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First Trio "Married" in The Netherlands (1 Viewer)


Major General Big Lug
DP Veteran
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
There are some on the right that say that defining marriage should be done because giving the same rights for consenting adults would open the door for situations where MORE than two people would be able to have this union...

Well...it just happened...

First Trio "Married" in The Netherlands

The Netherlands and Belgium were the first countries to give full marriage rights to homosexuals. In the United States some politicians propose “civil unions” that give homosexual couples the full benefits and responsibilities of marriage. These civil unions differ from marriage only in name.

Meanwhile in the Netherlands polygamy has been legalised in all but name. Last Friday the first civil union of three partners was registered. Victor de Bruijn (46) from Roosendaal “married” both Bianca (31) and Mirjam (35) in a ceremony before a notary who duly registered their civil union.

“I love both Bianca and Mirjam, so I am marrying them both,” Victor said. He had previously been married to Bianca. Two and a half years ago they met Mirjam Geven through an internet chatbox. Eight weeks later Mirjam deserted her husband and came to live with Victor and Bianca. After Mirjam’s divorce the threesome decided to marry.

Victor: “A marriage between three persons is not possible in the Netherlands, but a civil union is. We went to the notary in our marriage costume and exchanged rings. We consider this to be just an ordinary marriage.”

As long as they're all consenting adults, I don't see any problem with three people getting married if that's what they want to do. But that's just me.

Polygamy really has nothing to do with homosexuality. It's possible to define marriage as between two people, without defining marriage as between a man and a woman. To claim that gay marriage opens the door to polygamy is ridiculous.

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