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European civilisation pre-dates the pyramids (1 Viewer)

Aug 13, 2005
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Found: Europe's oldest civilisation
The Independent, London Saturday, 11 June 2005

By DAVID KEYS, Archaeology Correspondent

Archaeologists have discovered Europe's oldest civilisation, a network of dozens of temples, 2,000 years older than Stonehenge and the Pyramids.More than 150 gigantic monuments have been located beneath the fields and cities of modern-day Germany, Austria and Slovakia. They were built 7,000 years ago, between 4800 BC and 4600 BC. Their discovery, revealed today by The Independent, will revolutionise the study of prehistoric Europe, where an appetite for monumental architecture was thought to have developed later than in Mesopotamia and Egypt.

Rest of the story can be read on-

Yea sure. That's why no mainstream journals of archaeology display the same information. That must also be why no one other the pro-nazi wank site is saying it. Obviously they know much, much more than the word's prominent archaeologists.

I will stick with my Jewish sources that get leaked to me via the underground hebrew railroad.
Besides the story's absurdity, I pose these two questions: Who cares and why does it matter?
Technocratic_Utilitarian said:
Yea sure. That's why no mainstream journals of archaeology display the same information. That must also be why no one other the pro-nazi wank site is saying it. Obviously they know much, much more than the word's prominent archaeologists.

I will stick with my Jewish sources that get leaked to me via the underground hebrew railroad.

Don`t be so absured and prejudiced:that article was published in a respectable English newspaper and was all over the news a few months ago. Archaologists are making discoveries all the time which demonstrate that Europe had an advanced civilisation preceding the Bronze Age.Or are you one of these dinosaurs who believes that history or our understanding never and must never alter? Or that there are no more discoveries to be made? I feel sorry for you:you are old in mind,body and spirit.
Hornburger said:
Besides the story's absurdity, I pose these two questions: Who cares and why does it matter?

What an idiotic question!
If history does "not matter" to you then why bother posting on the history forum?
You and your kind must really hate your own race to be so antagonistic to white history and culture? I am forgetting:there are at least 10,000,000 jews residing in the USA. Perhaps you are one of those?
Hornburger, I just checked your profile:you are only 17! No wonder history "does not matter" to you! You just want to spend your time surf boarding and being with the homies in "da hood"?
Aryan Imperium said:
Hornburger, I just checked your profile:you are only 17! No wonder history "does not matter" to you! You just want to spend your time surf boarding and being with the homies in "da hood"?

You're a funny man!
I am 16 Years Old, I don't even know what you mean by "being with homie in 'da hood'". That makes no sense whatsoever, even if you are trying to mock today's generation. Surf boarding? Give me a break! Surf boarding was "cool" years ago, now it is just a normal sport.

Since when did 17 years of age mean "I don't like history, it doesn't matter to me?" That's pointless, you find some faulty connections. I am 16 and I love history.

Good day to you, now please get back on topic.
well, if it was all over the news..

Got any other non-nazi sources for it?
Aryan Imperium said:
Don`t be so absured and prejudiced:that article was published in a respectable English newspaper and was all over the news a few months ago.
There are respectable English newspapers? I though all media was controlled by the Jewish conspiracy?
Aryan Imperium said:
What an idiotic question!
If history does "not matter" to you then why bother posting on the history forum?
You and your kind must really hate your own race to be so antagonistic to white history and culture? I am forgetting:there are at least 10,000,000 jews residing in the USA. Perhaps you are one of those?
I was just wondering if this was some connection with your theories on Aryan supremacy or the Jewish conspiracy, that's all. History usually has a huge impact on lives today, when the event actually did occur. All you did was jump to conclusions, so stop assuming. I just think you need some more credible web sites in your searches, but I know all of what we call "credible" are all controlled by who you call Jews.

And why does my age have to do with anything? It figures you would make such an ignorant statement. And when do all teenagers surfboard and act ghetto? I have never surfboarded in my life and I try to talk with proper English. Stop generalizing and stereotyping ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE!

Find some unbiast sources, then I will look at the subject matter more seriously.
Aryan Imperium said:
Don`t be so absured and prejudiced
:rofl :lamo Stop it!...My stomach hurts!....:laughat: :2rofll:
Go on then Aryan: Provide credible journals and/or these "credible" newspapers that stated the informaiton in the OP.

Further, I am not old. I am only 21. However, mainstream history and archaeology account that civilization largely began in Mesopotamia, and Sumeria was the first civilization.
Arch Enemy said:
You're a funny man!
I am 16 Years Old, I don't even know what you mean by "being with homie in 'da hood'". That makes no sense whatsoever, even if you are trying to mock today's generation. Surf boarding? Give me a break! Surf boarding was "cool" years ago, now it is just a normal sport.

Since when did 17 years of age mean "I don't like history, it doesn't matter to me?" That's pointless, you find some faulty connections. I am 16 and I love history.

Good day to you, now please get back on topic.

Hey kid,perhaps you didn`t read the post too carefully:it was addressed to Hornburger now in your quaint American lingo, "butt out"![That`s mind your own business for those of us not too well acquainted with the colonials useage of English].
Aryan Imperium said:
Hey kid,perhaps you didn`t read the post too carefully:it was addressed to Hornburger now in your quaint American lingo, "butt out"![That`s mind your own business for those of us not too well acquainted with the colonials useage of English].

[Moderator mode]


This is a PUBLIC FORUM...It is not up to you to decide who gets to respond to your posts or how...

If you agree or disagree, you are free to say, just as they to make any comments they wish regarding this issue...

Continue abusing the forum members in this manner and action WILL be taken...

[/Moderator mode]
I can see that you are interesting about old European civilisation. Well, I have to correct you. There is the older civilisation: by Danube, on Balkan, there is a Lepenski Vir. This civilisation is from the VII and VI millennia B.C. Also there is a Vincha civilisation ( on Balkan ) from V millennia B.C. The Vincha civilisation also had a script that is older than script in Sumer ( from the end of IV millennia B.C. ). The Vincha script could have an alphabet of 26 letters, and each signs has its own phonetic value. So, you can see that there is some older civilisation, and even the oldest script in the world, made in Europe.
I think we can combine this thread with a few others. I bet the ancient Europeans were Teutonic/German/Nazis and of advanced intellect enough to have flying saucers that worked on anti-gravity using moon dust for fuel and thus were able to build the pyramids under contract to the Egyptians in exchange for....O.K., that is all I know for now.
My cat just told me that, but wandered off mid-sentence to take another nap so I don't know the rest of it.
UtahBill said:
I think we can combine this thread with a few others. I bet the ancient Europeans were Teutonic/German/Nazis and of advanced intellect enough to have flying saucers that worked on anti-gravity using moon dust for fuel and thus were able to build the pyramids under contract to the Egyptians in exchange for....O.K., that is all I know for now.
My cat just told me that, but wandered off mid-sentence to take another nap so I don't know the rest of it.

So...you don't know much about Europeans, or European history. O.K. But why you left message on this title? I guess that you heard only about Germans, but there is more nations in Europe...you don't have to have that kind of attitude to Europe...your message isn't serious and mature, and also full of ignorance.
nada said:
So...you don't know much about Europeans, or European history. O.K. But why you left message on this title? I guess that you heard only about Germans, but there is more nations in Europe...you don't have to have that kind of attitude to Europe...your message isn't serious and mature, and also full of ignorance.
Why no info in your profile, you hiding something? No, I was not serious.
I was being sarcastic. Do you have a word for that in your language?
And I am a pompous, arrogant American so I can have any attitude that I want.:2wave:
That was more sarcasm, in case you missed it.
So what that their were European civilisations before the Egyptians. Makes a lot of sense, there were probably many civilisations before the Egyptians, all around the globe.

What is the point of this article Aryan?
Australianlibertarian said:
So what that their were European civilisations before the Egyptians. Makes a lot of sense, there were probably many civilisations before the Egyptians, all around the globe.

What is the point of this article Aryan?
lol, I asked the same question australian...he threw a fit on me and avoided my question.

Hornburger said:
Besides the story's absurdity, I pose these two questions: Who cares and why does it matter?

Aryan Imperium said:
What an idiotic question!
If history does "not matter" to you then why bother posting on the history forum?
You and your kind must really hate your own race to be so antagonistic to white history and culture? I am forgetting:there are at least 10,000,000 jews residing in the USA. Perhaps you are one of those?
UtahBill said:
Why no info in your profile, you hiding something? No, I was not serious.
I was being sarcastic. Do you have a word for that in your language?
And I am a pompous, arrogant American so I can have any attitude that I want.:2wave:
That was more sarcasm, in case you missed it.

Well...... I'm an arrogant European girl.
And...what a surprise: in my language we have a words for sarcastic: sarcastic, ironic,...and much more.
nada said:
Well...... I'm an arrogant European girl.
And...what a surprise: in my language we have a words for sarcastic: sarcastic, ironic,...and much more.
Figured you would, as 99% of the English language is derived from languages "over there".
so, is it Spain? or Italy?
My neighbor's wife is from Spain, works as a translator, also speaks French.
Her english is better than her husbands, but then he was born here, grew up here, and sadly, almost educated here!:doh
Australianlibertarian said:
So what that their were European civilisations before the Egyptians. Makes a lot of sense, there were probably many civilisations before the Egyptians, all around the globe.

What is the point of this article Aryan?

If you are not interested in history and in breakthroughs/discoveries in history then why bother reading this part of the forum? Or is it the European dimension that offends you?
Aryan Imperium said:
If you are not interested in history and in breakthroughs/discoveries in history then why bother reading this part of the forum? Or is it the European dimension that offends you?
If you can't answer the guy's question, just say so....

Maev Kennedy
Thursday November 3, 2005
The Guardian

Archaeologists have for the first time unearthed the homes of Neolithic henge builders, in a set of dwellings, some older than Stonehenge, excavated from a Northumberland quarry.

The two settlement sites, each about the size of a football pitch and probably inhabited by a few related families, are dated to between 4,000BC and 3,000BC. The remains of the modest buildings are among the most extensive Neolithic dwellings ever found in Britain. The site is near the village of Milfield, in an area with a rich archaeological history, dominated by the enormous Yeavering Bell hill fort, built 1,000 years after the huts and henges on the plain below. The dwellings are surrounded by timber and earth bank henges so close in date it is assumed they must have been built by the same people.

The Neolithic Britons left some of the most spectacular prehistoric monuments in the world, but there have been only scraps of evidence showing where and how they lived. House sites are so rare that some archaeologists believe most people lived a semi-nomadic existence.

"Neolithic habitation sites are as rare as hens' teeth anyway, but this is the first time we have found them in association with henge sites," David Miles, chief archaeologist at English Heritage, said yesterday.

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