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Fiat Chrysler plans to open new factory in Detroit (1 Viewer)


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Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV plans to convert an abandoned engine production plant in Detroit into a new factory to produce sport utility vehicles, according to multiple reports.

The Detroit News reported Thursday that Fiat Chrysler will revive a factory that has been closed since 2012 in a move that could create between 100 and 400 jobs. The new plant will be the first to open in Detroit in 27 years, the news outlet reported.
Hopefully good news for a sad city.
For a automotive factory the number of jobs that would be creates seem very low. Most assembly plants have over 1000 workers for a plant that can produce 100 000 units or more in a year. I think only a plant that was producing a number of vehicles like the Viper could work with just 100 workers
For a automotive factory the number of jobs that would be creates seem very low. Most assembly plants have over 1000 workers for a plant that can produce 100 000 units or more in a year. I think only a plant that was producing a number of vehicles like the Viper could work with just 100 workers

That sounds like an accurate analysis. Perhaps the Fial/Chrysler announcement is a red herring and this is a clue to what will actually be produced. Sports truck? Budget Sports car? Electric vehicle?
That sounds like an accurate analysis. Perhaps the Fial/Chrysler announcement is a red herring and this is a clue to what will actually be produced. Sports truck? Budget Sports car? Electric vehicle?

It is supposed to be final assembly for a three row version of the Jeep Grand Cherokee. That would only make sense if the only thing done at the plant was the install of some of the interior (like the third row of seats) while the rest of the vehicle was built elsewhere)

The Grand Cherokee is made in Detroit right now at the Jefferson North plant, so being a final assembler of a niche product could make sense
For a automotive factory the number of jobs that would be creates seem very low. Most assembly plants have over 1000 workers for a plant that can produce 100 000 units or more in a year. I think only a plant that was producing a number of vehicles like the Viper could work with just 100 workers

Crysler isnt known for SUV’s, so maybe this is an advance crew designing something innovative, possibly a luxury SUV to compete in that market?

A Viper SUV?
Crysler isnt known for SUV’s, so maybe this is an advance crew designing something innovative, possibly a luxury SUV to compete in that market?

A Viper SUV?

You have not heard of Jeep?

The 3 row would have to be a extended length Grand Cherokee,
For a automotive factory the number of jobs that would be creates seem very low. Most assembly plants have over 1000 workers for a plant that can produce 100 000 units or more in a year. I think only a plant that was producing a number of vehicles like the Viper could work with just 100 workers

Well, there is a big difference.. AUTOMATION. A lot of jobs are not going overseas, but the workers are being replaced with robots.

Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV plans to convert an abandoned engine production plant in Detroit into a new factory to produce sport utility vehicles, according to multiple reports.

The Detroit News reported Thursday that Fiat Chrysler will revive a factory that has been closed since 2012 in a move that could create between 100 and 400 jobs. The new plant will be the first to open in Detroit in 27 years, the news outlet reported.
Hopefully good news for a sad city.

100! Jobs!


Hip Hip

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Well, there is a big difference.. AUTOMATION. A lot of jobs are not going overseas, but the workers are being replaced with robots.

Even with automation a full scale auto assembly plant has a good 1000 factory workers. 100-400 is enough for doing finishing work on a vehicle that was nearly completed somewhere else.

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