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Financial Support for Unwanted Children (1 Viewer)

Who should provide financial support for unwanted children?

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You both are heroes in the truest sense.

Well my wife wanted a girl and since there has only been 1 girl in my family in the last 4 generations, I figured we had better adopt rather than have 10 kids trying to get 1 girl.
Well my wife wanted a girl and since there has only been 1 girl in my family in the last 4 generations, I figured we had better adopt rather than have 10 kids trying to get 1 girl.

Now you and your wife have 1 boy and 2 girls ...congrats on your family.
Well one method would be for the "think of the children" uber conservatives to stop opposing SSM and gay adoption

I am really floored it's such a high number though, and perhaps that begs the question if a one child policy or along those lines is needed

Other ideas: higher economic incentives to foster/adoptive parents, more prosecution for child abandonment, easing restrictions for grandparents or others who at least know the kids but aren't technically godparents to take over
Gotta be careful, huh? ;)

:( Well, it's unfortunate. Kids who deserve better get denied chances because of people's racial identity politics.
Charity organizations and churches should step up. Where they miss the mark, state government comes in and fills the gap.

But that's just a short-term solution. We should be thinking of a way to prevent unwanted parenthood in the first place. Some ideas:

-Legalize gay adoption so that there are more willing, loving parents willing to adopt.

-Expand use of contraceptives and abortions to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place.

-More sex education.
It has been estimated that approximately 3 million children in the United States live in homes with no parents present. Of those children only about 10% or 300,000 are living in foster homes. Most of the children are living below poverty. What should be done to provide these children with a safe place to live, warm food, clothes and the supervision to insure that they have the opportunity to get a basic education?

Whose is ultimately responsible and where should the financial support come from?

Well you cant force charities or religious orgs to do it.

You can *force* taxpayers. So that really just leaves the first 2 options (or do nothing, the last option).

I would say the state since each state could have influences on the number of these kids by other social policies and laws they enact. Even the taxation they choose, like sin taxes or other laws where the $ would go to that specifically. Voters often get to vote on such propositions....would be interesting to see if it mattered to them.
I think it would be best to find parents for adoptions. There are really more than can presently find children.

Many people will not take 'less than perfect' non-white, non-infants.
i noticed you didnt have the parents listed as choices


if they are out of the picture as in dead....okay

if they are just irresponsible meatheads.....no

and i mean BOTH parents.......

any monies they are getting from a job, the government, assistance, etc needs to be partly diverted to whomever is caring for the kids

the parents standard of living should NEVER be better than the standard of living for their offspring

after that....any relatives that have the means should take them in....and be helped by parents/governemnt

after that, turn the kids over for adoption

Cant disagree with much of that except that kids that arent adopted go into foster care. And you cant force people to adopt....and sadly many want perfect little white babies.

The kids we're discussing often come with a lot of baggage.
(1) The money to support such children should come from foreign aid and from the expense it costs to have the American military in foreign countries (not from decent pay or equipment from the military, just from what it costs to have personnel overseas). Let countries who want to be fee of American interference run their own countries economically, militarily and socially.
(2) Make adoption easier - ensuring that children are placed in good homes with people who have love to give a child (I am not concerned so much with income....my mum, myself and siblings and my kids grew up in poverty and we are none the worse for it. Poverty sucks but it has a character strengthening aspect to it and love and discipline are more important than money).
(3) Ensure birth control is readily available for everyone (teaching the importance of self-respect and that one's body is not something to be used as a replacement for low self-esteem would not go astray either, even if some think that alleged "sexual freedom" is more important).

Number 1 is very interesting. Never heard of that one before.
The parents should be held strictly liable in nearly all situations.

Hard to get $$ from drug addicts, people in prison, people with no jobs, people that do not have enough to provide a safe place and food for kids.

I agree but there are way too many that are just not financially or mentally capable of keeping them. Just stating fact, not excusing.
Μολὼν λαβέ;1064393052 said:
You mean free birth control paid for by those who have health insurance.

Society punishes sluts with unwanted children? So its society's fault? :lamo

That birth control is millions cheaper than the $$ spend on welfare, foster care, the courts and prisons for juvenile delinquents that then graduate to criminals. All higher risks when people have kids they arent prepared for or cant afford.

:doh You just prefer...very obviously from your words...to punish women. You prefer that imagined satisfaction to actual economic sense.
You both are heroes in the truest sense.

As are my parents...if I do say so myself...who repeatedly took in special needs infants as foster children when I went off to college. My mother is a registered nurse, specialized in OB-GYN. They adopted 2 of them...both with severe issues. Some corrected by surgery, some not. As were the people that adopted their 2 sisters and brother who were also ALL born with mental and physical problems to a drug-addicted whore ("professionally") while she was in jail. Or at least some of them were.

There are truly good people out there. As well as skells.
Μολὼν λαβέ;1064393052 said:
You mean free birth control paid for by those who have health insurance.

Society punishes sluts with unwanted children? So its society's fault? :lamo

So let me see if I understand your amusement.

Between providing free B.C. to every female on the planet at the cost of say 50 billion a year vs the cost of millions of unwanted children's subsidized health care, food stamps, social services, housing, foster care ranging between 2000 up for so-called normal kids and up to 10s of thousands a month for severely disabled children. Increased cost of health care for every person who as it. You choose the latter?

And you don't see yourself also being punished along with a woman who might be force to go through gestation and giving birth and be responsible for the kid for 18 yrs. And when the parent fails to provide, the state must...all because the Pope says so? Or because some fanatic uses psychic intervention to decide on which woman had irresponsible sex?

Wow, good critical thinking skills!
As are my parents...if I do say so myself...who repeatedly took in special needs infants as foster children when I went off to college. My mother is a registered nurse, specialized in OB-GYN. They adopted 2 of them...both with severe issues. Some corrected by surgery, some not. As were the people that adopted their 2 sisters and brother who were also ALL born with mental and physical problems to a drug-addicted whore ("professionally") while she was in jail. Or at least some of them were.

There are truly good people out there. As well as skells.

:applaud Thanks for sharing that...
It has been estimated that approximately 3 million children in the United States live in homes with no parents present. Of those children only about 10% or 300,000 are living in foster homes. Most of the children are living below poverty. What should be done to provide these children with a safe place to live, warm food, clothes and the supervision to insure that they have the opportunity to get a basic education?

Whose is ultimately responsible and where should the financial support come from?

Fed, state charities and religious orgs, but there are many other things that should be done too
It would be great to see the nation agree.

It would be more than great. Many things need addressed on this front and this is just one of them. Truly abandoned kids IMO should almost be given keys to the city. I know that costs money but I think its worth it.
Why that? There are many middle class, well educated people that want to adopt kids.
I was talking about the children who had no parents. If they grow up in the system, they'll likely be government parasites for the rest of their lives.
:( Well, it's unfortunate. Kids who deserve better get denied chances because of people's racial identity politics.

I just had lunch with a couple adopted themselves a very dark Indian kid fully trained as a cook.
Many people will not take 'less than perfect' non-white, non-infants.

Many will not. Many would, if they were allowed to. And, you know? Not every aborted kid would have been colored, handicapped or non-infant.
So don't give me that bull.
Many will not. Many would, if they were allowed to. And, you know? Not every aborted kid would have been colored, handicapped or non-infant.
So don't give me that bull.

13 percent of women who seek abortions are concerned about the health of the fetus.

Black women had 35.4 percent of US abortions in 2010.
I was talking about the children who had no parents. If they grow up in the system, they'll likely be government parasites for the rest of their lives.

I fully agree. That is why it is so unforgivable that there are Parents that want to adopt and are not allowed to.
13 percent of women who seek abortions are concerned about the health of the fetus.

Black women had 35.4 percent of US abortions in 2010.

So that means we have over 50% non-Black healthy little humans the girls get killed instead of adopted.
So that means we have over 50% non-Black healthy little humans the girls get killed instead of adopted.

What about the 12 percent who were aborted for maternal health reasons?
Many will not. Many would, if they were allowed to. And, you know? Not every aborted kid would have been colored, handicapped or non-infant.
So don't give me that bull.

Why are they not allowed to? And I dont think we were discussing abortion...I certainly never implied such altho the age criteria is a bit silly.

My family and myself thru my church have been very involved in the foster care system since the '70s. I'm aware of many of the realities.

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