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Explosives attack at US consulate in Guadalajara, Mexico (1 Viewer)


King of Videos
DP Veteran
Jan 11, 2008
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[FONT=&quot]Guadalajara (Mexico) (AFP) - The US consulate in Mexico's second city, Guadalajara, was attacked with explosives hours before a visit to the country by Vice President Mike Pence and first daughter Ivanka Trump, authorities said Saturday.
[FONT=&quot]The explosion late Friday night damaged a wall but caused no injuries, they said[/FONT]

I knew it was only a matter of time before them Mexican people started lobbing grenades at white people. WW3?

I knew it was only a matter of time before them Mexican people started lobbing grenades at white people. WW3?

Oh, Lord....

I've eaten a few burritos in Guadalajara that were undeniably explosive. :shock: :eek:uch:
The consulate windows look to be protected by perforated panels, in the photo

What white people were grenades lobbed at?

The story says "explosive device", although it does mention that grenade fragments were found. It doesn't sound like much of an attack, & I assume that drug cartels could lay hands on military-grade explosives, or RPGs, if it came to that.

The investigation will continue.
Re: The consulate windows look to be protected by perforated panels, in the photo

The story says "explosive device", although it does mention that grenade fragments were found. It doesn't sound like much of an attack, & I assume that drug cartels could lay hands on military-grade explosives, or RPGs, if it came to that.

The investigation will continue.

The OP said it was grenades, so I was asking him that question.

Why would the cartel do something like this? It doesn't further their business.
Re: The consulate windows look to be protected by perforated panels, in the photo

The OP said it was grenades, so I was asking him that question.

Why would the cartel do something like this? It doesn't further their business.

Cause the giant wall is killing their shipping lanes.....:lamo
Re: The consulate windows look to be protected by perforated panels, in the photo

Cause the giant wall is killing their shipping lanes.....:lamo

What giant wall would that be?
Re: The consulate windows look to be protected by perforated panels, in the photo

The story says "explosive device", although it does mention that grenade fragments were found. It doesn't sound like much of an attack, & I assume that drug cartels could lay hands on military-grade explosives, or RPGs, if it came to that.

The investigation will continue.

I assume it was just some normal civilian who happened to know about an old grenade. Or some low ranking gangster that just did it out of whim. If it was a gang attack it probably would have been like 10 or more grenades all at once. And they would have thrown them OVER the walls instead of just at the outside wall and ran.
Re: The consulate windows look to be protected by perforated panels, in the photo

I assume it was just some normal civilian who happened to know about an old grenade. Or some low ranking gangster that just did it out of whim. If it was a gang attack it probably would have been like 10 or more grenades all at once.

Story sounds fake.....Typical Alt Right non sense
Re: The consulate windows look to be protected by perforated panels, in the photo

After reading your link, I see that the explosion, which happened in Guadalajara, had nothing to do with Pence or Ivanak, who were flying into Mexico City which is 6 hours away, like the story in the OP tried to imply.

The article hints at it.
Re: The consulate windows look to be protected by perforated panels, in the photo

After reading your link, I see that the explosion, which happened in Guadalajara, had nothing to do with Pence or Ivanak, who were flying into Mexico City which is 6 hours away, like the story in the OP tried to imply.

Oh I thought that maybe they knew US officials would be there and tried some random FU gernade. The OP article did sorta suggest that.
Re: The consulate windows look to be protected by perforated panels, in the photo

Oh I thought that maybe they knew US officials would be there and tried some random FU gernade. The OP article did sorta suggest that.

Yes it did, which is odd.

This is an example of the writer trying to get people to think a certain way.

An explosion 6 hours away, before the American delegation even arrived, was not an attack on the US.

Facts sometimes get in the way of their narrative.
Re: The consulate windows look to be protected by perforated panels, in the photo

Yes it did, which is odd.

This is an example of the writer trying to get people to think a certain way.

An explosion 6 hours away, before the American delegation even arrived, was not an attack on the US.

Facts sometimes get in the way of their narrative.

Well I mean they did throw an explosive at a US consulate but had no idea about Trump and Ivanka it was just happenstance? Makes the most sense. How would some street boy with a grenade even know about their visit?

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