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Examples of Ways We Can Show the Gov't We Don't Need Them (1 Viewer)


Haters gon' hate
DP Veteran
Nov 30, 2011
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Political Leaning
Guys, there are many ways we can show the gov't we don't need them as much as they think we do. I'm not speaking of just the Federal gov't. I'm speaking of the State gov't as well. Some examples:

-Blue State just posted a pic of a guy mowing the grass at the Lincoln Memorial because the gov't shutdown has allowed the lawn to grow over.

-My road (gravel) is supposed to maintained by the state. My neighbors and I have decided that we will take care of it instead. The state is too slow to react when a hard rain occurs and washes trenches into it. We are currently pooling together to pave it ourselves. Also, the state is supposed to mow at least 5 yards off the sides of the road. That doesn't happen frequently enough either. So we alternate doing it ourselves.

-My wife homeschool's my kids. This, IMO, is one of the best ways to get away from gov't influence. Public education has fallen way off and teaches things I don't want my kids to be exposed to. Many people are doing this now and it isn't just the religious right. For instance, our neighbors up the road are Pagan and homeschool their children. We enjoy doing co-op events with them and have learned a lot from them.

Please, instead of flaming/trolling this thread, provide examples of ways you believe we can do the same. It's cool if you disagree. Just state why you do.
Small things add up. Whenever I mow my lawn, I also wash down and clean the paved street in front of my house. Two neighbors have now caught on and do the same thing. I was the first one in the neighborhood to begin displaying the American flag on my house, now at least eight close neighbors do the same thing. Looks great to see all these American flags in a row.
Guys, there are many ways we can show the gov't we don't need them as much as they think we do. I'm not speaking of just the Federal gov't. I'm speaking of the State gov't as well. Some examples:

-Blue State just posted a pic of a guy mowing the grass at the Lincoln Memorial because the gov't shutdown has allowed the lawn to grow over.

-My road (gravel) is supposed to maintained by the state. My neighbors and I have decided that we will take care of it instead. The state is too slow to react when a hard rain occurs and washes trenches into it. We are currently pooling together to pave it ourselves. Also, the state is supposed to mow at least 5 yards off the sides of the road. That doesn't happen frequently enough either. So we alternate doing it ourselves.

-My wife homeschool's my kids. This, IMO, is one of the best ways to get away from gov't influence. Public education has fallen way off and teaches things I don't want my kids to be exposed to. Many people are doing this now and it isn't just the religious right. For instance, our neighbors up the road are Pagan and homeschool their children. We enjoy doing co-op events with them and have learned a lot from them.

Please, instead of flaming/trolling this thread, provide examples of ways you believe we can do the same. It's cool if you disagree. Just state why you do.

"Ask not what your country can do for you . . . ask what YOU can do for your country."

Love it.

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