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FACT CHECK: Trump's baseless claim of 'deep state' at FDA (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

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Apr 18, 2013
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FACT CHECK: Trump's baseless claim of 'deep state' at FDA


The dummy is creating yet another 'Deep State' conspiracy theory.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is leveling unfounded attacks on his Food and Drug Administration and distorting the science on effective treatments for COVID-19. Heading this week into the Republican National Convention, he asserted that the agency is slow-walking vaccines and treatments for the coronavirus in a bid to undermine his November reelection effort. There’s no evidence of that, and one of his former FDA commissioners on Sunday rejected the accusation as groundless. Trump also suggested anew that hydroxychloroquine is a proven and effective treatment for the coronavirus. It isn’t. And Sunday evening, he announced emergency authorization to treat COVID-19 patients with convalescent plasma, a step he hailed as a historic breakthrough even though the treatment's value has not been established. His weekend torrent of false and misleading claims follows a Democratic National Convention in which Joe Biden and his allies spun an assortment of facts to their benefit, omitting inconvenient truths such as Barack Obama’s record of aggressive deportations and swift action by a Republican president to save the auto industry more than a decade ago.

THE FACTS: No one has produced evidence that anyone at the FDA is delaying any treatment or vaccine for the coronavirus. During the pandemic, Trump has frequently contradicted or undercut the guidance of his government health experts, including at the FDA, and has asserted that a vaccine for COVID-19 could become available before the November election. The push for a speedy vaccine has drawn concern from some scientists that the White House will put pressure on U.S. regulators to approve a vaccine before it’s ready. A top FDA official who is overseeing COVID vaccine trials had vowed to resign if the Trump administration approves a vaccine before it is shown to be safe and effective. Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, made his promise during a conference call earlier in the month with pharmaceutical executives, government officials and others, Reuters reported Friday. One of Trump's former FDA commissioners, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, said the president's charges are unfounded.

Trump fancies himself a king and whatever he says must be obeyed.

He will put pressure on federal agencies to approve a vaccine, even though it may not have passed all clinical trials. Trump wants a vaccine delivered before the November election and to hell with safety protocols.

His ballyhooed emergency authorization to use "convalescent plasma" treatments is nothing groundbreaking. The treatment is not a game changer.

And Trump keeps pushing a hydroxychloroquine-azithromycin cocktail despite numerous studies suggesting it is inconsequential and can even deliver dangerous secondary effects to COVID patients.
Every time he does this crap, he fails.

He is not only bad at delegating, he thinks that delegating itself is a sign of weakness.
Trump is so vain he thinks everything is about him.

"he asserted that the agency is slow-walking vaccines and treatments for the coronavirus in a bid to undermine his November reelection effort."

Doesn't Trump remember he appointed the current head of the FDA? It's all a conspiracy, they're out to get him! :lamo

Stephen Hahn | FDA

Dr. Stephen M. Hahn was sworn in as the 24th Commissioner of Food and Drugs on December 17, 2019. Dr. Hahn is a physician, scientist and health care leader with an extensive background in patient care, academic research and executive leadership.
Every time he does this crap, he fails.

He is not only bad at delegating, he thinks that delegating itself is a sign of weakness.

It's the cherry bomb in the toilet trick; it's his default strategy when he's got nothing else to whinge about. Once he makes that kind of claim, the media runs with it an it becomes the topic of conversation. I'm surprised people still fall for it instead of pushing back the onus on him providing evidence.
Trump is so vain he thinks everything is about him.

"he asserted that the agency is slow-walking vaccines and treatments for the coronavirus in a bid to undermine his November reelection effort."

Doesn't Trump remember he appointed the current head of the FDA? It's all a conspiracy, they're out to get him! :lamo

Stephen Hahn | FDA

It's a growing list of people/agencies/governments/alien races/mythical characters etc.
It's the cherry bomb in the toilet trick; it's his default strategy when he's got nothing else to whinge about. Once he makes that kind of claim, the media runs with it an it becomes the topic of conversation. I'm surprised people still fall for it instead of pushing back the onus on him providing evidence.

I was referring to his inability to let experts do their work, but you are absolutely right on his crying about "deep state" conspiracies any time something doesn't go his own way. I mean, it's not like Donald Trump was ever going to hold himself accountable.
Trump is so vain he thinks everything is about him.

"he asserted that the agency is slow-walking vaccines and treatments for the coronavirus in a bid to undermine his November reelection effort."

Doesn't Trump remember he appointed the current head of the FDA? It's all a conspiracy, they're out to get him! :lamo

Stephen Hahn | FDA

I expect to see Dr. Hahn replaced soon.
Trump is so vain he thinks everything is about him.

"he asserted that the agency is slow-walking vaccines and treatments for the coronavirus in a bid to undermine his November reelection effort."

Doesn't Trump remember he appointed the current head of the FDA? It's all a conspiracy, they're out to get him! :lamo

Stephen Hahn | FDA

Hahn was obviously a Manchurian Candidate brainwashed by Obama and COINTELPRO to sabotage Trump. It all makes sense when you connect the dots.
Our President is a massive liar.
FACT CHECK: Trump's baseless claim of 'deep state' at FDA


The dummy is creating yet another 'Deep State' conspiracy theory.

Trump fancies himself a king and whatever he says must be obeyed.

He will put pressure on federal agencies to approve a vaccine, even though it may not have passed all clinical trials. Trump wants a vaccine delivered before the November election and to hell with safety protocols.

His ballyhooed emergency authorization to use "convalescent plasma" treatments is nothing groundbreaking. The treatment is not a game changer.

And Trump keeps pushing a hydroxychloroquine-azithromycin cocktail despite numerous studies suggesting it is inconsequential and can even deliver dangerous secondary effects to COVID patients.

If Biden wins the left will be talking nonstop 24/7 about Trump's deep state.

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