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Exit Strategy (1 Viewer)

Please comment on the Exit startegy of USA troops from Iraq.

If you have any other startegy beside this,please share.

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vaid said:
Please comment on the Exit startegy of USA troops from Iraq.

If you have any other startegy beside this,please share.


The REAL CONSERVATIVE exit strategy is to leave our troops there so that the ignorant people will continued to be scared by our "Scare Tactics" and continue to vote Republicans into office for fear of thier lives. Then, when the troops start to die out, and nobody wants to join, we will re-institute the draft, which will only apply to registered Democrats and those the NSA determines to be liberals, thus killing out all the liberals and Democrats from the Country. This way we will be able to institute a Christian Theocracy, and then, continue our crusades in the middle east, and then the world, for Christian Domination of the Earth!

I get carried away with my sarcasm, but you get the idea.

NOTE: This was only meant to be a joke.
Caine said:

The REAL CONSERVATIVE exit strategy is to leave our troops there so that the ignorant people will continued to be scared by our "Scare Tactics" and continue to vote Republicans into office for fear of thier lives. Then, when the troops start to die out, and nobody wants to join, we will re-institute the draft, which will only apply to registered Democrats and those the NSA determines to be liberals, thus killing out all the liberals and Democrats from the Country. This way we will be able to institute a Christian Theocracy, and then, continue our crusades in the middle east, and then the world, for Christian Domination of the Earth!

I get carried away with my sarcasm, but you get the idea.

NOTE: This was only meant to be a joke.

i am not an American hence i have no affiliation towards them(thereby i cannot be called a traitor)!

Given the option i would help zarqawi to kill US troops more and more.
so 100,000 US soldiers die before the democrat president accept "victory" and pullout.:lol:

NOTE-I am Joking too.:mrgreen:
The official Libertarian Party has shown itself to support a policy of appeasement. It's a damn shame.
Isolationsim, not appeasment.
Binary_Digit said:
Isolationsim, not appeasment.

Isolationism is appeasment to the enemy.

It may have worked in the 1700s when we were separated from the rest of the world by several months. Now the time frame is a matter of hours and in some cases, seconds.
vaid said:
Please comment on the Exit startegy of USA troops from Iraq.

You please comment on the Exit startegy of USA troops from Iraq.
The official exit straegy for leaving Iraq has been stated over and over again but theleft just does not listen.......

It is to stand down our troops as the Iraqis stand up theirs and then to gradually withdraw from Iraq when it is felt the Iraqi and army can handle the security there......

We will also leave if the elected Iraqi government asks us to do so......
I think there should be a phased withdrawal starting more or less immediately. All of our troops should exit Iraq within the next year...to Iran.
Navy Pride said:
The official exit straegy for leaving Iraq has been stated over and over again but theleft just does not listen.......

It is to stand down our troops as the Iraqis stand up theirs and then to gradually withdraw from Iraq when it is felt the Iraqi and army can handle the security there......

We will also leave if the elected Iraqi government asks us to do so......

Okay, So our "plan" must rely on the Iraqi's "standing up"

Do we have a plan to prepare them? I doubt it, and Im not just talking about training them.

When you are trained in the military, there is usually a goal in TIME for the training to be completed. Our PLAN should include a TIME. An expected troop number or something by an expected date. Thats how our military works, why shouldn't it be how thier military works?

We must provide them with incentives for actually getting off thier asses and defending themselves, right now we are basically telling them we will stay as long as you don't have a military. Which could be 1 year... or 20 years (which isn't likely but not outside of the realm of possibility, going off of the percieved Republican stance on the war).
Caine said:
Okay, So our "plan" must rely on the Iraqi's "standing up"

Do we have a plan to prepare them? I doubt it, and Im not just talking about training them.

When you are trained in the military, there is usually a goal in TIME for the training to be completed. Our PLAN should include a TIME. An expected troop number or something by an expected date. Thats how our military works, why shouldn't it be how thier military works?

We must provide them with incentives for actually getting off thier asses and defending themselves, right now we are basically telling them we will stay as long as you don't have a military. Which could be 1 year... or 20 years (which isn't likely but not outside of the realm of possibility, going off of the percieved Republican stance on the war).
Yes, what a wonderful idea. Let's announce the "time" we're going to leave. In fact, let's call up Al-Jazeera and tell them the date and time we will be leaving. :roll:
Caine said:
Okay, So our "plan" must rely on the Iraqi's "standing up"

Do we have a plan to prepare them? I doubt it, and Im not just talking about training them.

When you are trained in the military, there is usually a goal in TIME for the training to be completed. Our PLAN should include a TIME. An expected troop number or something by an expected date. Thats how our military works, why shouldn't it be how thier military works?

You can train all the recruits in the world in a given TIME but it doesn't mean jack **** without LEADERS. Leadership isn't something that can easily be taught in a short time period.

Caine said:
We must provide them with incentives for actually getting off thier asses and defending themselves, right now

Typical liberal view. Everything's gotta be now, now, now!
Caine said:
Okay, So our "plan" must rely on the Iraqi's "standing up"

Do we have a plan to prepare them? I doubt it, and Im not just talking about training them.

When you are trained in the military, there is usually a goal in TIME for the training to be completed. Our PLAN should include a TIME. An expected troop number or something by an expected date. Thats how our military works, why shouldn't it be how thier military works?

We must provide them with incentives for actually getting off thier asses and defending themselves, right now we are basically telling them we will stay as long as you don't have a military. Which could be 1 year... or 20 years (which isn't likely but not outside of the realm of possibility, going off of the percieved Republican stance on the war).

Just make sure you send a copy to the terrorists becasue they would love your plan......
KCConservative said:
Yes, what a wonderful idea. Let's announce the "time" we're going to leave. In fact, let's call up Al-Jazeera and tell them the date and time we will be leaving. :roll:

You beat me to it my friend..........:cheers:

Cut and run by another name is still cut and run......
The Real McCoy said:
You can train all the recruits in the world in a given TIME but it doesn't mean jack **** without LEADERS. Leadership isn't something that can easily be taught in a short time period.

Typical liberal view. Everything's gotta be now, now, now!

Also we have to reward them.......:roll:
The Real McCoy said:
Typical liberal view. Everything's gotta be now, now, now!

You gotta love the Hungry Man Generation; let's just Microwave ourselves a win and get it over with. :lol:
Binary_Digit said:
Isolationsim, not appeasment.

neither has ever worked. isolationism is what the US has done before, only to be brought back out into the world, and into a war. appeasement does not stop war either.... case in fact, Hitler and Britain's Prime Minister Neville Chaimberlain. before WW2 Chaimberlain gave Hitler land to stop him from going to war. it still happened.

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