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Evidence against Manafort includes emails to Bernie’s top strategist (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
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Jan 21, 2013
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Post-Trump America
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Jesus F***ing Christ a goddam New York Post link????

OP is a tabloid troll.

OP means "original post". A post cannot be a troll.

The Russians don't do complicated plans. They make a bunch of cost effective psuedo independent moves, relying on the sheer number of opportunities and the ability to improvise to accomplish their goals. The Russians don't build Panzers, they build T34s.

Trump may be the worst at hiding it, but there is no way that the Russians only sought to coordinate with him. The NRA was infiltrated. The GOP was infiltrated. And it is inconceivable that the Russians wouldn't have targeted members of the DNC as well. Both Stein and Sanders benefited by Russian interference, knowingly or not. And just like we must hold Trump to account, we must also hold the NRA, RNC, and the far left parts of the DNC to account as well. Divide and conquer, simple but effective...
The Russians don't do complicated plans. They make a bunch of cost effective psuedo independent moves, relying on the sheer number of opportunities and the ability to improvise to accomplish their goals. The Russians don't build Panzers, they build T34s.

Trump may be the worst at hiding it, but there is no way that the Russians only sought to coordinate with him. The NRA was infiltrated. The GOP was infiltrated. And it is inconceivable that the Russians wouldn't have targeted members of the DNC as well. Both Stein and Sanders benefited by Russian interference, knowingly or not. And just like we must hold Trump to account, we must also hold the NRA, RNC, and the far left parts of the DNC to account as well. Divide and conquer, simple but effective...

Stein was actually at Putin's table for the RT party in Moscow.
Thank you, HtD. Jill Stein remains a GRU a$$et.


More than that Stein got 51k votes in Michigan, which Trump won by 11k.

Stein got 31k votes in Wisconsin, which Trump won by 23k.

Stein got 49k votes in Pennsylvania, which Trump won by 64k.
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It also means Original Poster ...

Hmmm. I suppose I've just about only seen it meant to refer to the post itself, not the person who made it. Though a quick sweep of google reveals some claims that it can mean the poster, as you say.

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