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First ferries return migrants to Turkey (1 Viewer)

Infinite Chaos

DP Veteran
Oct 28, 2007
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Political Leaning
The first boats were apparently loaded with 90% Pakistani and 2 Syrian migrants who had not claimed asylum have arrived in Dikili, Turkey.

Will this help solve the crisis? How long before this is challenged and overturned in an international court?
Let's hope wingnuts will finally stfu.
The first boats were apparently loaded with 90% Pakistani and 2 Syrian migrants who had not claimed asylum have arrived in Dikili, Turkey.

Will this help solve the crisis? How long before this is challenged and overturned in an international court?

So far it wont be overturned, not that the EU or Turkey would care if it did.

The first boats had mostly Pakistanis and 2 Syrians who did not apply for asylum. Turkey has over the last few weeks agreed extradition treaties with places like.. Pakistan, so they can send back their citizens.

The biggest question is if the illegal migrants will now go via Italy instead, and there it is far more tricky to make a deal with Libya.
A pressing problem also arising lies in reports (not just by Amnesty) of Syrian refugees in Turkey herself being sent back to Syria by Turkey.

Make deals with a foul regime and you wind up having made a foul deal.

The whole (recent) EU-Turkey setup won't resolve the refugee crisis anyway, it's simply a measure of stemming the refugee flow for the moment.

The Med. (from Libya etc.) may not provide the alternative opportunity of creating an onslaught of such vast number in such short time as the Balkan route did (Turkey to Greece and then overland), but the pertinent factor here is time, not the number (which will decrease only if there ever is an improvement in the refugees' home countries).

Breathing space for EU countries wrt problem far from resolved. Nothing more.
How would you like to be the man or woman nobody wants?
I understand the suspicion and all, and I guess they have their fellow neighbors to thank for that. Still, imagine yourself in their shoes for just a minute.

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