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Evacuation Route Offered to Fleeing Ukrainians Was Mined—Red Cross (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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An evacuation route out of the besieged port city of Mariupol in Ukraine was mined, according to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Dominik Stillhart, the director of operations for the ICRC, told the BBC's Today program on Monday that the organization had been talking to both sides "for days on end," but issues remained with confirming the details of cease-fire agreements that would allow civilians out of bombarded cities. He said that agreements "in principle" had immediately broken down because they lacked the precise detail about the routes and who could use them. Stillhart said some ICRC staff had tried to get out of Mariupol on Sunday, but then discovered the road indicated to them was mined. "We have a team on Mariupol on the ground," he said. "They were ready yesterday despite the fact that it was not entirely clear what exactly the agreement was. And as soon as they reached the first checkpoints, they realized that the road that was indicated to them was actually mined. So therefore, the agreement couldn't be implemented.

The M-Sector (Mariupol) of the ATO has been at war with pro-Russia separatists since 2014. Everything between Mariupol and the separatists to the east has been destryoyed.

This was an active war zone even before the 2022 Russia invasion.

The M-Sector (Mariupol) of the ATO has been at war with pro-Russia separatists since 2014. Everything between Mariupol and the separatists to the east has been destryoyed.

This was an active war zone even before the 2022 Russia invasion.

Another war crime.

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