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Evolution: Theory or Truth? (1 Viewer)


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Sep 5, 2005
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United States
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I myself am not a firm believer in the theory of evolution but I am of a Creator of this world. The reason being is that in the book of Genesis it says the god created man in his own image, and I am pretty sure God does not look like this:

go ahead believe whatever u want, but just don't teach it in science class...btw evolution is what has helped make advances in medical and biological research... not the book of genesis.
nkgupta80 said:
go ahead believe whatever u want, but just don't teach it in science class...btw evolution is what has helped make advances in medical and biological research... not the book of genesis.

I will teach whatever i want whenever i want and its nbow Evolution that brough us into far more advances in medical and biological research it was of Gods creation, for if we did not have any plants or animals in this world we would not understand half of the illnesses in the world.
I will teach whatever i want whenever i want and its nbow Evolution that brough us into far more advances in medical and biological research it was of Gods creation, for if we did not have any plants or animals in this world we would not understand half of the illnesses in the world.

wth are u talkin about.. if we didn't have any people in the world, we wouldnt exist... there are plants in this world, it is our job to understand them... we understood them through evolution not genesis. Sorry, assuming that there is a God, and knowing that evolution has helped us understand and utilize the world around us, I can only conclude that evolution is a process of nature, and thus a process of god. Therefore, genesis is not, as it goes against this very understanding of nature.
I think that the theory of evolution or the process of natural selection is true for the human species. Where, only the strong survive and though we do have written laws, the reality is it is the law of the jungle out their.
nkgupta80 said:
wth are u talkin about.. if we didn't have any people in the world, we wouldnt exist... there are plants in this world, it is our job to understand them... we understood them through evolution not genesis. Sorry, assuming that there is a God, and knowing that evolution has helped us understand and utilize the world around us, I can only conclude that evolution is a process of nature, and thus a process of god. Therefore, genesis is not, as it goes against this very understanding of nature.

Assuming there is a god do you think that he would create us to look like a furry animal? Apes walk slouched first of all and 1000 years ago when the ancient egyptians built the pyramids it would be kind of hard to do that walking with a cringe in our back now wouldn't it? And if evolution did happen in some major cataclysmic event occurred where apes begat humans, why then nkgupta80 are there still apes in this world?
considering, man is an evolution of an ape, not an ape.... i don't know wtf ur talkin about. Evolution doesn't say we are the same as chimps and gorillaz, all it says is that our ancestors (millions of years ago) were the same. Why are there still apes in the world, because they are still best fit to survive in the environment they live in. And besides ur assuming that God created man in His image whatever the hell that means...In science we disregard the idea of God and religious faith. everything is done by pure observation and reasoned speculation. Evolution has done us well in understanding the world around us. I personally believe that if there is a god, he would have created us through the laws of nature, and consequently through evolution.
nkgupta80 said:
considering, man is an evolution of an ape, not an ape.... i don't know wtf ur talkin about. Evolution doesn't say we are the same as chimps and gorillaz, all it says is that our ancestors (millions of years ago) were the same. Why are there still apes in the world, because they are still best fit to survive in the environment they live in. And besides ur assuming that God created man in His image whatever the hell that means...In science we disregard the idea of God and religious faith. everything is done by pure observation and reasoned speculation. Evolution has done us well in understanding the world around us. I personally believe that if there is a god, he would have created us through the laws of nature, and consequently through evolution.

You must be a scientist then huh? So if your so smart then why do most scientists believe in evolution when there is really no evidence to back it up apart from our DNA? I strongly believe in GOD. I personally think that darwin was a stoner and drunk who wanted to find a meaning for his life so he turned to science. Science is an alternate belief if your are skeptical about Mankind's creation, I believe that there will be an armageddon or apocolypse one day and then we will truly find out who or what created us.
u don't know much about evolutioni guess. DNA, fossil records, population behavior research, social behaviour research, medical research, genetic research, are all solid evidence of evolution. DNA itself is irrefutable. And I am not saying you can't believe in whatever you're telling me. I just don't want this stuff taught as an alternative in science class, because it isn't science, and evolution is. BTW this "alternate belief of science" is what may one day save ur life
nkgupta80 said:
u don't know much about evolutioni guess. DNA, fossil records, population behavior research, social behaviour research, medical research, genetic research, are all solid evidence of evolution. DNA itself is irrefutable. And I am not saying you can't believe in whatever you're telling me. I just don't want this stuff taught as an alternative in science class, because it isn't science, and evolution is. BTW this "alternate belief of science" is what may one day save ur life

No i don't because I don't believe that it occured, like I said darwin was probably just like edgar allan poe (Drug Addict and Drunk) who need a reason to live on this earth.
theheartbreakkid13 said:
No i don't because I don't believe that it occured, like I said darwin was probably just like edgar allan poe (Drug Addict and Drunk) who need a reason to live on this earth.

Great debating skills there, can't find any good arguments against the theory of evolution so you make random attacks against Darwin's character.

From your statement asking why apes are still around it can be gathered that you have no understanding of evolution.
YamiB. said:
Great debating skills there, can't find any good arguments against the theory of evolution so you make random attacks against Darwin's character.

From your statement asking why apes are still around it can be gathered that you have no understanding of evolution.

Nor do I care for evolution I do not believe in it so I do not need to know of it. Evolution may be taught in the education systems and the biblical occurences are not, but I would rather believe in a God, just to be on the safe side than not believe and end up going to Hell.
Oh, and i stand by what i said about Darwin's character.
so you must not believe in any of the medical research conducted, cause they are using these heathen beliefs of evolution in them rite?
theheartbreakkid13 said:
Nor do I care for evolution I do not believe in it so I do not need to know of it.

This is like someone saying "I don't like mayonaise, that's why I don't want to taste it."

In fact, one should taste first and then claim if he likes it or not.

theheartbreakkid13 said:
Evolution may be taught in the education systems and the biblical occurences are not,

It's vice versa. I don't even know one school teaching evolution. I, as a kid, learned it by myself, while I was FORCED to sit down in the Church and forced to attend the theology classes.

theheartbreakkid13 said:
but I would rather believe in a God, just to be on the safe side than not believe and end up going to Hell.

That faith is fake. Faith is true, loyal believing in something, without requiring evidence. The fact that you believe only to play it safe, shows that somehow you doubt.

theheartbreakkid13 said:
Oh, and i stand by what i said about Darwin's character.

That is an unsupported statement.

To observe a theory, one must not look at the character. If Hittler had written the Darwin theory and it was correct, no one would have blamed it - that theory off course.

Tip of the day:
1. Do not hate people, because you hate their choice.
2. Do not hate people's choices or works, if you hate them.

1. I hate religion, but not religous ones.
2. You blame Darwin, based upon no evidence, then his theory, which is blatantly ridiculous.
theheartbreakkid13 said:
I myself am not a firm believer in the theory of evolution but I am of a Creator of this world. The reason being is that in the book of Genesis it says the god created man in his own image, and I am pretty sure God does not look like this:


So, you believe in God, but not creationism, because you don't think God looks like a baby orangutan.

Unusual logic, in my opinion...
theheartbreakkid13 said:
Assuming there is a god do you think that he would create us to look like a furry animal?

Why not? After all, he could have created us in any form he wanted.

theheartbreakkid13 said:
Apes walk slouched first of all and 1000 years ago when the ancient egyptians built the pyramids it would be kind of hard to do that walking with a cringe in our back now wouldn't it?

Well, first off, the pyramids were built about 3500 years ago.

Next, Homo sapiens sapiens (modern humans) have been around for about 130,000 years.

So, the builders of the pyramids were upright, not slouched.

theheartbreakkid13 said:
And if evolution did happen in some major cataclysmic event occurred where apes begat humans, why then nkgupta80 are there still apes in this world?

Another basic fallacy. Humans did not evolve from apes. We evolved from an ape-like ancestor. As modern apes also evolved from a more primitive ape-like ancestor.
theheartbreakkid13 said:
You must be a scientist then huh? So if your so smart then why do most scientists believe in evolution when there is really no evidence to back it up apart from our DNA?

No evidence other than genetics, biology, paleontology, geology and archaeology.

theheartbreakkid13 said:
I strongly believe in GOD.

You are more than welcome to your beliefs.

theheartbreakkid13 said:
I personally think that darwin was a stoner and drunk who wanted to find a meaning for his life so he turned to science.

Do you have any evidence to back up that allegation? Or is it just an attack on Darwin so you can feel better about dismissing the beginnings of the study of evolution?

theheartbreakkid13 said:
Science is an alternate belief if your are skeptical about Mankind's creation,

Unfortunately, for your point of view, the evidence supports evolution. There is no evidence for creationism.

theheartbreakkid13 said:
I believe that there will be an armageddon or apocolypse one day and then we will truly find out who or what created us.

Again, you are more than welcome to your beliefs. However, your beliefs have no bearing on the validity of evolution.
theheartbreakkid13 said:
No i don't because I don't believe that it occured, like I said darwin was probably just like edgar allan poe (Drug Addict and Drunk) who need a reason to live on this earth.

You can have all the unsupported beliefs you like. Personally, I prefer things with facts that back them up.
theheartbreakkid13 said:
Nor do I care for evolution I do not believe in it so I do not need to know of it.

Ah, willfull ignorance. At least you admit to it.

theheartbreakkid13 said:
Evolution may be taught in the education systems and the biblical occurences are not,

Actually, there is no reason for Biblical occurences not to be taught in school. As long as they are tought in a non-science curriculum. Teach it in a comparative religion course, Western mythology or even philosophy.

theheartbreakkid13 said:
but I would rather believe in a God, just to be on the safe side than not believe and end up going to Hell.

So, the only reason to believe in God is because if you don't you might go to hell. Funny, I thought that belief in God was supposed to be based in love, not frightened self-interest.

theheartbreakkid13 said:
Oh, and i stand by what i said about Darwin's character.

You may stand by it, but can you offer any proof?

If not, then you are bearing false witness. You know, one of the things that the 10 Commandments say not to do...
According to Evolution, and the Fossil record....Man never looked like any Monkey alive today. Both Homo Sapien, and Simian evolved long ago from something quite different . It is unfortunate that someone once said we evolved from apes, and it stuck ,as this is quite inacurrate and simply by repeating it, ignorance of the premis of evolution is shown.
The human genome shares 99% of the genetic material as a chimpanzee and these radical christians still dont believe we evolved from monkeys... WE ARE ****ING MONKEYS, GET USED TO IT!

You dont believe in evolution, but you believe we came from Adam and Eve, Noah Built an Arc, Jonah was swallowed by a whale, Moses parted the Red Sea, and God lives in the clouds.
The human genome shares 99% of the genetic material as a chimpanzee and these radical christians still dont believe we evolved from monkeys... WE ARE ****ING MONKEYS, GET USED TO IT!

Actually its apes, and though i know your not all together serious when you say that we are monkeys, thats not true either. Apes (and lesser primates) are not our ancestors. The ape and human lines separated from a common stock a long, long time ago. Although we share a kinship with apes and other primates, we are not directly descendent from them.

(Besides, one could say that we share 100% of the apes genetic material (Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, and Cytosine))
heatbreak said:
And if evolution did happen in some major cataclysmic event occurred where apes begat humans, why then nkgupta80 are there still apes in this world?
That's like saying: if there are wolves around, then why are other canines still in in this word?

Heartbreak said:
You must be a scientist then huh? So if your so smart then why do most scientists believe in evolution when there is really no evidence to back it up apart from our DNA?
I posted this on another thread on another forum:
Me from Scienceforums.net said:
What is Evoltuion??
Evolution is the change of a population of a species over time, or if you prefer the change of alleles over time.

Evidence of Evolution

Fossil Record
Fossils provide a record for species that have lived in the past. Often they are in sediment layers where the deeper the layer the older the fossil. In this way scientists can see how species change over time. For example scientists have observed the change of oyster fossils (in shell size) through time on the layers of sediment. This provides conclusive evidence that species change over time.

Biogeography and Comparative Anantomy
Animals from different continents but similar environments are similar in structure. A very good example is the striking similarities between placental mammals (wolves, rabbits, ect.) and marsupials (Tasmanian wolves, wallaby, etc.). These species have Analogous Structures, where they have similar appendages ect. because they evolved in similar environments. This provides evidence that species evolve to their environment. Certain species also resemble each other because they evolved from a common ancestor, they have Homologous Structures. The forelimbs of cats, bars whales, and humans are all similar in how they are put together and work. This provides evidence that species evolved from common ancestors.

Embryology and Molecular Biology
Species that are more related have similar stages in the development of the embryo. Species that are more related share higher percentages of nucleotide and amino acid sequences of DNA than more distantly related ones. Further all living things share the same genetic code (DNA/RNA). This is strong evidence for evolution of different species through modification of ancestral genetic information.
It's all perfectly logical, and easily proven.

heartbreak said:
Nor do I care for evolution I do not believe in it so I do not need to know of it. Evolution may be taught in the education systems and the biblical occurences are not
Evolution is science. religion is not. Observation supports the properties of the theory of evolution, religion as no such claim.

Ryanmodcon said:
The human genome shares 99% of the genetic material as a chimpanzee and these radical christians still dont believe we evolved from monkeys... WE ARE ****ING MONKEYS, GET USED TO IT!
We share about the same percentage with any mammal, but it's still a valid point.

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