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FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says insi (1 Viewer)

Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

Now take each one of those and provide verifiable evidence of each and connect that with the Democrat who has been President for the last 8 years to show it was his fault.

Yeah, don't believe your lyin' eyes. Get some evidence, because 92 million without a job doesn't really mean anything to the left. LOL!
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

Yeah, don't believe your lyin' eyes. Get some evidence, because 92 million without a job doesn't really mean anything to the left. LOL!

Who are those 92 million people and why don't they all have jobs?
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

Who are those 92 million people and why don't they all have jobs?

Gee, I don't know! How could they not have jobs? Big government, higher taxes, how could that not create jobs? Don't worry, Hillary wants more taxes, that should fix things.
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

Gee, I don't know! How could they not have jobs? Big government, higher taxes, how could that not create jobs? Don't worry, Hillary wants more taxes, that should fix things.

For a moment lets put aside your own personal opinion. I ask you again
1- just who are these 92 million Americans who are not working
2- why don't they have a job?
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

Here are the facts;

* As an employee of the Federal Government (government servant or contractor), if you or I were caught transmitting or receiving even ONE bit of Classified information or material over a non-secure (non-SIPRNet) email server, we would be in prison right now.

* Hillary and her DoS cronies transmitted and received hundreds of bits of Classified information and materials over a non-secure (non-SIPRNet) email server.

And they walk scott-free because of a crooked administration, a corrupt DoJ, and a weak, compromised head of the FBI.

Face it, in the current political machine, she is above the law.

But she won’t be protected forever.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
This corrupt cabal will fall, and she will face justice, ultimately.
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

Now take each one of those and provide verifiable evidence of each and connect that with the Democrat who has been President for the last 8 years to show it was his fault.

You are too defensive of your president in office now

At first liberals were bragging about winning most of the recent presidential elections going back to the 1990s

We can blame Clinton and bush right along with Obama for the decline because they all share the blame

Along with the rest of the political, academic and journalism establishment along the Eastern Seaboard

But that definitely includes Obama who has doneore than his fair share of damage to America
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

You are too defensive of your president in office now

At first liberals were bragging about winning most of the recent presidential elections going back to the 1990s

We can blame Clinton and bush right along with Obama for the decline because they all share the blame

Along with the rest of the political, academic and journalism establishment along the Eastern Seaboard

But that definitely includes Obama who has doneore than his fair share of damage to America

I see your post has no evidence of anything.
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

Hold on. Look at the original claim here :

Now, i think that's not a safe assumption.

She probably used a private server to evade oversight. I think that's a reasonable assumption and her excuses ring hollow.

However, the claim above goes far beyond that "so that she could sell her access to SoS, through the Clinton Foundation, and enrich herself"- not a safe assumption. Not without more evidence.

Private server to evade oversight, that's almost a certainty. Her multiple excuses for that server have never stood up, and then we have this.

Clearly a case of 'do as I say, not as I do' as well as the laws applicable to everyone else don't apply to me. How duplicitous. How arrogant and politically elite of her.

I don't think we have enough information to conclude either way.

With the recent WikiLeaks revelation
“Just to give you some context, the condition upon which the Moroccans agreed to host the meeting was her participation. If hrc was not part if it, meeting was a non-starter,” Abedin wrote in a January 2015 *email to Mook and campaign manager John *Podesta.

“CGI also wasn’t pushing for a meeting in Morocco and it wasn’t their first choice. This was HRC’s idea, our office approached the Moroccans and they 100 percent believe they are doing this at her request. The King has personally committed approx $12 million both for the [foundation’s] endowment and to support the meeting,” Abedin continued.

“It will break a lot of china to back out now when we had so many opportunities to do it in the past few months. She created this mess and she knows it.”​

The king gave the money to the Clinton Foundation and underwrote the CGI summit with the quid-pro-quo understanding that Hillary would attend, and other dignitaries attending were led to believe that she would be there.
Huma on Hillary’s $12M Morocco fiasco: ‘She created this mess and she knows it’ | New York Post

The staff knew the Morocan deal was pay to play, warned her that it was, and she pushed forward with it anyway.
Here are the facts;

* As an employee of the Federal Government (government servant or contractor), if you or I were caught transmitting or receiving even ONE bit of Classified information or material over a non-secure (non-SIPRNet) email server, we would be in prison right now.

* Hillary and her DoS cronies transmitted and received hundreds of bits of Classified information and materials over a non-secure (non-SIPRNet) email server.

And they walk scott-free because of a crooked administration, a corrupt DoJ, and a weak, compromised head of the FBI.

Face it, in the current political machine, she is above the law.

But she won’t be protected forever.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
This corrupt cabal will fall, and she will face justice, ultimately.

If she's elected or pardoned by Obama, she never will, but I suppose that one can still hope.
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

For a moment lets put aside your own personal opinion. I ask you again
1- just who are these 92 million Americans who are not working
I don't have their names, but they are the people without jobs. The number I heard is more in the 60 million range, but hey, that's still a big chunk of our population.

2- why don't they have a job?
Well, that's because the hole left wing economic thinking sucks and is not very good. Then, you have a president such as Obama that has job creation low on the list of priorities, and, wala! Not so much in the jobs area.
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

For a moment lets put aside your own personal opinion. I ask you again
1- just who are these 92 million Americans who are not working
2- why don't they have a job?

They no longer need jobs since government is giving them money and benefits without having to work.
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

I don't have their names, but they are the people without jobs. The number I heard is more in the 60 million range, but hey, that's still a big chunk of our population.

Well, that's because the hole left wing economic thinking sucks and is not very good. Then, you have a president such as Obama that has job creation low on the list of priorities, and, wala! Not so much in the jobs area.

Your post fails to provide the information requested. It is easy to find you simply;y do NOT want to face it since it exposes your claim as ridiculous on its face.

Are 90 million Americans not working or not looking for work? | PolitiFact

The total U.S. population age 16 and over is at least 243 million. Subtracting the nearly 156 million Americans in the labor force in June 2013 -- that is, those who were either working or looking for work -- leaves 87 million Americans, which is close to 90 million.

However, the 90 million number is padded, since this number includes a lot of Americans who wouldn’t be expected to be working. Specifically:

• People age 16 to 17, who likely are in high school: 9 million

• People who are enrolled in either two- or four-year colleges: 21 million

• People age 65 and older, who have reached retirement age: 40 million people

That means 20 million people are of normal working age, not in college and not working. That’s less than one-quarter the amount repeatedly cited in the blogosphere.

So the 90 million number is exaggerated.

So please stop with the nonsense.
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Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

They no longer need jobs since government is giving them money and benefits without having to work.

You mean they are old and retired?
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

Your post fails to provide the information requested. It is easy to find you simply;y do NOT want to face it since it exposes your claim as ridiculous on its face.
Here's what you don't understand. These people are still without jobs, won't get good jobs under Obama, and have no chance of getting one under Hillary. You sticking your head in the sand doesn't make them go away.
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

Here's what you don't understand. These people are still without jobs, won't get good jobs under Obama, and have no chance of getting one under Hillary. You sticking your head in the sand doesn't make them go away.

What you apparently do NOT want to accept is that your figure includes all the people I listed who re not in the job market in the first place as they are doing other things - the vast majority - 40 million - being retired and have already put in their decades of work and are now living off their retirement contributions and savings. 30 million others are in school preparing for a career in work.


• People age 16 to 17, who likely are in high school: 9 million

• People who are enrolled in either two- or four-year colleges: 21 million

• People age 65 and older, who have reached retirement age: 40 million people

That means 20 million people are of normal working age, not in college and not working. That’s less than one-quarter the amount repeatedly cited in the blogosphere.

So the 90 million number is grossly exaggerated for blatantly dishonest and deceitful purposes.

It is intellectually dishonest - in the extreme - to use that 90 million figure and then link it to claims of a poor economy of poor presidential leadership since their status has not anything to do with either.
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

What you apparently do NOT want to accept is that your figure includes all the people I listed who re not in the job market in the first place as they are doing other things - the vast majority - 40 million - being retired and have already put in their decades of work and are now living off their retirement contributions and savings. 30 million others are in school preparing for a career in work.
• People age 16 to 17, who likely are in high school: 9 million
• People who are enrolled in either two- or four-year colleges: 21 million
• People age 65 and older, who have reached retirement age: 40 million people

That means 20 million people are of normal working age, not in college and not working. That’s less than one-quarter the amount repeatedly cited in the blogosphere.

So the 90 million number is grossly exaggerated for blatantly dishonest and deceitful purposes.

It is intellectually dishonest - in the extreme - to use that 90 million figure and then link it to claims of a poor economy of poor presidential leadership since their status has not anything to do with either.

If you read my post, you would have seen that I said 60 million. If you did read it, then working off your figures we have a negative 10 million without jobs. You should join the Obama administration, they love people like you that are good at misleading with numbers!

Of course, what we are really talking about is the labor force participation rate. Over 66% when Obama took office, down to 62.9%, as it has steadily dropped during his years in office. Just like the left wants it. More people dependent on government, so more people voting for the party that promises government handouts. Of course, that does not make us a strong nation, but screw the country, the left needs votes!
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

If you read my post, you would have seen that I said 60 million. If you did read it, then working off your figures we have a negative 10 million without jobs. You should join the Obama administration, they love people like you that are good at misleading with numbers!

Of course, what we are really talking about is the labor force participation rate. Over 66% when Obama took office, down to 62.9%, as it has steadily dropped during his years in office. Just like the left wants it. More people dependent on government, so more people voting for the party that promises government handouts. Of course, that does not make us a strong nation, but screw the country, the left needs votes!

Post 549 just two pages ago by another poster

I think the evidence should be obvious

A stagnant economy

92 million people unemployed

92 million from Mac. 60 million from you afterwards. The reality is the same as those are NOT people unemployed and looking for work.

It is intellectually dishonest - in the extreme - to use that 92 million figure or to use a 60 million figure and then link it to claims of a poor economy of poor presidential leadership since their status has not anything to do with either.
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

Post 549 just two pages ago by another poster

92 million from Mac. 60 million from you afterwards. The reality is the same as those are NOT people unemployed and looking for work.

It is intellectually dishonest - in the extreme - to use that 92 million figure or to use a 60 million figure and then link it to claims of a poor economy of poor presidential leadership since their status has not anything to do with either.

As expected, you focus on the meangless and ignore the declining workforce participation rate. Care to tell us what is so great about a lower rate and a bunch of part time jobs?
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

Your post fails to provide the information requested. It is easy to find you simply;y do NOT want to face it since it exposes your claim as ridiculous on its face.

Are 90 million Americans not working or not looking for work? | PolitiFact

I suspect that politifact is padding the numbers the other way and the true level is between 90 million and 20 million.

Many people have retired early because jobs were not available and others have just stopped looking and strangely are no longer counted as unemployed.

And many people are working but only part time or at jobs paying less than they used to make.

I trace to change back to trafe deals with mexico and china that have resulted in millions of manufacturing jobs moving out of the country.
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

Post 549 just two pages ago by another poster

92 million from Mac. 60 million from you afterwards. The reality is the same as those are NOT people unemployed and looking for work.

It is intellectually dishonest - in the extreme - to use that 92 million figure or to use a 60 million figure and then link it to claims of a poor economy of poor presidential leadership since their status has not anything to do with either.

92 million has been reported and is as honest a the numbers that obama apologists are using

It often depends on who is doing the counting but in any case the economy is not doing well by American standards
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

I suspect that politifact is padding the numbers the other way and the true level is between 90 million and 20 million.

Many people have retired early because jobs were not available and others have just stopped looking and strangely are no longer counted as unemployed.

And many people are working but only part time or at jobs paying less than they used to make.

I trace to change back to trafe deals with mexico and china that have resulted in millions of manufacturing jobs moving out of the country.

There may be some truth in some of your statements...... with that number being north of 20 million but maybe as high as twice that if you include the underemployed. I do not dispute that. But the idea that there are 60 or 90 million people OUT OF WORK WHO HAVE NO JOBS and that is somehow an indictment of the President and his handling of our economy is the worst sort of intellectual dishonesty.
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

There may be some truth in some of your statements...... with that number being north of 20 million but maybe as high as twice that if you include the underemployed. I do not dispute that. But the idea that there are 60 or 90 million people OUT OF WORK WHO HAVE NO JOBS and that is somehow an indictment of the President and his handling of our economy is the worst sort of intellectual dishonesty.

Of course the state of the economy indicts obama.

If you doubt it see how quick he is to take credit when the occasional bit of good news pops up.

But I agree that its not all his fault

Bill clinton and bush has presided over the decline along with the washington political establishment.

What I do say is that obama is indifferent to the state of the economy as long as he does not get personslly blamed for it
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

Of course the state of the economy indicts obama.

If you doubt it see how quick he is to take credit when the occasional bit of good news pops up.

But I agree that its not all his fault

Bill clinton and bush has presided over the decline along with the washington political establishment.

What I do say is that obama is indifferent to the state of the economy as long as he does not get personslly blamed for it

What was the state of the economy when Obama took over?
How does that compare to the economy of today?


I hope that helps.
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

What was the state of the economy when Obama took over?
How does that compare to the economy of today?


I hope that helps.

We were in a deep recession.

But not the first in history

The dfference in the bush-obama recession is that we never really recovered from it and never moved forward even stronger.

Obama has just stumbled along for 8 years and now younger and less informed voters are starting to think a ****ty economy is the new normal.
Re: FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says

We were in a deep recession.

But not the first in history

The dfference in the bush-obama recession is that we never really recovered from it and never moved forward even stronger.

Obama has just stumbled along for 8 years and now younger and less informed voters are starting to think a ****ty economy is the new normal.

The verifiable statistics I linked to say otherwise.

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