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Flashback: Hillary Clinton Wants 500% More Refugees in USA (1 Viewer)


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Aug 1, 2014
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Hillary Clinton: U.S. should take 65,000 Syrian refugees - CBS News

From September 20, 2015:

Hillary Clinton on Face the Nation- "I would like to see us move from what is a good start with 10,000 to 65,000 and begin immediately to put into place the mechanisms for vetting the people that we would take in."

There should be no doubt about who the better candidate is for national security, and it ain't Hillary.
Hillary Clinton: U.S. should take 65,000 Syrian refugees - CBS News

From September 20, 2015:

Hillary Clinton on Face the Nation- "I would like to see us move from what is a good start with 10,000 to 65,000 and begin immediately to put into place the mechanisms for vetting the people that we would take in."

There should be no doubt about who the better candidate is for national security, and it ain't Hillary.

She is certainly a better choice than the one who celebrated himself after a terrorist attack, contradicted himself during his foreign policy, and wants to ban all Muslims - including our allies - from entering the country.
She is certainly a better choice than the one who celebrated himself after a terrorist attack, contradicted himself during his foreign policy, and wants to ban all Muslims - including our allies - from entering the country.

Please do tell me who our Muslim allies are?

Saudi Arabia?
I do believe the terrorist goal is to get the west into a war with all Muslims. Bet they are praying for Trumps election right now.
Please do tell me who our Muslim allies are?

Saudi Arabia?

Yes, we have muslim allies in those countries. As well as Qatar, the UAE, Malaysia, etc. etc.
I do believe the terrorist goal is to get the west into a war with all Muslims. Bet they are praying for Trumps election right now.

No they're not, because if Trump lives up to his words, how will those terrorists have access to the United States?
Yes, we have muslim allies in those countries. As well as Qatar, the UAE, Malaysia, etc. etc.

Qatar? Even Hillary Clinton has criticized Qatar for funding terrorism.

Saudi Arabia...uh, no. They supposedly bankrolled 9/11.

Pakistan...another no. Try traveling to Pakistan, and when you do, make sure to wear an American flag t shirt. Then be prepared to run, very fast.


U.A.E. ah yes, the government has capital punishment for gays and lesbians. You want them as allies?

Malaysia eh, maybe.

Egypt was our ally, before Obama sponsored the Arab Spring, which gave rise to radical Islam consuming every aspect of life in Egypt.

Got any more?
No they're not, because if Trump lives up to his words, how will those terrorists have access to the United States?

How do Mexican illegal immigrants have access? Trump is blowing smoke up your ass. I've driven down 0 Avenue in Surrey, BC with a ditch and three strand barb wire fence on the right and American houses on the other side. I've hiked trails in Glacier Park where the aluminum post marked the border and no-one cares. There's American and Canadian farmers who trade equipement use across the border without involving any government and nobody cares. Do you really think Donald Trump can make the USA a sealed-up society? He knows he can't, he's just playing you.
Oh my God. You do realize there are Americans and American interests all over the world? And do you really think we can close down our borders so tight, even if the Donald makes Canada and Mexico build them, no one can get in? Maybe that is why he is being so successful, so amazingly simplistic.
No they're not, because if Trump lives up to his words, how will those terrorists have access to the United States?
Oh my God. You do realize there are Americans and American interests all over the world? And do you really think we can close down our borders so tight, even if the Donald makes Canada and Mexico build them, no one can get in? Maybe that is why he is being so successful, so amazingly simplistic.

So, in your estimation, letting more people in will result in less terrorism?

And letting less people in will result in more terrorism?

Can you explain that?
How do Mexican illegal immigrants have access? Trump is blowing smoke up your ass. I've driven down 0 Avenue in Surrey, BC with a ditch and three strand barb wire fence on the right and American houses on the other side. I've hiked trails in Glacier Park where the aluminum post marked the border and no-one cares. There's American and Canadian farmers who trade equipement use across the border without involving any government and nobody cares. Do you really think Donald Trump can make the USA a sealed-up society? He knows he can't, he's just playing you.

We're not talking about a 'sealed up society ', were talking about logical immigration laws that favor people who have the most likelihood of contributing to the country.

Muslim immigration isn't contributing anything currently, besides terrorism and more people that we have to support.

The reason that the Canadian border may be lax is that we're not afraid of you. You're not the ones causing problems.
Yes, we need to improve our relationship with the 99.99% of peaceful Muslims. What the Donald spouts out, besides not even being possible just shows the peaceful Muslims America hates them, simply because they are Muslim. I am trying to picture the US you are talking about, sealed borders to Muslims, how would you do that? Maybe just all brown people that dress funny, yea that would keep them terrorist out...The Donald and his disciples are scary.
So, in your estimation, letting more people in will result in less terrorism?

And letting less people in will result in more terrorism?

Can you explain that?
Have you been to the Doctors office lately? Last I read 20-25,000 doctors in US are Muslims.
We're not talking about a 'sealed up society ', were talking about logical immigration laws that favor people who have the most likelihood of contributing to the country.

Muslim immigration isn't contributing anything currently, besides terrorism and more people that we have to support.

The reason that the Canadian border may be lax is that we're not afraid of you. You're not the ones causing problems.
Please do tell me who our Muslim allies are?

Saudi Arabia?

I get that you hate all muslims, so I won't bother to go any further with this debate other than to say that there are literally hundreds of millions of muslims out there that are willing to be your friend and accept you as you are.
Yes, we need to improve our relationship with the 99.99% of peaceful Muslims. What the Donald spouts out, besides not even being possible just shows the peaceful Muslims America hates them, simply because they are Muslim. I am trying to picture the US you are talking about, sealed borders to Muslims, how would you do that? Maybe just all brown people that dress funny, yea that would keep them terrorist out...The Donald and his disciples are scary.

How do we improve our relationship with Muslims? By giving them things? Did it improve race relations between whites and blacks over the past 40 some years?

You idea that Americans hate Muslims "just for being Muslim" is the most juvenile tripe I've ever heard. I'm sure Muslims around the world cry themselves to sleep at night because Americans view them suspiciously. That's blatantly uninformed.

Americans didn't distrust Muslims anymore than any other minority group prior to 9/11.

And how many cases of Muslim terror has there been since 9/11? Can you count that high?
I get that you hate all muslims, so I won't bother to go any further with this debate other than to say that there are literally hundreds of millions of muslims out there that are willing to be your friend and accept you as you are.

That's fine. I wasn't debating whether Muslims will be my friend, I was debating your idea that we have tons of allied Islamic countries out there.

If you can debate that topic that would be great.
By giving them things? You are mixing up your talking points.
How do we improve our relationship with Muslims? By giving them things? Did it improve race relations between whites and blacks over the past 40 some years?

You idea that Americans hate Muslims "just for being Muslim" is the most juvenile tripe I've ever heard. I'm sure Muslims around the world cry themselves to sleep at night because Americans view them suspiciously. That's blatantly uninformed.

Americans didn't distrust Muslims anymore than any other minority group prior to 9/11.

And how many cases of Muslim terror has there been since 9/11? Can you count that high?

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