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Fake Praise for GHWB: Where Were Media When He Needed Them? (1 Viewer)


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Jan 29, 2015
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Fake Praise for GHWB: Where Were Media When He Needed Them?

By Larry Elder ---- As with the passing of former President Ronald Reagan, the media are in full praise mode following the death of former President George Herbert Walker Bush. Where were they when the one-term President needed them? In Reagan's case, even his haters grudgingly acknowledged the overall success of his presidency. As for Bush 41, the media's praise of Bush's "grace" and "class" serves to indirectly to attack President Donald Trump by showing the contrast between the two Republicans' styles and characters... But what did much of the liberal media think and say about Bush at the time?
When Bush announced his intention to seek the presidency in 1988, a Newsweek cover story showed the former New Englander navigating a small boat -- get it, he's elite -- with the caption "Fighting the Wimp Factor." Wimp? Bush joined Navy on his 18th birthday, serving in WWII as the Navy's second-youngest aviator. He flew 58 combat missions, was shot down by the Japanese and was rescued by an American sub.... Despite Bush's mind-numbingly impressive credentials, he somehow found himself tagged as insufficiently macho. In 1997, Evan Thomas' Newsweek wrote: " Bush suffers from a potentially crippling handicap -- a perception that he isn't strong enough or tough enough for the challenges of the Oval Office.... The New York Times aided and abetted the narrative of an elite "out-of-touch" patrician. During the 1992 election year, the Times ran a front-page story about a President so clueless about the life of the average American that he was unfamiliar with the supermarket checkout scanner. But the story was fake.... Black Democrats like Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., called him "racist." In 1992, Waters said: "(Bush) is a mean-spirited man who has no care or concern about what happens to the African-American community in this country. I truly believe that."... Barbara Bush expressed surprise. "You're not going to like this," she said, "but my gut feeling is that all the media is against George, Republicans, any Republican." Indeed. From that very media, currently fawning over a man they now call a "statesman," George Herbert Walker Bush deserved better. Much better.

The media's true feelings about 41 were clear in the death announcements they wrote. In the very first sentences were included comments about President Bush's "patrician" background and the failures of his presidency. After taking their obligatory shots at the opponent, they turned on the crocodile tears for the benefit of the gullible members of their audience. What will the MSM force upon America to endure when it’s Carter's, Clinton's or Obama's turn? How will the MSM handle their departures from this life?
No matter what the biased hypocritical media says today, most of us aware adults living in the 80's and 90's know that the media is just telling another lie.
Personally, each time I viewed or heard someone in the MSM on the TV or radio praise Bush, I felt it was more a dig and insult thrown at Trump. There was very little talk of Bush's accomplishments, but lots of talk about his dignity, honor and decorum. Some on the left were honest enough to admit their love of Bush, now that he was dead, was a swipe at Trump. Just as they biased MSM and Democrats used the death of Sen. John McCain to excoriated and lambaste Trump.
Kudo's to Larry Elder, both this Op-Ed and his radio shows the last few days have been highlighting the hypocrisy of the Progressive left and the biased media regarding Bush 41.
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Fake Praise for GHWB: Where Were Media When He Needed Them?

By Larry Elder ---- As with the passing of former President Ronald Reagan, the media are in full praise mode following the death of former President George Herbert Walker Bush. Where were they when the one-term President needed them? In Reagan's case, even his haters grudgingly acknowledged the overall success of his presidency. As for Bush 41, the media's praise of Bush's "grace" and "class" serves to indirectly to attack President Donald Trump by showing the contrast between the two Republicans' styles and characters... But what did much of the liberal media think and say about Bush at the time?
When Bush announced his intention to seek the presidency in 1988, a Newsweek cover story showed the former New Englander navigating a small boat -- get it, he's elite -- with the caption "Fighting the Wimp Factor." Wimp? Bush joined Navy on his 18th birthday, serving in WWII as the Navy's second-youngest aviator. He flew 58 combat missions, was shot down by the Japanese and was rescued by an American sub.... Despite Bush's mind-numbingly impressive credentials, he somehow found himself tagged as insufficiently macho. In 1997, Evan Thomas' Newsweek wrote: " Bush suffers from a potentially crippling handicap -- a perception that he isn't strong enough or tough enough for the challenges of the Oval Office.... The New York Times aided and abetted the narrative of an elite "out-of-touch" patrician. During the 1992 election year, the Times ran a front-page story about a President so clueless about the life of the average American that he was unfamiliar with the supermarket checkout scanner. But the story was fake.... Black Democrats like Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., called him "racist." In 1992, Waters said: "(Bush) is a mean-spirited man who has no care or concern about what happens to the African-American community in this country. I truly believe that."... Barbara Bush expressed surprise. "You're not going to like this," she said, "but my gut feeling is that all the media is against George, Republicans, any Republican." Indeed. From that very media, currently fawning over a man they now call a "statesman," George Herbert Walker Bush deserved better. Much better.

The media's true feelings about 41 were clear in the death announcements they wrote. In the very first sentences were included comments about President Bush's "patrician" background and the failures of his presidency. After taking their obligatory shots at the opponent, they turned on the crocodile tears for the benefit of the gullible members of their audience. What will the MSM force upon America to endure when it’s Carter's, Clinton's or Obama's turn? How will the MSM handle their departures from this life?
No matter what the biased hypocritical media says today, most of us aware adults living in the 80's and 90's know that the media is just telling another lie.
Personally, each time I viewed or heard someone in the MSM on the TV or radio praise Bush, I felt it was more a dig and insult thrown at Trump. There was very little talk of Bush's accomplishments, but lots of talk about his dignity, honor and decorum. Some on the left were honest enough to admit their love of Bush, now that he was dead, was a swipe at Trump. Just as they biased MSM and Democrats used the death of Sen. John McCain to excoriated and lambaste Trump.
Kudo's to Larry Elder, both this Op-Ed and his radio shows the last few days have been highlighting the hypocrisy of the Progressive left and the biased media regarding Bush 41.

I don't know about you, but I keep thinking about the way Bush 41 pulled us out of the Gulf War. At the time I felt mad and frustrated, but now I see the wisdom of his decision. He was smart enough to not get us bogged down. This isn't just because he died recently. I've felt this way for years. Some times it takes a while, and some additional experiences to appreciate a decision like that.
Fake Praise for GHWB: Where Were Media When He Needed Them?

By Larry Elder ---- As with the passing of former President Ronald Reagan, the media are in full praise mode following the death of former President George Herbert Walker Bush. Where were they when the one-term President needed them? In Reagan's case, even his haters grudgingly acknowledged the overall success of his presidency. As for Bush 41, the media's praise of Bush's "grace" and "class" serves to indirectly to attack President Donald Trump by showing the contrast between the two Republicans' styles and characters... But what did much of the liberal media think and say about Bush at the time?
When Bush announced his intention to seek the presidency in 1988, a Newsweek cover story showed the former New Englander navigating a small boat -- get it, he's elite -- with the caption "Fighting the Wimp Factor." Wimp? Bush joined Navy on his 18th birthday, serving in WWII as the Navy's second-youngest aviator. He flew 58 combat missions, was shot down by the Japanese and was rescued by an American sub.... Despite Bush's mind-numbingly impressive credentials, he somehow found himself tagged as insufficiently macho. In 1997, Evan Thomas' Newsweek wrote: " Bush suffers from a potentially crippling handicap -- a perception that he isn't strong enough or tough enough for the challenges of the Oval Office.... The New York Times aided and abetted the narrative of an elite "out-of-touch" patrician. During the 1992 election year, the Times ran a front-page story about a President so clueless about the life of the average American that he was unfamiliar with the supermarket checkout scanner. But the story was fake.... Black Democrats like Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., called him "racist." In 1992, Waters said: "(Bush) is a mean-spirited man who has no care or concern about what happens to the African-American community in this country. I truly believe that."... Barbara Bush expressed surprise. "You're not going to like this," she said, "but my gut feeling is that all the media is against George, Republicans, any Republican." Indeed. From that very media, currently fawning over a man they now call a "statesman," George Herbert Walker Bush deserved better. Much better.

The media's true feelings about 41 were clear in the death announcements they wrote. In the very first sentences were included comments about President Bush's "patrician" background and the failures of his presidency. After taking their obligatory shots at the opponent, they turned on the crocodile tears for the benefit of the gullible members of their audience. What will the MSM force upon America to endure when it’s Carter's, Clinton's or Obama's turn? How will the MSM handle their departures from this life?
No matter what the biased hypocritical media says today, most of us aware adults living in the 80's and 90's know that the media is just telling another lie.
Personally, each time I viewed or heard someone in the MSM on the TV or radio praise Bush, I felt it was more a dig and insult thrown at Trump. There was very little talk of Bush's accomplishments, but lots of talk about his dignity, honor and decorum. Some on the left were honest enough to admit their love of Bush, now that he was dead, was a swipe at Trump. Just as they biased MSM and Democrats used the death of Sen. John McCain to excoriated and lambaste Trump.
Kudo's to Larry Elder, both this Op-Ed and his radio shows the last few days have been highlighting the hypocrisy of the Progressive left and the biased media regarding Bush 41.

Ah, the right whinge. Buncha snowflakes. One of their own is universally lauded but the language isn't strong enough.
Any other right-whingers nearby want to comfort a brother?
Ah, the right whinge. Buncha snowflakes. One of their own is universally lauded but the language isn't strong enough.
Any other right-whingers nearby want to comfort a brother?

Just can't stand the truth. None of you had time for the man when he was president and bad mouthed him constantly. Locked in budget negotiations with the majority Democrats in the House and Senate, Bush was pushed to renege on his promise of no new taxes or face a shut down of government by the Dem's. Bush 41 blinked nd he should have held firm..
Just can't stand the truth. None of you had time for the man when he was president and bad mouthed him constantly. Locked in budget negotiations with the majority Democrats in the House and Senate, Bush was pushed to renege on his promise of no new taxes or face a shut down of government by the Dem's. Bush 41 blinked nd he should have held firm..

Listen. Carefully.
I'm no Democrat but it doesn't matter. Pretend I am. What are you trying to say? First off the media isn't gushing enough in its praise and now you have a problem with his political opponents having been politcal opponents? How does it work in your mind, if you were against his politics you, first of all, are a hypocrite for expressing admiration for him and second, you're at fault for not expressing enough admiration?
You dont have a point here, you just want to ride on Bush's funeral as a chance to bleat your partisan bullcrap.
Listen. Carefully.
I'm no Democrat but it doesn't matter. Pretend I am. What are you trying to say? First off the media isn't gushing enough in its praise and now you have a problem with his political opponents having been politcal opponents? How does it work in your mind, if you were against his politics you, first of all, are a hypocrite for expressing admiration for him and second, you're at fault for not expressing enough admiration?
You dont have a point here, you just want to ride on Bush's funeral as a chance to bleat your partisan bullcrap.

No, what I've alluded to, is that the Media consistently made claims that G.H.W. Bush 41 was not a smart or good president. Yet, in the death f Bush 41 they are now hypocritically gushing and mealy mouth two faced liars. They did the same with McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012. Had McCain, or Romney won their respective elections they certainly would have suffered the same media bashing that Bush 41, Bush 43 and now Trump went and are going through.
All in all both the Biased Media and the Socialist DNC are lying to the people.
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No, what I've alluded to, is that the Media consistently made claims that G.H.W. Bush 41 was not a smart or good president. Yet, in the death f Bush 41 they are now hypocritically gushing and mealy mouth two faced liars. They did the same with McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012. Had McCain, or Romney won their respective elections they certainly would have suffered the same media bashing that Bush 41, Bush 43 and now Trump went and are going through.
All in all both the Biased Media and the Socialist DNC are lying to the people.

Pretty much, the fact that you think the DNC is socialist shows you don't know the very basics of politics. As for your opinion of the media, it's nothing but parroting the most simplistic right-whinge meme. If you name nearly any topic I bet I can tell you what your opinion on it is just because I know what simple-minded rightists say about it.
No, what I've alluded to, is that the Media consistently made claims that G.H.W. Bush 41 was not a smart or good president. Yet, in the death f Bush 41 they are now hypocritically gushing and mealy mouth two faced liars. They did the same with McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012. Had McCain, or Romney won their respective elections they certainly would have suffered the same media bashing that Bush 41, Bush 43 and now Trump went and are going through.
All in all both the Biased Media and the Socialist DNC are lying to the people.

Weren’t you the OP of the French cry “we want Trump” post that included a FB video of a UK setting complete with “bobbies” and left lane driving?
Pretty much, the fact that you think the DNC is socialist shows you don't know the very basics of politics. As for your opinion of the media, it's nothing but parroting the most simplistic right-whinge meme. If you name nearly any topic I bet I can tell you what your opinion on it is just because I know what simple-minded rightists say about it.


DNC Chair Tom Perez Runs Away When Asked If He Believes ...
DNC Chair Tom Perez Runs Away When Asked If He Believes Keith Ellison Accuser - Tennessee Star
The DNC is run by an illegal loving, open-borders chairman and co-chaired by a stealth jihadi, Keith Ellison (whose religion/political persuasion/culture encourage the oppression of women) who are both socialists.

DNC Chairman: Socialism Is the Future of Our Party
Perez’s endorsement of her views as “the future of the party” is powerful: He leads the DNC, which “plans the Party’s presidential nominating convention and promotes the Democratic Platform, the statement of core principles at the heart of our Party, is governed by its Charter and Bylaws.”

DNC Chair Tom Perez Runs Away When Asked If He Believes ...
DNC Chair Tom Perez Runs Away When Asked If He Believes Keith Ellison Accuser - Tennessee Star
The DNC is run by an illegal loving, open-borders chairman and co-chaired by a stealth jihadi, Keith Ellison (whose religion/political persuasion/culture encourage the oppression of women) who are both socialists.

DNC Chairman: Socialism Is the Future of Our Party
Perez’s endorsement of her views as “the future of the party” is powerful: He leads the DNC, which “plans the Party’s presidential nominating convention and promotes the Democratic Platform, the statement of core principles at the heart of our Party, is governed by its Charter and Bylaws.”

Oh, you wanna push this? Okay, show me how the DNC is socialist. And I don't mean what you consider socialism. I don't think you know what the word means. I mean socialism as defined by Merriam-Websters dictionary. Here's a link...

Oh, you wanna push this? Okay, show me how the DNC is socialist. And I don't mean what you consider socialism. I don't think you know what the word means. I mean socialism as defined by Merriam-Websters dictionary. Here's a link...


No two Democrats think exactly alike any more than any two Socialists or any two adherents to any other philosophy for that matter. Perhaps the better way to determine the differences between democrats and socialists is to compare party platforms.
Compare the DNC 2016 Platform (the most recent), but what about the Socialists? It seems that most third parties are Socialist in nature. Among these parties are the Democratic Socialists of America, Socialist Workers Party, Socialist Equality Party, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Socialist Action, Socialist Party USA and the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). For ll intents and purposes they all fall under the banner of the Democratic Socialists of America.
It seems that I have no other choice but to pick one. I’ll compare the DNC Platform to that of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the contents of this particular platform is what “Socialists” believe. I will also restrict the range of issues to socioeconomic issues where there is probably broad agreement among those who subscribe to Socialism as the best way to organize society and government.
Let's examine the two platforms Democrats and Socialists. To the credit of the Socialists, their platform is much more to the point and easier to understand than the DNC’s. Here’s an excerpt from their economics plank:
The DSA Party stands for a fundamental transformation of the economy, focusing on production for need not profit. So-called fair trade is meaningless as long as the world economy is dominated by a few massive corporations. Only a global transformation from capitalism to democratic socialism will provide the conditions for international peace, justice, and economic cooperation based on the large-scale transfer of resources and technology from the developed to the developing countries.
• We demand the immediate withdrawal of the United States from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), and oppose the creation of a widened Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA).
• We call for worker and community ownership and control of corporations within the framework of a decentralized and democratically determined economic plan.
• We call for a minimum wage of $15 per hour, indexed to the cost of living.
• We call for a full employment policy. We support the provision of a livable guaranteed annual income.
• We call for all financial and insurance institutions to be socially owned and operated by a democratically-controlled national banking authority, which should include credit unions, mutual insurance cooperatives, and cooperative state banks. In the meantime, we call for reregulation of the banking and insurance industries.
• We call for a steeply graduated income tax and a steeply graduated estate tax, and a maximum income of no more than ten times the minimum. We oppose regressive taxes such as payroll tax, sales tax, and property taxes.​
I’m quite sure that much of the DSA Platform resonates with rank and file Democrats.
Ah, the right whinge. Buncha snowflakes. One of their own is universally lauded but the language isn't strong enough.
Any other right-whingers nearby want to comfort a brother?

You should write a book about DBAJ, your post is object lesson one. Its just asinine.

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