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Firing Squad (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2012
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A Trump fanatic said Hillary should be "executed by firing squad for treason." What treason?

One can also say Trump should be executed by firing squad for his playing footsie with the enemy a la Putin.
Trump, Trump supporters and their nonsense... Well really this whole election makes me want to shoot myself.
A Trump fanatic said Hillary should be "executed by firing squad for treason." What treason?

One can also say Trump should be executed by firing squad for his playing footsie with the enemy a la Putin.

Clinton was very good friends with a top KKK member. You really wanna start bringing up fanatics?
Clinton was very good friends with a top KKK member. You really wanna start bringing up fanatics?

Is that why the KKK supports Trump?
Is that why the KKK supports Trump?

As far as I know, Trump doesn't have any friends that were part of the KKK. But I admire your attempt to deflect.
As far as I know, Trump doesn't have any friends that were part of the KKK. But I admire your attempt to deflect.

Hey you want to make "claims" I will feel free to do the same, you set the rules, not I.
Hey you want to make "claims" I will feel free to do the same, you set the rules, not I.

Yea, except what I stated is backed up by truth. Your claim has nothing to do with my claim, nor does it imply that Trump supports the KKK.
Yea, except what I stated is backed up by truth. Your claim has nothing to do with my claim, nor does it imply that Trump supports the KKK.

You stated that you do not know if he has any connections to the KKK, that is the truth. Does not matter if he supports them, they obviously see a kindred spirit in him.
You stated that you do not know if he has any connections to the KKK, that is the truth. Does not matter if he supports them, they obviously see a kindred spirit in him.

Yea, well the head of the Californian KKK endorsed Clinton, partially due to the crime bill her husband sponsored when he was President. Doesn't prove the candidate supports what the KKK believes.
Clinton was very good friends with a top KKK member. You really wanna start bringing up fanatics?

Trump was endorsed by David Duke.
Clinton was very good friends with a top KKK member. You really wanna start bringing up fanatics?

Oh for ****'s sake. You wanna go there? The KKK loves Donald. Just stop.

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