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First it was Rudy and now Roger has been added to the fold of court jesters. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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Political Leaning
First it was Rudy and now Roger has been added to the fold of court jesters, or should we call them the distractions for their poligician? Hold those two in the public eye while the maestro robs america blind.
First it was Rudy and now Roger has been added to the fold of court jesters, or should we call them the distractions for their poligician? Hold those two in the public eye while the maestro robs america blind.

Now you are starting to sound like those talking potato heads you like to listen to.
First it was Rudy and now Roger has been added to the fold of court jesters, or should we call them the distractions for their poligician? Hold those two in the public eye while the maestro robs america blind.

Roger Stone has always been a public fool and goes to get lengths to hone that image. Seeing him yesterday coming out of court with his stupid Nixonian arms spread in a giant V was the perfect introduction of Stone to much of the American public. I loved how the crowd booed him and talked over him. Notice what he said yesterday when he bragged that the only thing worse than being talked about is NOT being talked about. It gives the public insight into what a attention whore Stone is.

Make no mistake, he loved every minute of attention yesterday and I suspect he will be flattered when he is fought over in prison as well. The man simply loves attention and is shameless in getting it.
Roger Stone has always been a public fool and goes to get lengths to hone that image. Seeing him yesterday coming out of court with his stupid Nixonian arms spread in a giant V was the perfect introduction of Stone to much of the American public. I loved how the crowd booed him and talked over him. Notice what he said yesterday when he bragged that the only thing worse than being talked about is NOT being talked about. It gives the public insight into what a attention whore Stone is.

Make no mistake, he loved every minute of attention yesterday and I suspect he will be flattered when he is fought over in prison as well. The man simply loves attention and is shameless in getting it.

It's why him and donald are such good friends. Birds of a feather. Everyone should watch 'get me roger stone'. It's eye opening.

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