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Flynt Schools Christians on Christianity (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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There is a sweet irony to this well written piece.


...the sorry parade of charlatans like Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Paula White, and all the other prime-time Elmer Gantrys—including the son, Jerry Falwell Jr. They’re obsessed above all with sexual behavior, ignoring and subverting the core message of Christianity—humility and compassion for the downtrodden—while embracing “prosperity gospel,” which is to say the gospel of greed above all other values.

They support Republican politicians eager to gut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare and other programs designed to do what Jesus Christ strived for: the reduction of human suffering in this vale of tears. They live in multimillion-dollar mansions and fly around in private jets, while fleecing their flock for “prayer donations” guaranteed to cure incurable diseases and afflictions. They forget that Jesus Christ only lost his temper and acted violently once: when driving the money-lenders from the temple.

When Larry Flynt has to remind people what Jesus was really about, you know the Christianists have lost their way.

I love this:
I repeat the sentiment that has guided me for decades: If there were ever to be a Second Coming of Jesus Christ, I have no doubt that his first order of business would be picking up a whip and banishing forever all the hucksters and false prophets who have perverted his message.
He nails it.
And who is Larry Flynt?
And who is Larry Flynt?

He was a dirty old man who printed murder porn and nudes of young women. Hardly anybody who would know about what Jesus would do. Neither would the OP.

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