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Even Mild Covid Is Linked To Brain Damage Months After Infection, Scans Show (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 16, 2021
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Political Leaning
This is a very interesting study. The findings are even more interesting.

Thankfully England has a large amount of people who have had brain scans before the virus so the comparison can be made.

Some say the damage might be reversible.

Only time will tell.

This is a very interesting study. The findings are even more interesting.

Thankfully England has a large amount of people who have had brain scans before the virus so the comparison can be made.

Some say the damage might be reversible.

Only time will tell.

BuT mAsKs WeRe OpPrEsSiVe :rolleyes:
Indeed - the study fails to account for the number of people who already had brain damage before the pandemic.
That's the category the mask and vaccine rejectors fall into.
Im sure you think thats clever, but the vaccine did not prevent anyone from getting Covid or transmitting it to others. So the bad news for the sanctimonious vaccinated out there is that they got brain damage too.
Illnesses affect people differently. My guess is that some people will have fewer long term effects than others. Let's hope so, at least, because we didn't get enough people vaccinated to prevent pretty much all of us from being exposed to it. You all know how I feel about that already, so I'll spare you the rerun.
Indeed - the study fails to account for the number of people who already had brain damage before the pandemic.
That's the category the mask and vaccine rejectors fall into.
You beat me to the point.
Masks did nothing to stop the spread. How do you not know this at this point?

Just saying something doesn't make it true.

The truth is that yes, masks do help prevent the spread of the virus.

That is according to the largest study on the subject. It was done by Yale University.

This is a very interesting study. The findings are even more interesting.

Thankfully England has a large amount of people who have had brain scans before the virus so the comparison can be made.

Some say the damage might be reversible.

Only time will tell.

Leaked document showing all the Phizer adverse reactions and it’s an impressive list

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