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Folk songs are about folks and their lives. (1 Viewer)


Rocket Surgeon
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DP Veteran
Oct 25, 2012
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Folks worked on the Edmund Fitzgerald
Hurricane Carter

We both got what we asked for ... such a long time ago

Wasn’t shown that Carter was actually guilty, which is why Dylan doesn’t preform the song anymore?

So you are saying this is not a folk song? Maybe you do not understand the concept.
So you are saying this is not a folk song? Maybe you do not understand the concept.

I wasnt objecting to the song, I also didnt realize I wasnt allowed to comment on the songs either
I wasnt objecting to the song, I also didnt realize I wasnt allowed to comment on the songs either

glad we cleared that up. Not all folk songs are 100% true. Except 'John Henry' , of course.
As far as Folk music goes, nothing and I mean nothing, for me beats the extraordinary talent and storytelling of Stan Rogers.

He tragically died in a plane accident, but to anyone who’s ever heard his music, you can’t help but be touched by it.

Wasn’t shown that Carter was actually guilty, which is why Dylan doesn’t preform the song anymore?
He doesn't perform this one anymore
Now that I have been reminded of folk music being about 'folks' and their life experiences, I'm thinking of composing a catchy, upbeat tune that describes the last weeks of the Heaven's Gate members!
Now that I have been reminded of folk music being about 'folks' and their life experiences, I'm thinking of composing a catchy, upbeat tune that describes the last weeks of the Heaven's Gate members!

Pie In The Sky When You Die comes to mind.

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