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Final jurors seated for Trump’s hush money case, with opening statements set for Monday (1 Viewer)

It’s not the reason I missed it. But I do appreciate your thoughts. The media outlets are sure portraying it as if it’s true. I don’t see why it isn’t at least a strong likelihood. None of us are on the jury.

I read somewhere, can’t remember where, that when she came back after her break she said sorry about that, not sure if that’s accurate or the only time she said it.
It’s not the reason I missed it. But I do appreciate your thoughts. The media outlets are sure portraying it as if it’s true. I don’t see why it isn’t at least a strong likelihood. None of us are on the jury.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your comment 2175 (quoted just below) -

What, specifically did you mean when you said "Oh.....I missed that one."? You were responding to comment 2166 (quoted just below). I assumed you meant you missed Hope supposedly saying "I'm sorry Mr President". Did I assume correctly?


It isn't.

It's campaign finance.
There is no tax component to the charge.
Yes there is .......you need to educate yourself

Mr. Bragg has settled on NY 17-152 as the other crime.
It's an election law statute.
Nothing to do with taxes.


I'm still not understanding the "illegally influence" part....except as it relates to not calling it an campaign expense.

Thats what Bragg is trying to say.
But he lacks jurisdiction and so he is trying to make up his own campaign finance law as he goes along.

Judge Merchan is unfortunately letting him do this.
Pecker's lawyers did tell him he was likely interfering in the election and he signed a non prosecutorial agreement with the DOJ so there must be something in the statutes about what constitutes illegal influence but I haven't connected those dots.

There is nothing that connects with Trump.
Federal campaign law differs whether the person is the candidate or a donor.
You asked how New York defines fraud.

That's the answer.

Wrong. That's how New York defines a specific crime - "Scheme to Defraud". Which Trump is not charged with.
Wrong. That's how New York defines a specific crime - "Scheme to Defraud". Which Trump is not charged with.

175.05 requires that falsification occur with an intent to defraud.
175.10 the felony Bragg is currently prosecuting, requires that the elements of .05 be proven as well as the intent to conceal or commit another crime.

So intent to defraud has to be proven by Bragg.
And in New York state, damages do not have to be financial. But as Judge Merchan said in his ruling rejecting Trumps motion to dismiss, there has to be damages.
Beats me.
But as Trump is not so charged...
It's exactly what he has been charged with. Using his business records to cover up Cohen's campaign contribution (Stormy payoff).

If you can't even admit that's what he's being charged with then you're not a serious poster.
as well as the intent to conceal or commit another crime
Or aid someone else in their crime.

Cohen was convicted for campaign finance violations related to hush money payments
You assumed correctly. You also added that - in your opinion- you thought it wasn’t true. I disagree.
Mr. Bragg has settled on NY 17-152 as the other crime.
It's an election law statute.
Nothing to do with taxes.
Read the Statement of Facts and the Judges decision on the charges.....it's all there. I have provided the links . The fact you chose not to inform yourself is not my problem. A tax violation is definitely part of the charges.
You assumed correctly. You also added that - in your opinion- you thought it wasn’t true. I disagree.
Okay, that's what I thought you meant. Now, can you please show me any print or video sources or links which demonstrate "media outlets are sure portraying it as it's true". It looked as if maybe you bought into tossed out false info (a lie) that was within a comment entered by another poster. I've looked pretty hard and can find no verification of Hope Hicks saying before she started crying, "I'm sorry Mr President". Callen provided that info. Hopefully she will provide her source, because as you said, you missed it as did I.

It’s not the reason I missed it. But I do appreciate your thoughts. The media outlets are sure portraying it as if it’s true. I don’t see why it isn’t at least a strong likelihood. None of us are on the jury.
Read the Statement of Facts and the Judges decision on the charges.....it's all there. I have provided the links . The fact you chose not to inform yourself is not my problem. A tax violation is definitely part of the charges.

What actually matters here is the actual indictment.
Which does not say anything about tax charges

What you are referring to with that is Merchan's ruling saying what Bragg could say was the other 'crime' that was allegedly being concealed or committed to make the actual charge a felony. Taxes was an option.

Bragg settled on election law.
On another thread I said that it didn't appear this was true. In fact I said it twice. I forgot about this thread...perhaps you should pay attention to all my post posts.....not just the ones you think might be a gotcha.
Wrong again, read the judges ruling. I posted tye link three next times.
On another thread I said that it didn't appear this was true. In fact I said it twice. I forgot about this thread...perhaps you should pay attention to all my post posts.....not just the ones you think might be a gotcha.
Why did you post it - and as an actual quote of Hope Hicks? That's a very bold way to post untrue info. Did you notice others, like triharder, following you down that untrue rabbit hole on this thread? Why would you allow your misinformation to hang and even progress and multiply?

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