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Federal Judge Rules Against Bush on Ports (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
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U.S. District Court Judge Jose Linares had ordered President Bush to provide information explaining why the government did not carry out an investigation as to ownership of the ports which he allowed the United Arab Emirates to obtain. The judge also demanded to know why the New Jersey Port Authority, which has sued the Bush administraton, was not given the same papers and information used to approve the deal.

The judge said that he will issue an injunction blocking the sale unless the administration gives a satisfactory explanation for its actions.

Simply put, Bush not only broke the law regarding the 45 day investigation period that is required for this type of sale, but also held back documents that the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey was entitled to. This sale will go down the drain unless the administration is able to talk their way out of this one. The court system will definitely have the last word on this.

Article is here.
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The port deal would benefit the Carlyle Group and as it turns out Bush and his family are connected to the Carlyle Group...
danarhea said:
U.S. District Court Judge Jose Linares had ordered President Bush to provide information explaining why the government did not carry out an investigation as to ownership of the ports which he allowed the United Arab Emirates to obtain.

First did he, the judge provide any evidence which would contratdict the governments statement that they did investigate and since the ownership is not effected by this deal his ruling is specious.

The judge also demanded to know why the New Jersey Port Authority, which has sued the Bush administraton, was not given the same papers and information used to approve the deal.

Probably because when CONGRESS set up the process they set it up to protect the confidential interest of the companies involved.

Simply put, Bush not only broke the law regarding the 45 day investigation period that is required for this type of sale,

Simply put it was not Bush who did it, it was the commission set up by Congress.

but also held back documents that the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey was entitled to.

That's not been determined.

If there is something in the contracts between the ports and the British company then the ports may have a case, but that's not with the government.

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