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Fact-checking Trump's claims that he 'called home' to Melania during 2018 foreign trip she was on (1 Viewer)


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CNN - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Fact-checking Trump's claims that he 'called home' to Melania during 2018 foreign trip she was on
Updated 1:24 PM ET, Fri September 4, 2020
Washington, DC (CNN) - President Donald Trump has vehemently denied reports that he skipped a 2018 visit to a World War I memorial in France because he was concerned about his hair and considered the cemetery "filled with losers," as the Atlantic first reported.

Trump told reporters yesterday that he "called home" to Melania Trump at the time and told her how upset he was for not being able to visit the cemetery. At the time, the White House said he was unable to attend and had to cancel the visit because of bad weather.

Trump claims he "called home, I spoke to my wife and I said 'I hate this. I came here to go to that ceremony.' And to the one that was the following day which I did go to. I said I feel terribly. And that was the end of it."

Facts First: Melania Trump was on the same trip with the President and was scheduled to attend the cemetery visit. She was not in the US.

A readout from the first lady's office at the time said that "Due to inclement weather, the First Lady and President were unable to visit the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery and Memorial in Belleau, France."

That evening, Trump and Melania went to a dinner together hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron.

When the decision was made to cancel the visit to the Aisne-Marne cemetery, no aides cautioned Trump that it would play poorly, which he later blamed on Gen. John Kelly and one of Kelly's top aides Zach Fuentes. One person familiar with the postmortem discussions said Trump accused them of "f*cking him" by not predicting the inevitable fallout.

Still, aides said at the time that Trump did not push to attend the ceremony after being told he could not fly there in the helicopter and that traveling by motorcade would prove difficult logistically.

Kelly later replaced Trump on the visit to the cemetery.

Instead of the visit, Trump spent hours on that Saturday afternoon holed up watching television inside the US ambassador's residence, people familiar with the situation said.

This is Dirtbag's admission that he did, in fact, make those slurs against dead soldiers. For him to have concocted this patent lie (or is his mental impairment so bad that he forgot Melania was with him in France and had dinner that very night with Macron?) to try to get out from under that fact blows his whole cover story.

A trip to the cemetery by motorcade from Paris would have been just a bit over an hour even if it wasn't also a lie that the helicopter ride was too dangerous. This is how criminal narcissists finally get brought down....by the massive weight of their own lies.
CNN - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

This is Dirtbag's admission that he did, in fact, make those slurs against dead soldiers. For him to have concocted this patent lie (or is his mental impairment so bad that he forgot Melania was with him in France and had dinner that very night with Macron?) to try to get out from under that fact blows his whole cover story.

A trip to the cemetery by motorcade from Paris would have been just a bit over an hour even if it wasn't also a lie that the helicopter ride was too dangerous. This is how criminal narcissists finally get brought down....by the massive weight of their own lies.

nicely done
CNN - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

This is Dirtbag's admission that he did, in fact, make those slurs against dead soldiers. For him to have concocted this patent lie (or is his mental impairment so bad that he forgot Melania was with him in France and had dinner that very night with Macron?) to try to get out from under that fact blows his whole cover story.

A trip to the cemetery by motorcade from Paris would have been just a bit over an hour even if it wasn't also a lie that the helicopter ride was too dangerous. This is how criminal narcissists finally get brought down....by the massive weight of their own lies.

Well in all fairness, he may have called home. He's forgotten when she is standing right next to him.

Maybe he was talking about his wife Ivanka?
Give Trump a break. I’m sure that when every other statement that comes out of his mouth is a lie it’s hard to keep things straight!

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... maybe he meant he was calling home, like other lizard people do.


Thought had by person at the White House: If you can remember, man, woman, car, camera, TV, you are fit to lead a country and no one has anything to worry about

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