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Exporting Doctors (1 Viewer)

Cuban Doctors' Monthly Pay in Mexico: $220

With that they can shop, guarded, in the most dangerous neighborhood of the Mexican capital.

Madrid 11 Jun 2020

Tepito, the street market quarter where Cuban doctors go to shop. (MILENIO)

Of the $10,700 that the Mexican government pays on average for each of the 585 Cuban doctors and nurses who serve in the country's capital, Havana has only paid them $660 for three months ($220 per month), a source from the medical brigade, and another close to these professionals, revealed to the DDC.

The duration of the contract between Havana, the Mexican Institute of Health for Welfare (INSABI) and the Government of Mexico City's secretariats of Health and Administration and Finance has not been disclosed. In an interview conducted on June 3, DIARIO DE CUBA requested a copy from the Secretary of Health of the Mexican capital, Olivia López Arellano, but has not yet received a response.

The official revealed that the contract is worth a total of $6,255,792, paid for by the INSABI.

That money pays for the work of the doctors in hospitals that serve Covid-19 patients, but also "training, specialization (...) counseling, and joint research," she said.
Click link above for full article
Doctors on average receive between 10% and 25% of the salary paid by the host countries, with the rest being kept by the Castroit regime.

A report compiled by Cuban Prisoners Defenders, based on testimony from 446 doctors, said that 41% had their passports removed by a Cuban official when they arrived at their destination, 91% were watched over by Cuban security officials during their mission and 39% said they felt “strongly pressured” to serve abroad. So much for the “heroes’ welcome.”
Cuba is sending more than just ‘doctors’ to Mexico


June 15, 2020 by Alberto de la Cruz


Mary Anastasia O’Grady exposes how Cuba’s socialist dictatorship uses its “medical brigades” to influence foreign countries and set up spy networks.

Via The Wall Street Journal:

Cuban Medical Brigades to Mexico

Havana has a history of using its doctors to propagandize and build intel networks.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has been known to take great umbrage at the suggestion that he is similar to the late Hugo Chávez, who after being elected democratically in Venezuela turned his country into a dictatorship. Yet parallels between the two men are not imagined. Like Chávez, AMLO—as the president is known by his initials—is fond of demagoguery and of fomenting hatred for entrepreneurs.

Now a decision to import hundreds of Cuban medics in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic is further stoking fears that the president has a hidden antidemocratic agenda.

One reason Cuban medical “brigades” are raising Mexican eyebrows is that Cuba has a reputation for sending medical personnel abroad to do work for which they are not trained. At the same time, Havana also has a record of using teaching, social work and medical care as cover to spread Castroism and build intelligence networks in democratic countries.
Click link above for full article.

More than 15 doctors have already defected from the medical brigade in Mexico, it always happen that way. Many times the regime send doctors abroad to work in in special fields they are not trained for. Mexican doctors complained that the Cuban doctors “arrive without adequate preparation and are unaware of basic nursing procedures and even refusing to cooperate.” There you have it, straight from the horse mouth.
More than 15 doctors have already defected from the medical brigade in Mexico, it always happen that way. Many times the regime send doctors abroad to work in in special fields they are not trained for. Mexican doctors complained that the Cuban doctors “arrive without adequate preparation and are unaware of basic nursing procedures and even refusing to cooperate.” There you have it, straight from the horse mouth.
The doctors that are sent by the regime to work overseas is akin to human trafficking. They less than 20 percent of what those countries pays for their service, and the regime pockets over 80% of their salary. This is a multi-billion dollar form of international organize crime, a modern-day slavery.
Doctors who refuse to become a money making export for the regime, are punishing by lowering their professional status, canceling their internet and email accounts, denied advancement in their careers and punished in other ways.
Cuban Doctors' Monthly Pay in Mexico: $220

With that they can shop, guarded, in the most dangerous neighborhood of the Mexican capital.

DDC Madrid 11 Jun 2020

Tepito, the street market quarter where Cuban doctors go to shop. (MILENIO)

Of the $10,700 that the Mexican government pays on average for each of the 585 Cuban doctors and nurses who serve in the country's capital, Havana has only paid them $660 for three months ($220 per month), a source from the medical brigade, and another close to these professionals, revealed to the DDC.

The duration of the contract between Havana, the Mexican Institute of Health for Welfare (INSABI) and the Government of Mexico City's secretariats of Health and Administration and Finance has not been disclosed. In an interview conducted on June 3, DIARIO DE CUBA requested a copy from the Secretary of Health of the Mexican capital, Olivia López Arellano, but has not yet received a response.

The official revealed that the contract is worth a total of $6,255,792, paid for by the INSABI.

That money pays for the work of the doctors in hospitals that serve Covid-19 patients, but also "training, specialization (...) counseling, and joint research," she said.

Accommodations do not enter into the expenses, as they are covered by Mexican hoteliers who have made "donations" to collaborate in the fight against the pandemic.
Click link above for full article.
Doctors on average receive between 10% and 25% of the salary paid by the host countries, with the rest being kept by the Castroit regime.

A report compiled by Cuban Prisoners Defenders, based on testimony from 446 doctors, said that 41% had their passports removed by a Cuban official when they arrived at their destination, 91% were watched over by Cuban security officials during their mission and 39% said they felt “strongly pressured” to serve abroad. So much for the “heroes’ welcome.”
Cuba is sending more than just ‘doctors’ to Mexico

June 15, 2020 by Alberto de la Cruz


Mary Anastasia O’Grady exposes how Cuba’s socialist dictatorship uses its “medical brigades” to influence foreign countries and set up spy networks.

Via The Wall Street Journal:

Cuban Medical Brigades to Mexico

Havana has a history of using its doctors to propagandize and build intel networks.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has been known to take great umbrage at the suggestion that he is similar to the late Hugo Chávez, who after being elected democratically in Venezuela turned his country into a dictatorship. Yet parallels between the two men are not imagined. Like Chávez, AMLO—as the president is known by his initials—is fond of demagoguery and of fomenting hatred for entrepreneurs.

Now a decision to import hundreds of Cuban medics in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic is further stoking fears that the president has a hidden antidemocratic agenda.

One reason Cuban medical “brigades” are raising Mexican eyebrows is that Cuba has a reputation for sending medical personnel abroad to do work for which they are not trained. At the same time, Havana also has a record of using teaching, social work and medical care as cover to spread Castroism and build intelligence networks in democratic countries.
Click link above for full article.

More than 15 doctors have already defected from the medical brigade in Mexico, it always happen that way. Many times the regime send doctors abroad to work in in special fields they are not trained for. Mexican doctors complained that the Cuban doctors “arrive without adequate preparation and are unaware of basic nursing procedures and even refusing to cooperate.” There you have it, straight from the horse mouth.
The Cuban Doctor who Fled from Andorra is Considered ‘A Leading Man’ of the Brigade


Dariel Romero, the doctor who supposedly abandoned the mission, is shown on the left together with Andorran Minister of Foreign Affairs María Batch. On their right is Alain González, the Cuban Consul in Barcelona, next to the Andorran flag. (Altaveu)

14ymedio, Havana, June 25, 2020 — With military training and family members in political positions, Daniel Romero, the anesthesiologist who supposedly fled last Saturday from the Cuban brigade in Andorra, was a key element in the delegation of 39 health workers sent to this tiny European country to fight COVID-19. According to the local press, a nurse joined him in his petition for asylum in the neighboring country of Spain, where both have family.

A rapid review of press reports, in Cuba as well as in Andorra, since the arrival of the brigade in Europe at the end of March, reveals Romero’s leading role. The anesthesiologist appears in high-level meetings with the Andorran Minister of Health, Joan Martínez Benazet, and the Consul General of Cuba in Barcelona, Alain González, who coordinated an intense propaganda campaign about “solidarity” and “philanthropy” as motives for sending medical brigades to 59 countries on the planet.
Click link above for full article.
The leader doctor of the brigade, capital Daniel Romero deserted in Andorra and saw asylum in Spain where he has family. Many doctors abandon their mission and go into hiding, until they can safely escape and ask for asylum.


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Some 40 Cuban Health Workers Have Fled From Qatar In The Last Few Years

The Cuban Hospital of Qatar, inaugurated in 2012, is considered “the jewel in the crown” of the international Cuban medical missions”. (Facebook)

Regina Anavy

14ymedio, Havana, July 12, 2020 — In spite of the vigilance and fear of being discovered in the middle of preparations, some 40 Cuban health workers have escaped from the official mission in Qatar. In order to accomplish this, they had to pretend, lie or disguise themselves, according to an extensive report published on Friday in the Spanish newspaper El Mundo.

The article reports the testimony of three professionals who worked in the modern installations of the Cuban Hospital in Dukhan, 80 kilometers west of Doha. The health workers relate the story of their flight, “worthy of a Cold War spy movie”, says the text, in which the anonymity of those interviewed is preserved in order to avoid possible reprisals.

“I remember I was very afraid of being discovered. I dressed like an Arab. I put on a tunic and a scarf. I had to disguise myself every time I visited the U.S. Embassy in Qatar,” said Yadira, a young nurse who escaped from the official mission and now lives in the United States.

The Cuban Hospital in Qatar, inaugurated in 2012, is considered “the jewel in the crown of the international Cuban medical missions”, a prosperous business managed by the Company for Cuban Medical Services. Yadira worked for more than two years in the installation and remembers the control over the Cuban staff.
Click link above for full article.
The reason that 40 health workers of the near 475 working in the Qatar government hospital have escaped, is due to harsh condition imposed on them by the regime security to try avoid their escape, and that they receive only 10% of what other foreign medical professionals make working in a government hospital in Qatar, the remainder of their earnings are pocketed by the Castroit regime under a deal with the Qatar government. Cuba’s health workers are victims of wage theft, passport confiscation, heavy surveillance and forced family separation. The new slaves in white robe.
Some 40 Cuban Health Workers Have Fled From Qatar In The Last Few Years

The Cuban Hospital of Qatar, inaugurated in 2012, is considered “the jewel in the crown” of the international Cuban medical missions”. (Facebook)

Regina Anavy

14ymedio, Havana, July 12, 2020 — In spite of the vigilance and fear of being discovered in the middle of preparations, some 40 Cuban health workers have escaped from the official mission in Qatar. In order to accomplish this, they had to pretend, lie or disguise themselves, according to an extensive report published on Friday in the Spanish newspaper El Mundo.

The article reports the testimony of three professionals who worked in the modern installations of the Cuban Hospital in Dukhan, 80 kilometers west of Doha. The health workers relate the story of their flight, “worthy of a Cold War spy movie”, says the text, in which the anonymity of those interviewed is preserved in order to avoid possible reprisals.

“I remember I was very afraid of being discovered. I dressed like an Arab. I put on a tunic and a scarf. I had to disguise myself every time I visited the U.S. Embassy in Qatar,” said Yadira, a young nurse who escaped from the official mission and now lives in the United States.

The Cuban Hospital in Qatar, inaugurated in 2012, is considered “the jewel in the crown of the international Cuban medical missions”, a prosperous business managed by the Company for Cuban Medical Services. Yadira worked for more than two years in the installation and remembers the control over the Cuban staff.
Click link above for full article.
The reason that 40 health workers of the near 475 working in the Qatar government hospital have escaped, is due to harsh condition imposed on them by the regime security to try avoid their escape, and that they receive only 10% of what other foreign medical professionals make working in a government hospital in Qatar, the remainder of their earnings are pocketed by the Castroit regime under a deal with the Qatar government. Cuba’s health workers are victims of wage theft, passport confiscation, heavy surveillance and forced family separation. The new slaves in white robe.

After the trade in illegal drugs, slavery and human trafficking are two of the most profitable criminal activities in the world today. This gross violation of fundamental rights takes place every continent and the victims includes men, women, and children from every walk of life imaginable. As part of its mission to defend fundamental rights and strengthen the rule of law, the Global Liberty Alliance is committed to helping uncover trafficking in persons in the Western Hemisphere and hold modern-day slave traders to account.

Just 90 miles from the United States, socialist Cuba, with the assistance of various Caribbean, South American, and Central American nations, has propped up an international network that traffics in persons who have been denied various fundamental individual rights.
Click link above for full article.
A human rights complaint was filed in Uruguay to release records related to Uruguay's contracting medical workers from Cuba, urging the investigation of trafficking in Cuba health professionals in the country.

The Castroit regime send Cubans doctors to work for peanuts around the world. They work in remote communities with restricted means of transportation, and under surveillance all the time. These doctors receive less than 20 percent of what other countries are paying for their service. Many doctors in such medical missions defect to freedom This is a modern day version of human trafficking, a multi-billion dollar form of international organize crime, a modern-day slavery.
Cuba: Repressive Rules for Doctors Working Abroad

Receiving Governments Should Press for Change

Medics and paramedics from Cuba pose upon arrival at the Malpensa airport of Milan, Italy, Sunday, March 22, 2020. Fifty-three doctors and paramedics from Cuba arrived in Milan to help with coronavirus treatment. © 2020 AP Photo/Antonio Calanni.

The Cuban government imposes draconian rules on doctors deployed in medical missions globally that violate their fundamental rights, Human Rights Watch said today. Governments seeking support from Cuban health workers to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic should press Cuban authorities to modify applicable regulations and laws that violate the right to privacy, freedom of expression and association, liberty, and movement, among others.

Since March, Cuba has sent roughly 1,500 medical professionals across the world to help fight the Covid-19 pandemic, joining approximately 30,000 Cuban health workers already deployed abroad. Cuban government regulations provide that workers may be disciplined for being “friends” with people who hold “hostile or contrary views to the Cuban revolution.” Health workers may also face criminal penalties if they “abandon” their jobs.

“Cuban doctors deployed to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic provide valuable services to many communities, but at the expense of their most basic freedoms,” said José Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at Human Rights Watch. “Governments interested in receiving support from Cuban doctors should press the Cuban government to overhaul this Orwellian system that dictates with whom doctors can live, fall in love, or talk.”
Click link above for full article.
Cubans doctors most basic freedoms have been obliterated. The Orwellian Castroit regime regulations would punish Cuban doctors abroad who are “friends” with people that holds vies contrary to the regime. Under regulation 168 is a “disciplinary offense to have “relationships” with anyone whose “actions are not consistent with the principles and values of the Cuban society.”
Living with “unauthorized” people is also a disciplinary offense. Deployed personnel are required to disclose all “romantic relationships” to their immediate supervisors. Health workers also need “authorization” to “participate in public acts of a political or social nature.” Those who “abandon” the missions are subject to an entry ban to Cuba of eight rears. This regulations violate the right to privacy, freedom of expression and association, liberty, and movement. In odder words “white coat slaves.”
More Medics Join ICC 'Slavery' Case Against Cuba

AFP - Agence France Presse
September 22, 2020

Hundreds more Cuban medics have joined a case against Havana at the International Criminal Court, accusing the government of submitting its overseas medical corps to "slavery", an NGO said on Tuesday.

The medical corps, a flagship initiative started in the 1960s, is one of the Cuban government's most lucrative sources of income and employs thousands of professionals in dozens of countries.

But the lawsuit accuses former president Raul Castro and current leader Miguel Diaz-Canel of crimes against humanity for running a programme that acts as a form of modern slavery.

The Cuban Prisoners Defenders (CPD) advocacy group and a political group called the Cuban Patriotic Union filed the case in May 2019, initially including 110 testimonies by doctors.

But last month hundreds more joined the case, which now counts the testimonies of 622 doctors, the CPD said.
Click link above for full article.
Numerous official irrefutable documentation hat demonstrates the terrifying dimensions of the absolute slavery practiced in Cuban medical missions, as well as in those of other professionals, such as teachers, engineers, architects, artists or athletes in numerous countries.
Numerous official irrefutable documentation that demonstrates the terrifying dimensions of the absolute slavery practiced in Cuban medical missions, as well as in those of other professionals, such as teachers, engineers, architects, artists or athletes in numerous countries.
The Castroit regime forces its professionals exported abroad to do “political work” in their destination countries. Due to the punishments imposed by the Castroit regime on “internationalist collaborators” who abandon their mission abroad, “more than 5,000 parents” cannot meet their children.
Over 600 enslaved Cuban doctors have joined International Criminal Court lawsuit against the Castro dictatorship

September 18, 2020 by Alberto de la Cruz


While the international media is busy spreading Castro propaganda about socialist Cuba’s “foreign medical missions,” more Cuban doctors are coming forward to expose their enslavement.

Via Martí Noticias (my translation):

Lawsuit by Cuban doctors at the International Criminal Court adds hundreds of new plaintiffs

The lawsuit before the International Criminal Court and the United Nations over enslavement in Cuban medical missions now involves 622 Cuban medical professionals, said Cuban Prisoners Defenders (CBP) on Thursday.

The lawsuit was initially filed in May of 2019 with the testimony of only 46 Cuban doctors.

A formal announcement with the added plaintiffs to the case “622 Cuban Doctors vs. Cuban Government” will be made next Tuesday in Spain with the participation of European Parliament Vice-President for Latin America Dita Charanzova along with other officials.

At the announcement, they will also reveal additional agreements and many more contracts added as evidence of “how the regime finances itself through these missions,” explained the president of CPD Javier Larrondo in an interview with Radio Television Martí.

Larrondo assured that the lawsuit against the regime in Havana before the International Criminal Court has entered the second phase after passing the initial phase and an evaluation of its legal basis.

“We have received two noticies, one of the official acceptance and another saying the investigations for the second phase prior to it being turned over to prosecutors have begun.”

The lawsuit is based on complaints by Cuban doctors that working in foreign countries under agreements between the Cuban regime and other governments has deprived them of their basic rights, does not provided them fair compensation, and keeps them under strict surveillance.

Over 600 Cuban doctors that escaped from the Castroit communist regime medical slavery system, joined a global complaint before the International Criminal Court (ICC) against the regime detailing the human rights abuses they endured and the damage the program forced them to inflict on their host countries. But the left keep telling that the Castroit regime has the best health care system in the world!
The doctors testified that the regime sent them to work around the world, often in dangerous locations in developing countries. Once there, they had to falsify data by “treating” nonexistent patients and destroying the drugs they “prescribed.” They did not directly receive payment from their host countries. According to the NGO report, “more than 50,000 professionals each year suffer from these conditions, for which the government confiscates 85% of their salaries abroad, with annual profits of $8.5 billion.”
Marco Rubio, Bob Menendez Team Up on Combating Trafficking of Cuban Doctors Act

By KEVIN DERBY -09.22.20

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez, D-NJ, both members of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, teamed up to introduce the “Combating Trafficking of Cuban Doctors Act” this week.

“This new bill seeks to strengthen accountability for the Cuban regime’s documented human trafficking and exploitation of Cuban doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals through the so-called ‘foreign medical missions’. The legislation reaffirms the United States’ commitment to defending democratic values and human rights in Cuba, and re-establishes the Cuban Medical Professional Parole Program, suspended under the Obama administration, in order to allow eligible Cuban medical professionals, and their immediate family, to come to the United States,” Rubio’s office noted.

Menendez, the top Democrat on the committee, introduced the bill on Monday with Rubio as a cosponsor.
Click link above for full article.
In a bipartisan action by the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, a bill was introduced to combat the trafficking of Cuban doctors. The bill asked for the reestablishing the Cuban Medical Professional Parole Program. So far, the Congress has not vote on it. The bill says that “Cuban medical professionals are subjected to state-sponsored human trafficking and calls for Cuban medical personnel to be fully compensated for their work.”… That “the regime’s deployment of Cuban doctors during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as through the Mais Médicos program in Brazil between 2013 and 2018, constitute human trafficking.”
Cuban Doctors Report Castro Regime’s Slavery to the United Nations

The repression of Cuban doctors and professionals starts from the Cuban legal framework itself. For example, the so-called Migration Law No. 312 prevents Cuban professionals from having an ordinary passport.

By Juan Felipe Vélez Last updated Sep 24, 2020


Cuban doctors stranded in Colombia after abandoning the medical mission in Venezuela (Youtube).

“The world has consented to slavery in more than 60 countries with the Cuban international missions. We cannot exchange health for slavery. The world must react.” Javier Larrondo, president of the NGO Prisoners Defender International, stated, referring to the repression suffered by Cuban doctors, professionals, athletes, and musicians who are part of the acclaimed missions of the Cuban government, which have existed since the 1960s and continue to operate in several countries today.

About 622 Cuban doctors denounced situations of slavery, intimidation by government officials, severe overcrowding, wage expropriation, the pressure to generate false income to improve statistics, and threats to family members by government officials at the UN through the NGO Prisoners Defender.

Last year, Prisoners Defenders denounced before the UN and the International Criminal Court the abuses of the Cuban government towards these professional groups who live under a regime of slavery. Months later, the UN, after analyzing the evidence and testimonies presented, qualified the activities of these medical professionals as “forced labor” at the service of the Cuban regime.
Click link above for full article.
Over 600 Cuban doctors escape from the Castroist tyrannical regime. Doctors are strictly watched once on medical mission and their passport are retain by the regime. In addition, 80% of salaries paid by the serviced countries goes straight into the regime coffers. It is estimate in around $8.5 billion. The regime officials forced them to falsify data by “treating” nonexistent patients and destroying the drugs they “prescribed.” The Progressive/Regressives keep telling us that the island has the best health system in the world. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”, Joseph Goebbels.
Cuban Doctors: Communists Made Us Destroy Medicine on Foreign Missions

YAMIL LAGE/AFP via Getty Images

By ANCES MARTEL 24 Sep 2020

Over 600 Cuban doctors, escaped from the communist nation’s medical slavery system, joined a global complaint before the International Criminal Court (ICC) this week against Havana, detailing the human rights abuses they endured and the damage the program forced them to inflict on their host countries.

Cuban Prisoners Defenders, an NGO that advocates for the victims of the Communist Party of Cuba, initially presented a complaint against Cuba over its slave doctor system citing 110 defecting health workers before the ICC and the United Nations. On Tuesday, the organization revealed that 622 doctors — escaped from the slave doctor system and with experience serving in over 29 countries — had added their voices and personal experiences to the complaint.

Among the allegations from the former slave doctors is the claim that Cuban officials forced them to destroy medicine rather than give it to patients to falsify the true number of people the system was treating. This allegedly occurred in countries like Venezuela, where pharmacies have been running on a deficit of over 85 percent of the drugs needed to maintain a functional healthcare system for at least five years. Cuba is also facing a significant medicine shortage domestically, calling into question why the regime would not simply provide the destroyed medication to its citizens.
Click link above for full article.
According to Cubans doctors that escaped from the Castroist communist regime, “Cuban officials forced them to destroy medicine rather than give it to patients to falsify the true number of people the system was treating.” They said that have to falsify data by “treating” nonexistent patients and destroying the drugs they “prescribed.”

Most of the doctors said they did not volunteer for medical missions, or did so under duress. The regime confiscates 85% of their salaries abroad, with annual profits of $8.5 billion. According to the NGO report, the regime “makes more money out of enslaving its doctors than any other foreign revenue item.”
Havana's Best-Kept "Mystery" Revealed: How Much the State Charges vs How Much It Pays its Doctors on "Missions" | DIARIO DE CUBA

A report by Cuban Prisoners Defenders explores Havana's business selling the work of Cuban professionals in different countries.
Madrid 24 Sep 2020


Cuban 'medical mission'. (AFP)

The complaint that the Cuban Prisoners Defenders (CPD) organization has just lodged with the UN and the International Criminal Court about the details behind Havana's "medical missions", based on the testimony of 622 Cuban professionals who are members of those brigades, lays bare one of the island's best-kept secrets: how much it pays its collaborators vs how much it pockets.

The CPD report confirms that Cuban workers receive between 9% and 25% of what the host country pays for their work, which applies not only to medical missions, but to almost all of the professionals hired through governmental agreements abroad.

According to CPD, Havana always negotiates lucrative contracts for the doctors it exports. Sometimes these deals are sealed directly with the destination country, but other times they are handled through "tripartite collaboration", by which a rich third country, such as Venezuela, Norway, Portugal or Luxembourg, assumes the financing of the "mission". In these cases workers always receive as payment what the CPD report describes as "a small, residual fraction of what Cuba bills for them."
Click link above for full article.
List of countries where the Castroist communist regimes sale the work of Cuban medical professionals members of the so call “medical missions”, which receive between 10 to 25% of what the host country pays for their work: Venezuela, Norway, Portugal, Luxembourg, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Botswana, Eritrea, East Timor; South Africa, Jamaica, Sierra Leone, Brazil, Trinidad and Tobago, Qatar, Uruguay, Guatemala, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Peru, Bolivia and others. Those contract has been condemned as a form of slavery. The regime has been trafficking people for decades, and thousands of Cubans have told similar stories after fleeing their captors and making it to freedom. According to the World Trade Organization, in 2018, the regime generated $10.7 billion from “exports of commercial services.” The Castroist regime 21st Century slavery in action.
The Eight-Year Law: Illegal Punishment for Cuban Doctors | DIARIO DE CUBA

The Cuban government was asked to publish the regulations justifying this retaliation - and its response has been silence.

Madrid 23 Nov 2020 - 16:42 CET

Cuban doctors who worked in Italy. REUTERS

A recent online conversation between the pro-regime singer and songwriter Israel Rojas and Professor Carlos Lazo, a resident of the United States, spotlighted the debate about the government's reprisals against Cuban doctors who leave missions abroad, and also about the justice deserved by all those Cubans who have been persecuted and punished for expressing their opinions against measures like these, today affecting thousands of families on the island.

Specifically, the eight-year entry ban for doctors who leave missions is "a terrible measure," said Rojas, because "it is a human right that people be able to live wherever they dream, wherever they believe they have better prospects." The punishment has an invaluable "human cost", he added. And his reasoning is not based on personal motivations, but rather his position as a lawyer.

Rojas, a regular defender of the government, knows that the such a harsh punishment on Cuban doctors is illegal, and these are the reasons why:
Click link above for full article.
The Castroist tyrannical regime, use the eight-year entry ban for doctors deployed in medical missions that leave them, as punishment, is politically motivated. This draconian rule violate their fundamental rights, like freedom of expression and association, liberty, and movement, among others. Those governments that accept the regime abusive conditions, become complicit in human rights violations,
Cuban Slave Doctors Admit to Faking Coronavirus Treatment Data (breitbart.com)


by FRANCES MARTEL | 19 Feb 2021

Doctors forced to work for Cuba’s slave doctor program revealed in remarks Thursday they fabricated data on Chinese coronavirus investigations, making up names of “patients” they had treated who did not exist to make the Communist Party appear more productive.

Similarly, doctors lied about the kind of treatment they were offering, sometimes listing an individual who visited a clinic with a question as someone who had just received an advanced surgery. Officials in Havana actively encouraged this, according to the anonymous doctors who spoke to Diario de Cuba on Thursday. The doctors are participating in a case organized by the non-governmental organization (NGO) Cuban Prisoners Defenders against the Communist Party before the International Criminal Court (ICC). The ICC can only process cases in which defendants stand accused of genocide, war crimes, or crimes against humanity, of which slavery is the latter.

Hundreds of doctors have defected from Cuba’s medical slavery, denouncing the Communist Party for stealing their salaries and forcing them to work in some of the most dangerous places in the world. The doctors say they have no input into the trajectory of their careers and their families face potential punishment at home if the doctors disobey the state. Doctors who abandon the medical slavery program are banned from entering the country for eight years, often blocking them from seeing family, including elderly parents and young children.
Click link above for full article.
These Cubans doctors, that are force to work for the slave doctor program, have revealed that they “fabricated data on Chinese coronavirus investigations, making up names of ‘patients’ they had treated who did not exist to make the Communist Party appear more productive.” Well, it is not surprise that these slave doctors fake data, since the regime force them to comply with its instructions. If they do not tow the line, they are sent back to Cuba without salary and loose the money on their accounts.

‘Cuba Compulsively Trains Mediocre Doctors’ – Translating Cuba

The real Cuban health system, the one for ordinary Cubans, is far from being what is sold to the world, and it is nothing more than a sham that does not overcome the scarcities suffered by the population. (EFE)

14ymedio, Rodolfo Santacruz Castillo, Camagüey, 20 February 2021 — A few days ago, I attended one of those useless union meetings that, as a dogma, we have converted into a common practice in the workplace, where supposedly we have to discuss non-conformities and talk about something as sacred and at the same time as outrageous as the collective agreement. Meetings that have lost their essence and are the ideal platform for the bureaucrats to direct, fight and order their workers to continue on and end up praising the Revolution as always.

I decided to listen and try to interpret that row of words that came out in order, almost perfect, almost copied, almost real, almost thought for themselves by someone who, from the comfort of a desk, and with air conditioning, directs the miracle of production.

Making uncomfortable jokes, the official gave us her perception of the events of the San Isidro Movement and the youth of 27N [27 November]. “We will not let the conquests of the Revolution be taken away from us,” she said, surely alluding to the usual cliché: that we have free health and education. The truth, however, is that every day there are more of us who observe things differently.

The daily shortages in all areas invite us to reflect: seeing ourselves in the 21st century suffering from these ills, in a land as rich as Cuba, can only be a symptom of bad administration, of a total lack of progressive economic actions.
Click link above for full article.
Among the problems outline with regard to the regime health system are: Care provided at numerous dental clinics suspended due to lack of water. In many hospitals in Cuba are elective or not so urgent surgeries suspended for this same reason, or for lack of gloves, tape, sutures or for other reasons. The physical state of hospitals, polyclinics and medical offices are in ruinous state. For many years the regime has been compulsively training new doctors, discarding the standards and skills of the profession.
'No Nobel Prizes, just send food': Cuba-based SA students in dire situation (thesouthafrican.com)

SA rolled out the red carpet when doctors from Cuba arrived to work on our shores - but South African medical students have not received the same treatment.

by Tom Head
18-03-2021 15:45

This is the sparse food helpings allegedly given to the SA medical students - Photo: Twitter

The irony in this one is strong – and extremely frustrating. The government is trying to coordinate a response for South African medical students currently based in Cuba, after they raised the alarm about the ‘dire conditions’ they are living in. The Nelson Mandela-Fidel Castro Medical Collaboration Programme has not gone to plan – and that’s putting it mildly.


Some of the best and brightest students from poor and disadvantaged backgrounds in Mzansi were given an opportunity to study in Cuba on full scholarships. However, their Central American dream has turned into a nightmare. Chronic problems are plaguing this cohort of youngsters – who are now relying on the provision of supplies from SA military planes.

The students have been blindsided by the doubling of food prices in the socialist country, ever since the COVID-19 pandemic hit their shores. ‘Terrible living conditions’ and ‘no access to sanitary items’ have pushed these future doctors to the edge – and the ANC’s best idea to resolve this crisis has been savaged by critics.
Click link above for full article.
The treatment given to the South African medical students by the Castroist regime is appealing. They are trapped in the island with no food and in terrible living conditions, relying on the provision of supplies from SA. This is how the devil pays back their struggles.
'No Nobel Prizes, just send food': Cuba-based SA students in dire situation (thesouthafrican.com)

SA rolled out the red carpet when doctors from Cuba arrived to work on our shores - but South African medical students have not received the same treatment.

by Tom Head
18-03-2021 15:45

This is the sparse food helpings allegedly given to the SA medical students - Photo: Twitter

The irony in this one is strong – and extremely frustrating. The government is trying to coordinate a response for South African medical students currently based in Cuba, after they raised the alarm about the ‘dire conditions’ they are living in. The Nelson Mandela-Fidel Castro Medical Collaboration Programme has not gone to plan – and that’s putting it mildly.


Some of the best and brightest students from poor and disadvantaged backgrounds in Mzansi were given an opportunity to study in Cuba on full scholarships. However, their Central American dream has turned into a nightmare. Chronic problems are plaguing this cohort of youngsters – who are now relying on the provision of supplies from SA military planes.

The students have been blindsided by the doubling of food prices in the socialist country, ever since the COVID-19 pandemic hit their shores. ‘Terrible living conditions’ and ‘no access to sanitary items’ have pushed these future doctors to the edge – and the ANC’s best idea to resolve this crisis has been savaged by critics.
Click link above for full article.
The treatment given to the South African medical students by the Castroist tyrannical regime is appealing. They are trapped in the island with no food and in terrible living conditions, relying on the provision of supplies from SA. This is how the devil pays back their struggles.

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