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Ever consider TRUMP and BLM actually have pretty similar interests? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 19, 2020
Reaction score
Political Leaning
I think you might have a few extra zeros on that one
nope not at all
last polled the majority of Americans alone support BLM let alone many other countries throughout the world

It was literally and easily the biggest solidarity movement of my lifetime 🤷‍♂️
nope not at all
last polled the majority of Americans alone support BLM let alone many other countries throughout the world

It was literally and easily the biggest solidarity movement of my lifetime 🤷‍♂️

And how many of those "hundreds of millions" have done anything beyond saying something for a poll?
And how many of those "hundreds of millions" have done anything beyond saying something for a poll?
and how does your opinion of that change any facts that the movement is made up of 100s of millions?
oh that's right it factually doesn't, another retarded strawman bites the dust LMAO
and how does your opinion of that change any facts that the movement is made up of 100s of millions?
oh that's right it factually doesn't, another retarded strawman bites the dust LMAO

Supporting the movement and being part of the movement are two separate things and to pretend otherwise disingenuous.

The only strawman here is you and we're in a drought 🔥
Supporting the movement and being part of the movement are two separate things and to pretend otherwise disingenuous.

The only strawman here is you and we're in a drought 🔥
Translation your retarded strawman got the shit kicked out of it and you got nothing, zip zero zilch
quick make another failed moronic post that changes zero facts and makes your post look even more stupid ! LMAO


LMAO no because they are factually not

Trump is one person

BLM is a movement to 100s of millions of people
YOu're confusing Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, a charitable organization of questionable legitimacy, with the BLM movement with whom they really have little to no contact.

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