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Exxon Prevails in Court (1 Viewer)

I guess you didn't mean what you meant to say to begin with.........even though everyone knows what you meant.

Just stop, RUSN. You're embarrassing yourself with your desperate attempt to insert words into my mouth that simply do not exist. :lol:
Just stop, RUSN. You're embarrassing yourself with your desperate attempt to insert words into my mouth that simply do not exist. :lol:

Sorry, but you're the only one embarrassing yourself (just like last time). The plaintiffs lost on the merits.
Another example of wanna-be socialist cities abusing our court system because they can't get the whole country to pass the laws they want to impose on everyone.
Sorry, but you're the only one embarrassing yourself

I'm rubber, you're glue. :)

The plaintiffs lost on the merits.

You mean, the plaintiffs lost because the defendants had the best attorneys that money can buy, making their case almost unloseable.
Good lawyers lose in court all the time, and the plaintiffs had high-end legal talent on their side too.

Not a proof. Not even close. Try again.
Good lawyers lose in court all the time, and the plaintiffs had high-end legal talent on their side too.

Especially when one of them is the states ATTORNEY GENERAL!

[h=1]Judges Explain Why They Are Knocking Down Enviro Attempts To Sue Oil Companies Into Oblivion[/h][FONT=&quot]From The Daily Caller Chris White Tech Reporter January 21, 2020 4:30 PM ET Activists who are working to level lawsuits on oil companies and the federal government are reeling after a series of brutal defeats, with one environmentalist saying a child-led climate lawsuit was a “big ask.” Judges have nixed climate lawsuits leveled at…
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[FONT=&quot]Climate News[/FONT]
[h=1]BUSTED: State climate lawsuits are all about ignoring legislature to get cash stream[/h][FONT=&quot]From Government Accountability & Oversight Transparency Group Provides Federal Court of Appeals with Records Proving State “Climate” Lawsuit is to Obtain “Sustainable Funding Stream”, After Failing to Convince Legislature to Fund its Priorities BOSTON, MA, March 10, 2020 – The Transparency group Energy Policy Advocates (“EPA”) yesterday filed a motion with the United States Court…
“The office of the Attorney General failed to prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that ExxonMobil made any material misstatements or omissions about its practices and procedures that misled any reasonable investor,” Ostrager wrote in a 55-page ruling. The AG “produced no testimony either from any investor who claimed to have been misled by any disclosure,” the judge said.

They don't need to read the facts. They are the true deniers of fact, reason, and science. They have their faith, and that's all they need.

The Bloomberg article is obviously denied by them.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

They couldn't show that Exxon violated the Martin Act - Wikipedia

Just how stupid were the lawyers bring this case to trial, anyway?
A big oil company prevails in a lawsuit with the best attorneys that money can buy.

In other news, water is wet.

That's right. Deny the facts in the supporting article.
Ha ha, you have yet to explain why the Prosecution didn't get any of the investors to testify they were being allegedly mislead by Exxon.

From the 55 page ruling:

You think you can do better than the States Attorney General?


Out of the millions of investors in Exxon, they couldn't find one single person?

Wow... Why didn't they know they had no case?

Irreversible is totally stupid. Putting them in jail for something not specified?

Man... This is the guy democrats will most likely be voting for in Novemeber, and they call president Trump stupid.

Has there ever been a speech Biden hasn't said stupid things?
They don't need to read the facts. They are the true deniers of fact, reason, and science. They have their faith, and that's all they need.

The Bloomberg article is obviously denied by them.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

They couldn't show that Exxon violated the Martin Act - Wikipedia

Just how stupid were the lawyers bring this case to trial, anyway?

They run on ideology, that is why they torture anything to maintain their ideological delusion.

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