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Finland and Sweden in NATO ASAP (1 Viewer)


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Finland and Sweden in NATO ASAP:

Before Ukraine cease fire while they're tied up and while they're low on ammunition.

Otherwise, if you wait and let Putin reload, he'll do the same thing to Finland and Sweden.
No country needs to be added to NATO now more than Ukraine. We settled that issue months ago.
Within 2 weeks things are going to change dramatically. This isn’t going to end well. I think we’re going hot.
I say push those memberships through at lightning speed.
It's up to Finland and Sweden to first apply for membership, and as a Finn I can say the political debate here has barely begun.
No country needs to be added to NATO now more than Ukraine. We settled that issue months ago.
If that were to happen the rest of NATO member states are treaty-bound to go to Ukraine's aid, militarily. The risk of thus escalating the conflict to something unthinkable is very real. Furthermore Zelensky has made it clear that NATO membership isn't high on his priority list. A wise move in my opinion, given Putin's instability and unpredictable behaviour.
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It's up to Finland and Sweden to first apply for membership, and as a Finn I can say the political debate here has barely begun.
Great, the lands of 3/4 my ancestors are going to get pounded.
If that were to happen the rest of NATO member states are treaty-bound to go to Ukraine's aid, militarily. The risk of thus escalating the conflict to something unthinkable is very real. Furthermore Zelensky has made it clear that NATO membership isn't high on his priority list. A wise move in my opinion, given Putin's instability and unpredictable behaviour.

I am sure that does not have to mean combat troops fighting because war did not break out here in September/October 2011. Any military aid Ukraine can benefit from that is included in the treaty would be something Zelensky wants.
I am sure that does not have to mean combat troops fighting because war did not break out here in September/October 2011. Any military aid Ukraine can benefit from that is included in the treaty would be something Zelensky wants.
It does, that is literally the whole point.
Great, the lands of 3/4 my ancestors are going to get pounded.
There are rumors that May 12th will be the magic date when Finland ether applies or have a parliamentary vote over joining, both need to happen but which order they happen in actually doesn't matter.
I heard they activated it before George Bush declared war on al-Qaeda.
It was activated less than 24 hours after 9/11, and the actual action became the invasion of Afghanistan. Other actions under Article 5 include fighting against ISIS.
It was activated less than 24 hours after 9/11, and the actual action became the invasion of Afghanistan. Other actions under Article 5 include fighting against ISIS.

So why couldn't it be used against Russia if Ukraine was part of NATO?
It would but the problem is that is World War 3.

If every NATO country supported a third world war, I would too. Of course I understand why President Biden is scared: nuclear weapons.
I don't know much about Finland but Sweden actually has some pretty nifty military kit.
The Grippen fighter is excellent and uses the Meteor bvr missile which is considered the best long-range air to air missile in the world.
They may not be a large military but they pack a real punch.
I am sure that does not have to mean combat troops fighting because war did not break out here in September/October 2011. Any military aid Ukraine can benefit from that is included in the treaty would be something Zelensky wants.
It actually means exactly that.

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