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Fascism is a good form of Government[W:54,117] (1 Viewer)

Re: Fascism is a good form of Government

Maybe you don't understand Fascism. You as an individual have value, and you are the system, you are part of the national group. You and the state become one and thus conflict cannot occur. You have a place in society and can work up or down the ladders and places as you feel. It is rigid yet free. If implemented in the right ways, much of which Mussolini did, we would be free from leftist disease that so infects our nations in Europe.

Mussolini was a violent tyrant from the start. Yeah, fascism is great so long as you're on board with the particular brand of fascism you have. But try dissenting against the fascist power and see where that gets you. Mussolini's Italy was a police state, there's no freedom there. There's no liberty there. He ran a **** government and commanded a **** army that led to his ultimate defeat. His own people turned on him. Yeah, what a great implementation of fascism. A failed attempt by an angry man who hated freedom and led his people to disaster.
Re: Fascism is a good form of Government

Mussolini's Italy thrived well under his Fascist government. Fascism unfortunately is being used by cultural Marxists as a crime-word to ridicule political opponents. Little do they no that it's a compliment and that Fascism is has been proven more humane, successful and better than the communist left-wing liberalist ideologies that have recently taken hold of the west... like a disease

First of all, lets define our terms. For most people fascism equates to a pretty much totalitarian form of gov't. But I would hazard a guess that's not how you define it. So could you please provide us all a clear definition of the term "fascism" as you are using it so that we can all be discussing the same thing....
Re: Fascism is a good form of Government

Mussolini was a violent tyrant from the start. Yeah, fascism is great so long as you're on board with the particular brand of fascism you have. But try dissenting against the fascist power and see where that gets you. Mussolini's Italy was a police state, there's no freedom there. There's no liberty there. He ran a **** government and commanded a **** army that led to his ultimate defeat. His own people turned on him. Yeah, what a great implementation of fascism. A failed attempt by an angry man who hated freedom and led his people to disaster.
Exactly. Welcome to History 101.
Fascism is a system where state authority (read: control) permeates every aspect of society from the big to the small. All business, media, education, culture must be aligned with the ideals of the State. There is no room for dissension. Anyone with different ideas is outlawed. The notion that fascism allows room for individual freedom of expression is a lie.

Under fascism with such totalitarian control, the system itself works very well. It becomes very efficient, but the efficiency is achieved at the expense of human dignity. Ideas that suggest a higher authority than the state, such as religion upholding God as supreme, are outlawed.

Fascism is anti-progressive. It seeks to destroy the unique individual who has new ideas, the very ones who would take society forward. That is why it must fail.
Re: Fascism is a good form of Government

You know nothing mate. I bet you are another brainwashed liberal zombie who imitates the media and supports cultural Marxism.

What's 'cultural Marxism'?
Re: Fascism is a good form of Government

Exactly. Welcome to History 101.
Fascism is a system where state authority (read: control) permeates every aspect of society from the big to the small. All business, media, education, culture must be aligned with the ideals of the State. There is no room for dissension. Anyone with different ideas is outlawed. The notion that fascism allows room for individual freedom of expression is a lie.

Under fascism with such totalitarian control, the system itself works very well. It becomes very efficient, but the efficiency is achieved at the expense of human dignity. Ideas that suggest a higher authority than the state, such as religion upholding God as supreme, are outlawed.

Fascism is anti-progressive. It seeks to destroy the unique individual who has new ideas, the very ones who would take society forward. That is why it must fail.
No. You learned revised history. Mussolini's fascism is a totalitarian government BUT it was obliged to the needs and freedoms of the people. Plato himself said the best form of government is not democracy but dictatorship under one virtuous ruler who was the grand-servant of the people. People experienced more freedom and happiness in Mussolini's Italy that they do in Canada (thanx to Canada's "hate speech" laws and censoring of Right-Wing groups bent on destruction with left-wing scumbag promotion). Fascism OPPOSES class struggle (which anti-freedom lazy communists love), it gives man to the opportunity to climb up from the pits and to whatever position the the state (which is essentially his own individuality) allows him too. There is no freedom of press but regulation of press bias because we know that news and media can be politically maneuvered to sway the masses to certain sides (like how its happening western Europe right now, to hell with The Guardian and The Age)

Like I said, You are the state and the state is you, Nationalism and individual importance is excelled and would make one find value and position in his country, unless you betray your people with evil propaganda (like communism and modern day liberals). What could possible go wrong? It's freedom, and still determines freedom, and loyalty to yourself/your people/state determines your success in life.

Our Massive mandatory paid public works programs for the unemployed will literally destroy unemployment and benefit the economy. He who is homeless, let him work to get a home. He is has no job, get a job and serve the people, and at the end, you yourself shall be served. Happened it Italy.

Unfortunately, Mussolini was swayed by the stupidity of Hitler, the communist rebel scum and unnecessary war and, so the great days of Fascist Italy was short-lived.
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Re: Fascism is a good form of Government

No. National Socialist advocates racism. Itally did well and didn't have much anti-semitism. And "racist" is word coined by communists to demonize opponents during debates.

No, Hitler advocated racism. Fascism advocated this:Mussolini founds the Fascist party - Mar 23, 1919 - HISTORY.com

Benito Mussolini, an Italian World War I veteran and publisher of Socialist newspapers, breaks with the Italian Socialists and establishes the nationalist Fasci di Combattimento (looks familiar), named after the Italian peasant revolutionaries, or “Fighting Bands,” from the 19th century. Commonly known as the Fascist Party, Mussolini’s new right-wing organization advocated Italian nationalism, had black shirts for uniforms, and launched a program of terrorism and intimidation against its leftist opponents.

A typical right-wing anti unionist, so what's your point?
Re: Fascism is a good form of Government

No, Hitler advocated racism. Fascism advocated this:Mussolini founds the Fascist party - Mar 23, 1919 - HISTORY.com

A typical right-wing anti unionist, so what's your point?
Fasciste di Combattimento did exactly what the people needed in order to be saved from the evils of communism and other leftist degenerates. There is BS these days of "non violent ways to change things", a man with a crowbar can can kill a charging bull. We are not going to stand by while you let Muslims, immigrants, gays and communists destroy the beautiful unique identity of our Nations. You took over West Europe and America, But you won't force your evil agenda and **** down Eastern Europe and my country without a fight.

We cannot tolerate the downfall of our nations. We want a thriving society, we will achieve it with peace, but if necessary, with brute force we will wipe the villains out. I don't give a **** if worthless idiots get killed in the process. This is OUR country, *OUR* country, and you will not destroy it's unique beauty with PC stupidity and communism. Give into the people's needs, or deal with pain and death. I don't give a ****.
Re: Fascism is a good form of Government

Mussolini's Italy thrived well under his Fascist government. Fascism unfortunately is being used by cultural Marxists as a crime-word to ridicule political opponents. Little do they no that it's a compliment and that Fascism is has been proven more humane, successful and better than the communist left-wing liberalist ideologies that have recently taken hold of the west... like a disease

Fascism relies on the blood of innocents. Look at Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia. Poison gas, murder of prisoners and bombing of the Red Cross. Fascism requires a nation to be in a constant state of war, to seek enemies to ensure the public eye never falls on the actions of those with power. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Re: Fascism is a good form of Government

That's quite the example of alliteration, isn't it?

but the alliteration!...

Re: Fascism is a good form of Government

Oh another commie pretending not to be totalitarian? What happened faggot? Your propaganda got troubled by my free speech and exposing the true evil?

The fact the your profile pic has the audacity and to support such a disgusting evil ideology like communism which has killed over a 1/10 of a billion people, makes me doubt if you are really a person or just a shill for your bourgeois masters back in the media.

Go back to your closet pinkie commie. We don't need disturbing forms of government suggested in this site. This a debate site, not a propaganda site.

Fascists don't kill innocents, we kill the bad guys who are destroying the national .. people who support your flag. On the other hand, you gay marxy twarxies kill everybody except your beourgious self. You are not needed on this forum troll except to propagate and brainwash the people here with your lazy injust destructive ideologies. Leave.
Re: Fascism is a good form of Government

Fasciste di Combattimento did exactly what the people needed in order to be saved from the evils of communism and other leftist degenerates. There is BS these days of "non violent ways to change things", a man with a crowbar can can kill a charging bull. We are not going to stand by while you let Muslims, immigrants, gays and communists destroy the beautiful unique identity of our Nations. You took over West Europe and America, But you won't force your evil agenda and **** down Eastern Europe and my country without a fight.

We cannot tolerate the downfall of our nations. We want a thriving society, we will achieve it with peace, but if necessary, with brute force we will wipe the villains out. I don't give a **** if worthless idiots get killed in the process. This is OUR country, *OUR* country, and you will not destroy it's unique beauty with PC stupidity and communism. Give into the people's needs, or deal with pain and death. I don't give a ****.

Uh, what - is your country.
Re: Fascism is a good form of Government

Oh another commie pretending not to be totalitarian? What happened faggot? Your propaganda got troubled by my free speech and exposing the true evil?

The fact the your profile pic has the audacity and to support such a disgusting evil ideology like communism which has killed over a 1/10 of a billion people, makes me doubt if you are really a person or just a shill for your bourgeois masters back in the media.

Go back to your closet pinkie commie. We don't need disturbing forms of government suggested in this site. This a debate site, not a propaganda site.

Fascists don't kill innocents, we kill the bad guys who are destroying the national .. people who support your flag. On the other hand, you gay marxy twarxies kill everybody except your beourgious self. You are not needed on this forum troll except to propagate and brainwash the people here with your lazy injust destructive ideologies. Leave.
Communism is the bees knees
Re: Fascism is a good form of Government

Uh, what - is your country.
India, and I belong to the Nationalist Volunteer Service of Hindustan "(H)RSS". I help White Nationalists in Eastern Europe as well to combat the global imposition of PC and CMism
Re: Fascism is a good form of Government

Oh another commie pretending not to be totalitarian? What happened faggot? Your propaganda got troubled by my free speech and exposing the true evil?

The fact the your profile pic has the audacity and to support such a disgusting evil ideology like communism which has killed over a 1/10 of a billion people, makes me doubt if you are really a person or just a shill for your bourgeois masters back in the media.

Go back to your closet pinkie commie. We don't need disturbing forms of government suggested in this site. This a debate site, not a propaganda site.

Fascists don't kill innocents, we kill the bad guys who are destroying the national .. people who support your flag. On the other hand, you gay marxy twarxies kill everybody except your beourgious self. You are not needed on this forum troll except to propagate and brainwash the people here with your lazy injust destructive ideologies. Leave.


And today's Wednesday...

Maybe by tomorrow
Re: Fascism is a good form of Government

India, and I belong to the Nationalist Volunteer Service of Hindustan "(H)RSS". I help White Nationalists in Eastern Europe as well to combat the global imposition of PC and CMism
You know who's cool. The Naxalites
Re: Fascism is a good form of Government

India, and I belong to the Nationalist Volunteer Service of Hindustan "(H)RSS". I help White Nationalists in Eastern Europe as well to combat the global imposition of PC and CMism

And - you came here - becauuuse?
Re: Fascism is a good form of Government

And - you came here - becauuuse?
To help people realize the evils that grip our country, and to help the self-aware fight back with the errands I have for you.
Re: Fascism is a good form of Government

You know who's cool. The Naxalites
Bah! The losers rely on lack of development and poverty to hide because they are whimps who can't fight....They are a cowardly terrorist organization and are disturbing the peace.
Re: Fascism is a good form of Government

Fascy here never answered my question. :(
Re: Fascism is a good form of Government

#1 Fascism has helped Germany, Spain, and Italy economically to a great level
Sure, directly causing the destruction of all industry in both Germany and Italy during WWII helped them a whole bunch.......and Spain remained an economic backwater throughout Franco's reign.....but go on.

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