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FLASHBACK: In 2006 joint appearance, Beck appeared to call Imam Rauf a "good Muslim" (1 Viewer)


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Mar 27, 2009
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FLASHBACK: In 2006 joint appearance, Beck appeared to call Imam Rauf a "good Muslim"

Grim and other Beckians better not watch the video clip. Seeing the utter hypocrisy of their master would be too much to handle.

One of the main lines of attack in the never-ending conservative freak-out over the plan to build an Islamic community center in downtown Manhattan has been attempting to smear the developers of the center -- Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf in particular -- as "radical." In their usual despicable fashion, conservative media figures have worked hard to blur the line between the terrorists who attacked us on 9-11 and the moderate Muslims who are behind the planned center.

One of the loudest voices in conservatives' fight against the center has been Glenn Beck, who has specifically targeted Imam Rauf with blatant falsehoods and hypocritical attacks in a desperate attempt to smear him as a radical.

Additionally, among other offensive comments, Beck has asked, "after you've killed 3,000 people you're going to now build your mosque?" He's also absurdly labeled the center an "actual danger" and suggested it is an "Allah-tells-me-to-blow-up-America mosque." Though we -- and many other outlets -- have repeatedly pointed out that Rauf is widely viewed as a moderate and has often denounced the extremists who carry out violent attacks in the name of Islam, Beck and his fellow demagogues continue to push the dishonest attack.

But Beck does not need to take our word for it that Imam Rauf is a moderate who distances himself from radicals -- Rauf told Beck as much while sitting at the same table with him during a 2006 discussion on ABC's Good Morning America.

I guess there was a time when Glenn didn't have his head crammed up his ass.
Re: FLASHBACK: In 2006 joint appearance, Beck appeared to call Imam Rauf a "good Musl

Notice that Laura Ingraham seems to for the Islamic center before she was against it. Watch the following video:

Re: FLASHBACK: In 2006 joint appearance, Beck appeared to call Imam Rauf a "good Musl

hazlnut, Glenn spent almost a whole hour making fun of you on his radio show today.

"Sure, sure..." LOL!
Re: FLASHBACK: In 2006 joint appearance, Beck appeared to call Imam Rauf a "good Musl

But Beck does not need to take our word for it that Imam Rauf is a moderate who distances himself from radicals -- Rauf told Beck as much while sitting at the same table with him during a 2006 discussion on ABC's Good Morning America.

Well!!! If the Imam said it, it must be true, yes? No.
Re: FLASHBACK: In 2006 joint appearance, Beck appeared to call Imam Rauf a "good Musl

hazlnut, Glenn spent almost a whole hour making fun of you on his radio show today.

"Sure, sure..." LOL!

I was laughing so hard I thought I'd pee.
Sure... sure.... that's it that's what they got sure...sure there you said it four times...

Maddow didn't even do audia she just made it look like Beck had been with Rauf under friendly circumstances. Not sure, but I think she made it seem like this was real recent and not 5 yrs ago.
Re: FLASHBACK: In 2006 joint appearance, Beck appeared to call Imam Rauf a "good Musl

Gulping at nothingburgers. Why?
Re: FLASHBACK: In 2006 joint appearance, Beck appeared to call Imam Rauf a "good Musl

Notice that Laura Ingraham seems to for the Islamic center before she was against it. Watch the following video:

And notice Daisy Khan.. the wife of the Iman.. wru Burqua!? :)
Re: FLASHBACK: In 2006 joint appearance, Beck appeared to call Imam Rauf a "good Musl

Yeah, I just went ahead and quit reading the minute you had to go and start accusing others of being slaves to an entertainer.

If the brainwashing cap fits... they should wear it.

Not a lot of original thinking coming from the Beckians. Mostly regurgitation of that the Glenn learned them.
Re: FLASHBACK: In 2006 joint appearance, Beck appeared to call Imam Rauf a "good Musl

hazlnut, Glenn spent almost a whole hour making fun of you on his radio show today.

"Sure, sure..." LOL!

Yeah, he's good at spinning things for his fans... too bad we have the original transcript from his friendly appearance with Imam.

I guess Glenn relies on his Beckians to not be bright enough to check it out on their own. They just take his word for it.

Daily Show fans get to laugh at Glenn Beck and the sheep that watch him every night.
Re: FLASHBACK: In 2006 joint appearance, Beck appeared to call Imam Rauf a "good Musl

If the brainwashing cap fits... they should wear it.

Not a lot of original thinking coming from the Beckians. Mostly regurgitation of that the Glenn learned them.

So is it now fair for me to say "if the histrionic, mouthfoaming drama queen cap fits, you should wear it?"
Re: FLASHBACK: In 2006 joint appearance, Beck appeared to call Imam Rauf a "good Musl

Yeah, he's good at spinning things for his fans... too bad we have the original transcript from his friendly appearance with Imam.

I guess Glenn relies on his Beckians to not be bright enough to check it out on their own. They just take his word for it.

Daily Show fans get to laugh at Glenn Beck and the sheep that watch him every night.

OOOhhhhh.... Did you see that. It looked like Glenn was gesturing to the Imam when he said Good Muslims.
Glenn didn't even know who that guy was when they met. It was years ago for crying out loud. Media Matters will go to any lengths to spin things.

The sheep who watch the Daily Show on Comedy Central should expand their TV viewing so they don't get barainwashed by a leftist comedian.
Re: FLASHBACK: In 2006 joint appearance, Beck appeared to call Imam Rauf a "good Musl

hazlnut, Glenn spent almost a whole hour making fun of you on his radio show today.

"Sure, sure..." LOL!

Beck continues to deceive you, Mellie.

After playing the "sure, sure" comment, Beck responds in exasperated fashion by saying "that's it?!" But as we noted earlier, that was not, in fact, "it." In addition to appearing to endorse Sawyer's characterization of the distinction between Rauf and extremists, Beck later appeared to gesture to Rauf when Beck invoked the idea of "good Muslims." Beck left this part of the exchange out of the video he aired tonight and didn't mention it during his televised response.

Beck also left out the statement that preceded Sawyer's question to Beck about whether the extremists constitute just a "group" of Muslims, in which Rauf condemns the people who issued death threats against the Pope and political cartoonists. Rauf specifically said that "these reactions are not at all called for by Islamic teaching. The teachings of Islam are very similar to the teachings of Christianity, of loving the one God and loving thy neighbor. These are the two common principles."

Glenn Beck re-writes his 2006 conversation with Imam Rauf | Media Matters for America

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