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Experts Think The Economy Would Be Stronger If COVID-19 Lockdowns Had Been More Aggressive (1 Viewer)


Purge evil with Justice
DP Veteran
Jul 24, 2011
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Slightly Liberal
Straight from the files of WE ****ING TOLD YOU SO comes this latest finding:

In this week’s installment of our economic survey, conducted in partnership with the Initiative on Global Markets at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, FiveThirtyEight polled 32 quantitative macroeconomists about the present and future of the economy. And because we couldn’t resist some Monday-morning quarterbacking, we also asked whether the lockdowns earlier in the year were too aggressive or not aggressive enough.

Out of those surveyed, 74 percent of economists said the U.S. would be in a better economic position now if lockdowns had been more aggressive at the beginning of the crisis. Among that camp, the most commonly cited reason was that early control over the virus would have allowed a smoother and more comprehensive return to economic activity later on. “More aggressive lockdowns would have [gotten] the country in a better position (health wise) as we head into fall and winter,” said Andrew Patton, a professor of economics and finance at Duke University.

The habits of COVID deniers are like those who keep putting debt on their credit card. It may hurt to pay off the debt right away instead of wasting money on the newest gadgets, but in the end you're going to pay a lot more. Only in a pandemic, the COVID deniers make us all pay more, literally.

Note, if you are unwilling to listen to those experts who know better than you (and who wind up having a higher value of human life than you do), then you are expected to demonstrate your expertise and knowledge that overrides theirs. Dunning-Kruger backlashes against these economists' expertise will not be accepted as evidence. :)
Straight from the files of WE ****ING TOLD YOU SO comes this latest finding:

The habits of COVID deniers are like those who keep putting debt on their credit card. It may hurt to pay off the debt right away instead of wasting money on the newest gadgets, but in the end you're going to pay a lot more. Only in a pandemic, the COVID deniers make us all pay more, literally.

Note, if you are unwilling to listen to those experts who know better than you (and who wind up having a higher value of human life than you do), then you are expected to demonstrate your expertise and knowledge that overrides theirs. Dunning-Kruger backlashes against these economists' expertise will not be accepted as evidence. :)
In the immortal words of every person with an IQ exceeding 12:


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