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First Arrest in Iraq Contract Rigging Scandal (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Robert J. Stein Jr, a US official appointed to the now defunct Iraq Provisional Authority, has been arrested for fraud, money laundering, and conspiracy. The prosecutor in the case says that they are working on 50 more criminal cases. Want to know where all that missing money to rebuild Iraq is? The prosecutors know, and we will find out all the sordid details when these cases start coming to trial.

What makes this interesting is that Stein spent 8 months in prison for fraud in 1996. Yet he was given a job with the Provisional Authority. The next thing you know he will be walking down a hall and bump into Bush. He will say "Pardon me", and Bush will reply "OK".

Article is here.
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danarhea said:
Robert J. Stein Jr, a US official appointed to the now defunct Iraq Provisional Authority, has been arrested for fraud, money laundering, and conspiracy. The prosecutor in the case says that they are working on 50 more criminal cases. Want to know where all that missing money to rebuild Iraq is? The prosecutors know, and we will find out all the sordid details when these cases start coming to trial.

Good, if they are guilty I hope they get punished.

What makes this interesting is that Stein spent 8 months in prison for fraud in 1996. Yet he was given a job with the Provisional Authority. The next thing you know he will be walking down a hall and bump into Bush. He will say "Pardon me", and Bush will reply "OK".

Do you know who appointed him or are you just desperately trying to to tie him to Bush somehow, anyhow. Seems to me this is evidence the Bush administration is going after anyone who tried to defraud to government.
Stinger said:
Good, if they are guilty I hope they get punished.

Do you know who appointed him or are you just desperately trying to to tie him to Bush somehow, anyhow. Seems to me this is evidence the Bush administration is going after anyone who tried to defraud to government.

Yes, it is good that they are going after them, but the fact that they hired a convicted felon in the first place says a lot about where they place the bar.
There is so much money missing in Iraq that you know the majority of it is getting stolen. Supposedly a lot of barrels of oil go missing in Iraq too..
They are not going to get to the bottom of this until they arrrest Cheney. But then, he might be hiding in an undisclosed location.:lol: :lol: :lol:
Yes, it is good that they are going after them, but the fact that they hired a convicted felon in the first place says a lot about where they place the bar.

Well do you know who "they" is and whether they in fact place the bar to allow him in or did he defraud whomever hired him?
Stinger said:
Well do you know who "they" is and whether they in fact place the bar to allow him in or did he defraud whomever hired him?

Defraud whoever hired him?

You have to be kidding me, of course. Ever hear of a background check? My small company does one every time we hire someone.

The guy has a prison record, for crying out loud. Are you trying to tell me that the administration was too stupid to find that out?

And as for your wordplay on the word "they", are you trying to tell me that the administration was not in charge of appointing members of the Iraq Provisional Authority? Are you trying to pull a Bill Clinton here? Trying to define what the meaning of the word "they" is? LMAO.
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danarhea said:
And as for your wordplay on the word "they", are you trying to tell me that the administration was not in charge of appointing members of the Iraq Provisional Authority? Are you trying to pull a Bill Clinton here? Trying to define what the meaning of the word "they" is? LMAO.
They didn't know Jeff Gannon was a male prostitute...:doh
Originally Posted by scottyz:
They didn't know Jeff Gannon was a male prostitute...
That's a bad analogy. How could the Administration possibly know if the male prostitute was never arrested. Someone who goes to prison has a verifiable record for the rest of his life. They [the Administration] should have checked.

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