are affected from the 12 girl on the basketball team who lost the seat to a boy to a whole team forfeiting. ALL the girls are affected. Not just a few.

I know that most people did not participate in sports past youth soccer, much less be top level competitive... so they don't really understand or care, until their daughter gets slammed by a boy... and then you will have to hear, "oh golly gee... girls don't hurt girls?" with some stupid ass smirk on their face... as they never had played sports themselves. Ref a girls soccer game then a boys game... see the difference.

But those that should hear this won't because they are misogynists and do not care about females.

Would you rather that cisgender females compete on an equal basis with trans-guys who were born biologically female, despite the testosterone they use to transition into male, or would you prefer that they compete with trans females who transitioned at a young age when there is very little athletic advantage because their teenage bodies never matured as male?

Why is this now so a flaming big deal when trans kids have competed as their gender idneity for more than 20 years without an issue?

We get it that what you really want to do is to erase transgender people because of your bigotry but that just isn't going to happen, so take your pick of the above choices.
You got one part right. I don't care.
Who cares about girls or girls sports... right? A position taken by non-athletes, parents without daughters and/or misogynists... *shrug*
the loudest mouthpieces about sports on the right-wing griftmobile are a woman who lost to a child and a woman who came in 5th place. maybe they should consider not being losers
Sounds like you know very little about sports. No girl ever beat a Top Varsity male athlete.

Calling girls that lose to boys losers is a huge sign of misogyny.

Of course you missed the whole point that the girl that got 5th would have gotten 4th if the boy was not competing.

And the girl that loses out to the boy for the last spot on the Freshman team also loses out...
but you would rather insult girls for daring to speak out about fairness. LOL
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All we heard a couple of years ago was "so what if one boy here or there beats the girls... it only affects a few girls" or "trans girls do not have an advantage". It doesn't. I said from day one that girls all the way down the line are affected from the 12 girl on the basketball team who lost the seat to a boy to a whole team forfeiting. ALL the girls are affected. Not just a few.

I know that most people did not participate in sports past youth soccer, much less be top level competitive... so they don't really understand or care, until their daughter gets slammed by a boy... and then you will have to hear, "oh golly gee... girls don't hurt girls?" with some stupid ass smirk on their face... as they never had played sports themselves. Ref a girls soccer game then a boys game... see the difference.

But those that should hear this won't because they are misogynists and do not care about females.

What if the trans girl never went through male puberty?
Would you rather that cisgender females compete on an equal basis with trans-guys who were born biologically female, despite the testosterone they use to transition into male, or would you prefer that they compete with trans females who transitioned at a young age when there is very little athletic advantage because their teenage bodies never matured as male?
What age did the trans woman start transition? Do we have a study on the hormone levels of their “never matured” bodies are? What’s the rule? What about males that haven’t taken any meds yet and are full adults? I personally think there are more options than you present here but if forced to chose between those I would chose the trans man on testosterone, 1,000%
Why is this now so a flaming big deal when trans kids have competed as their gender idneity for more than 20 years without an issue?
I didn’t know trans kids were competing as their gender before this? When did that happen? The issue is there is a clear advantage. Even after a year on hormones the man is still on average taller, much stronger, better connective tissues, they are born with more fast twitch muscle fibers and women with more slow twitch muscle fibers, and they are faster and can jump higher..,just to name a few things. Its not even close and its an issue when a trans women gets a scholarship another woman could have had.
We get it that what you really want to do is to erase transgender people because of your bigotry but that just isn't going to happen, so take your pick of the above choices.
I’m not the person who you responded with this ti but it’s not about erasing trans people, that’s why no one is complaining about trans men joining a men’s team. There’s serious differences and I shit want cis women erased either.
To hell with those female players that were hurt by that biological male player. And to hell with those that don't want to get hurt.
Women sports belong to biological women, no others need apply.
Forcing others who are not biological women into women sports disenfranchises biological women in those sports.

All we heard a couple of years ago was "so what if one boy here or there beats the girls... it only affects a few girls" or "trans girls do not have an advantage". It doesn't. I said from day one that girls all the way down the line are affected from the 12 girl on the basketball team who lost the seat to a boy to a whole team forfeiting. ALL the girls are affected. Not just a few.

I know that most people did not participate in sports past youth soccer, much less be top level competitive... so they don't really understand or care, until their daughter gets slammed by a boy... and then you will have to hear, "oh golly gee... girls don't hurt girls?" with some stupid ass smirk on their face... as they never had played sports themselves. Ref a girls soccer game then a boys game... see the difference.

But those that should hear this won't because they are misogynists and do not care about females.

If the girls are bothered by it, they must speak up. It isn't our problem to solve.
Would you rather that cisgender females compete on an equal basis with trans-guys who were born biologically female, despite the testosterone they use to transition into male, or would you prefer that they compete with trans females who transitioned at a young age when there is very little athletic advantage because their teenage bodies never matured as male?

Why is this now so a flaming big deal when trans kids have competed as their gender idneity for more than 20 years without an issue?

We get it that what you really want to do is to erase transgender people because of your bigotry but that just isn't going to happen, so take your pick of the above choices.
The issue of women who transition to appear more male is a question of doping. They are gaining advantage by adding testosterone, etc., which is not allowed. They are free to transition, but not to compete by being artificially enhanced.

It's a big deal now because the numbers are increasing exponentially. 20 years ago this was a non-issue, because there weren't teenagers transitioning and then competing against girls.

You present false choices. Those aren't the only choices. One choice is, if you want to have a sex change procedure, you can't compete in regular sports. Sometimes those life choices have consequences.
The issue of women who transition to appear more male is a question of doping. They are gaining advantage by adding testosterone, etc., which is not allowed. They are free to transition, but not to compete by being artificially enhanced.

They are not women . They are trans-men and that testosterone is just as necessary to their bodies as a cisgender male. They are not doing it for athletic advantage as a female.
It's a big deal now because the numbers are increasing exponentially. 20 years ago this was a non-issue, because there weren't teenagers transitioning and then competing against girls.

No they are not increasing exponentially. That is nonsense. 20 years ago there were transgender teens because transition care for teens was first mention in 1980s in the DSM-III. It is still a non-issue and statistically insignificant. In Ohio there is a grand total of 6 trans females in HS sports, and non of them are very successful.
We all click because we're working towards the same goal, we're all working on bettering ourselves," Ember said. "That community — that's what softball provides me."

Only three transgender students have been approved for the upcoming spring sports season, the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) told News 5. Ember is one of them.

There are approximately 400,000 athletes participating in 7-12 athletics in the state, according to OHSAA. Ember and the five other girls are 0.000015% of the population. For the spring season, she and the two others represent 0.0000075%.

"It does feel like there's a target [on my back] and that they are using me and other trans female athletes as political pawns," she said.
You present false choices. Those aren't the only choices. One choice is, if you want to have a sex change procedure, you can't compete in regular sports. Sometimes those life choices have consequences.

BS. The younger a trans-female transitions the less athletic advantage they have because their body never matured as male, so they lack that musculature.

On Thursday, the U.S. Education Department announced a proposed change to Title IX, which prohibits sex-based discrimination in federally funded education programs. The proposal would make it illegal for schools to broadly ban transgender students from sports teams that align with their gender identity, rather than their assigned sex at birth.

The department says the move comes after two years of outreach to stakeholders across the country, and the changes still give schools some flexibility to ban transgender athletes depending on age and sport.

"Every student should be able to have the full experience of attending school in America, including participating in athletics, free from discrimination," said U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona. "Being on a sports team is an important part of the school experience for students of all ages."
Women sports belong to biological women, no others need apply.
Forcing others who are not biological women into women sports disenfranchises biological women in those sports.
Transgender guys, who were born female say hello.
All we heard a couple of years ago was "so what if one boy here or there beats the girls... it only affects a few girls" or "trans girls do not have an advantage". It doesn't. I said from day one that girls all the way down the line are affected from the 12 girl on the basketball team who lost the seat to a boy to a whole team forfeiting.
Exactly how is a whole team forfeiting a trans girls fault? It was the teams own refusal to play that caused this problem.

I know that most people did not participate in sports past youth soccer,
Really that's weird because I did in fact play football, basketball and baseball all through high school and some college.
In fact, as a Junior in high school our girls varsity basketball team would frequently scrimmage against us, the JV men's basketball team.
We weren't trans girls, we were 5 boys with all of our muscle and testosterone in tact, and they still chose to play against us.

In fact, right now I can tell you that there are girls happily competing against boys in a sport as tough as Wrestling. Because most girls don't like wrestling few high schools have a women's wrestling team at all. The result is the few girls who do compete, compete in the boys division.
This is also true of football and hockey. Two sports where a girl could potentially get hit very hard by a boy at high speed.

Throughout high-school and college, I competed in co-ed sporting events like Softball, in which girls(many of whom had little or no softball experience) had to field hard-line drive balls hit by grown men like me. Nobody seemed to mind. The girls enjoyed it just fine.
Sounds like you know very little about sports. No girl ever beat a Top Varsity male athlete.
I was a varsity athlete. In swimming and water polo though not basketball.
Calling girls that lose to boys losers is a huge sign of misogyny.
not what i said but when are you ever honest
Of course you missed the whole point that the girl that got 5th would have gotten 4th if the boy was not competing.
no the point is maybe she should have trained harder if she wanted to medal
And the girl that loses out to the boy for the last spot on the Freshman team also loses out...
why not use that as motivation to get better
but you would rather insult girls for daring to speak out about fairness. LOL
insult girls? no. girls are children. i dont insult children. what i do insult is grown adults whining about their inability to win
Who cares about girls or girls sports... right? A position taken by non-athletes, parents without daughters and/or misogynists... *shrug*

This is the kind of thing we'll look back at 20 years from now and say "What the hell were we thinking?"

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