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Flashback: 60 Minutes Campaigned for Biden (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 13, 2012
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This article is from 2020. 60 Minutes used to be the gold standard of journalistic investigation.

Now it's just one more shill for the Democrat Party Propaganda operation.

Flashback to the 2020 presidential campaign during which the Hunter Lap Top was left by Hunter Biden in a computer repair shop held by the shop operator with the receipt SIGNED BY HUNTER BIDEN.

60 Minutes presents itself as a news magazine show. It's a clown show pretending to be something it's not. Asking a guy if you can see the receipt is not like tracking down Deep Throat. It requires a phone call. THAT'S IT!

The legacy media is an embarrassment to journalism and to professionalism of any description.

This article is from 2020. 60 Minutes used to be the gold standard of journalistic investigation.

Now it's just one more shill for the Democrat Party Propaganda operation.

Flashback to the 2020 presidential campaign during which the Hunter Lap Top was left by Hunter Biden in a computer repair shop held by the shop operator with the receipt SIGNED BY HUNTER BIDEN.

60 Minutes presents itself as a news magazine show. It's a clown show pretending to be something it's not. Asking a guy if you can see the receipt is not like tracking down Deep Throat. It requires a phone call. THAT'S IT!

The legacy media is an embarrassment to journalism and to professionalism of any description.

60 Minutes lost it's credibility after "accidentally editing" their DeSantis interview.
The question now is why is the legacy media just now admitting that the Hunter Biden laptop is real? They must be releasing this in advance of something a lot bigger hitting soon,
This article is from 2020. 60 Minutes used to be the gold standard of journalistic investigation.

Now it's just one more shill for the Democrat Party Propaganda operation.

Flashback to the 2020 presidential campaign during which the Hunter Lap Top was left by Hunter Biden in a computer repair shop held by the shop operator with the receipt SIGNED BY HUNTER BIDEN.

60 Minutes presents itself as a news magazine show. It's a clown show pretending to be something it's not. Asking a guy if you can see the receipt is not like tracking down Deep Throat. It requires a phone call. THAT'S IT!

The legacy media is an embarrassment to journalism and to professionalism of any description.

That is really twisted logic. CBS not paying attention to this story is NOT campaigning for Biden.

You can admonish them for overlooking a story, that appeared to be a sensational sidecar, but that is a omission. "Campaigning for" is a active enterprise; what you are suggesting is not.
This article is from 2020. 60 Minutes used to be the gold standard of journalistic investigation.

Now it's just one more shill for the Democrat Party Propaganda operation.

Flashback to the 2020 presidential campaign during which the Hunter Lap Top was left by Hunter Biden in a computer repair shop held by the shop operator with the receipt SIGNED BY HUNTER BIDEN.

60 Minutes presents itself as a news magazine show. It's a clown show pretending to be something it's not. Asking a guy if you can see the receipt is not like tracking down Deep Throat. It requires a phone call. THAT'S IT!

The legacy media is an embarrassment to journalism and to professionalism of any description.

That is really twisted logic. CBS not paying attention to this story is NOT campaigning for Biden.

You can admonish them for overlooking a story, that appeared to be a sensational sidecar, but that is a omission. "Campaigning for" is a active enterprise; what you are suggesting is not.
Hush yo mouth!
I must once more say this OP proves, 100%, that my decision to not vote for Hunter Biden in the 2020 Presidential Election was the best decision I made that year!

This article is from 2020. 60 Minutes used to be the gold standard of journalistic investigation.

Now it's just one more shill for the Democrat Party Propaganda operation.

Flashback to the 2020 presidential campaign during which the Hunter Lap Top was left by Hunter Biden in a computer repair shop held by the shop operator with the receipt SIGNED BY HUNTER BIDEN.

60 Minutes presents itself as a news magazine show. It's a clown show pretending to be something it's not. Asking a guy if you can see the receipt is not like tracking down Deep Throat. It requires a phone call. THAT'S IT!

The legacy media is an embarrassment to journalism and to professionalism of any description.

What makes you think that article is pertinent today, right here, right now?
This article is from 2020. 60 Minutes used to be the gold standard of journalistic investigation.

Now it's just one more shill for the Democrat Party Propaganda operation.

Flashback to the 2020 presidential campaign during which the Hunter Lap Top was left by Hunter Biden in a computer repair shop held by the shop operator with the receipt SIGNED BY HUNTER BIDEN.

60 Minutes presents itself as a news magazine show. It's a clown show pretending to be something it's not. Asking a guy if you can see the receipt is not like tracking down Deep Throat. It requires a phone call. THAT'S IT!

The legacy media is an embarrassment to journalism and to professionalism of any description.

This article is from 2020. 60 Minutes used to be the gold standard of journalistic investigation.

Now it's just one more shill for the Democrat Party Propaganda operation.

Flashback to the 2020 presidential campaign during which the Hunter Lap Top was left by Hunter Biden in a computer repair shop held by the shop operator with the receipt SIGNED BY HUNTER BIDEN.

60 Minutes presents itself as a news magazine show. It's a clown show pretending to be something it's not. Asking a guy if you can see the receipt is not like tracking down Deep Throat. It requires a phone call. THAT'S IT!

The legacy media is an embarrassment to journalism and to professionalism of any description.

You do realize that at the time those emails couldn't be verified? Right?
This article is from 2020. 60 Minutes used to be the gold standard of journalistic investigation.

Now it's just one more shill for the Democrat Party Propaganda operation.

Flashback to the 2020 presidential campaign during which the Hunter Lap Top was left by Hunter Biden in a computer repair shop held by the shop operator with the receipt SIGNED BY HUNTER BIDEN.

60 Minutes presents itself as a news magazine show. It's a clown show pretending to be something it's not. Asking a guy if you can see the receipt is not like tracking down Deep Throat. It requires a phone call. THAT'S IT!

The legacy media is an embarrassment to journalism and to professionalism of any description.

So you should be able to admit that shop owner trafficked in stolen goods when he did not return Hunter's laptop to him.


Remember how freaked out people get over breaking the "chain of custody" when it comes to elections and the possible mishandling of ballots and how breaking that chain of custody could negate the legitimacy of those ballots?

Why should this alleged Hunter Biden laptop story not have been seen in the same light considering how many hands might have been on that laptop?

Not that anything on the laptop is in any way an indictment against legitimate 46th President Senile Old Sleepy Joe Biden who whipped Trump's ass in the 2020 Election without hardly leaving his basement.

So there is that!
This article is from 2020. 60 Minutes used to be the gold standard of journalistic investigation.

Now it's just one more shill for the Democrat Party Propaganda operation.

Flashback to the 2020 presidential campaign during which the Hunter Lap Top was left by Hunter Biden in a computer repair shop held by the shop operator with the receipt SIGNED BY HUNTER BIDEN.

60 Minutes presents itself as a news magazine show. It's a clown show pretending to be something it's not. Asking a guy if you can see the receipt is not like tracking down Deep Throat. It requires a phone call. THAT'S IT!

The legacy media is an embarrassment to journalism and to professionalism of any description.

Are you mad that a media outlet is slanted in one direction while claiming to be objective?


I’ve never heard you complain once about the ‘Fair snd Balanced’ network. Not once.
So what does the OP think about Trump's all out CAMPAIGN aided by Fox News et al to delegitimize the 2020 Election beginning as early as April 7th of 2020, seven months before the Election even took place?

Or is that "different" perhaps, because, Benghazi, or Hunter's laptop or something like that but just as equally absurd?

I am writing a test manuscript to pitch a new reality show to the FOX network.

The name will be The Real Housewives Of Hunter Biden's Laptop!

Think it will sell?
I heard the laptop was involved in a Deep State plot to hand the entire Trump family over to a basement dwelling satanist cabal who would sacrifice them to facilitate the release of COVID from Chinese wet markets, creating a panic among Americans who would then rush to get DNA altering vaccines crafted from fetal pigs diabolically aborted to entice humans into entering gay marriage in order to get sex changes so they could ruin women's sports. Afterwards the bodies of the Trumps would be ground into the filling for Lindell's pillows so we'd dream of a day when we were ruled by Putin and enjoyed green M&Ms wearing high heels.

What? It's what I heard.
The internet pictures tell them what to think.
What do you claim that picture is telling "them" to think?

Not to mention the fact that is you look at hunter biden laptop memes that are about 2,000,000 RWNJ memes for every left leaning one.
This article is from 2020. 60 Minutes used to be the gold standard of journalistic investigation.

Now it's just one more shill for the Democrat Party Propaganda operation.

Flashback to the 2020 presidential campaign during which the Hunter Lap Top was left by Hunter Biden in a computer repair shop held by the shop operator with the receipt SIGNED BY HUNTER BIDEN.

60 Minutes presents itself as a news magazine show. It's a clown show pretending to be something it's not. Asking a guy if you can see the receipt is not like tracking down Deep Throat. It requires a phone call. THAT'S IT!

The legacy media is an embarrassment to journalism and to professionalism of any description.

The most you can say about that, assuming:
  1. They had all the info about the situation (unlikely, since that's usually impossible).
  2. Knew it to be something that could hurt Joe Biden (which I'm not yet convinced is true).
Assuming all that, the most you could say is that they protected him.

Campaigning for him would involve more than that.

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