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END THE MADNESS - VOTE and be counted (1 Viewer)

Irwin Corey

Proud AmeriCAN
DP Veteran
Feb 6, 2018
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Wow! No wonder DJT is basing his reelection on branding Democrats as "Socialists" (they're not), what a conflated load of **** you believe. *Hate and Fear and Bull**** is ALL this pResident has to offer; it's all he ever had.

And we see where that got us; World leader in Covid Cases and Deaths, travel bans from foreign nations on AmeriCANs - for the first time ever ... THEY ... DON'T ... WANT ... U.S. And while we're on the subject our Allies (since War 2) no longer respect U.S. or look to U.S. for Leadership. In my 69-year lifetime it would have been unimaginable that would ever happen, but it took DJT only about 2 years to pull it off. Our Law enforcement and Intelligence communities have always been respected as the world's leaders in their craft; only took DJT about 2 years to destroy that.

Many of U.S. now look to fringe nut case media to get our news because DJT's misadministration has branded anything that isn't glowing with his praise as "Fake News" and only his "Alternative Facts" are believable. In less time than it takes to get an Associate Degree at a Community College DJT has turned our system of knowledge and beliefs upside down. Our standing as World Leader has been destroyed, our economy is on its ear, people are dying left and right, needlessly, because he decided ignoring the pandemic for the threat it IS was what was best for HIM and HIS reelection. :doh

We lived in a troubled world before DJT, no question, but in less time than it takes for a baby to be conceived and learn to walk DJT has turned our planet into a World Gone Mad. We The People of The United States have a responsibility to our Children and The World to end this madness, it's frightening that we have 70+ days to go before we can.

Yes, that is a repost of mine from another thread but I felt it was something that need to be said generally. The latest Senate JOINT (bi-partisan) Intelligence committee report*proves DJT to be a criminal; It's time for him to go!
Wow! No wonder DJT is basing his reelection on branding Democrats as "Socialists" (they're not), what a conflated load of **** you believe. *Hate and Fear and Bull**** is ALL this pResident has to offer; it's all he ever had.

And we see where that got us; World leader in Covid Cases and Deaths, travel bans from foreign nations on AmeriCANs - for the first time ever ... THEY ... DON'T ... WANT ... U.S. And while we're on the subject our Allies (since War 2) no longer respect U.S. or look to U.S. for Leadership. In my 69-year lifetime it would have been unimaginable that would ever happen, but it took DJT only about 2 years to pull it off. Our Law enforcement and Intelligence communities have always been respected as the world's leaders in their craft; only took DJT about 2 years to destroy that.

Many of U.S. now look to fringe nut case media to get our news because DJT's misadministration has branded anything that isn't glowing with his praise as "Fake News" and only his "Alternative Facts" are believable. In less time than it takes to get an Associate Degree at a Community College DJT has turned our system of knowledge and beliefs upside down. Our standing as World Leader has been destroyed, our economy is on its ear, people are dying left and right, needlessly, because he decided ignoring the pandemic for the threat it IS was what was best for HIM and HIS reelection. :doh

We lived in a troubled world before DJT, no question, but in less time than it takes for a baby to be conceived and learn to walk DJT has turned our planet into a World Gone Mad. We The People of The United States have a responsibility to our Children and The World to end this madness, it's frightening that we have 70+ days to go before we can.

Yes, that is a repost of mine from another thread but I felt it was something that need to be said generally. The latest Senate JOINT (bi-partisan) Intelligence committee report*proves DJT to be a criminal; It's time for him to go!

Worthy of repost.
End the madness vote third party and help America heal and become a better nation.
End the madness vote third party and help America heal and become a better nation.

Not this time, getting DJT GONE is the most patriotic thing you can do in this election. A vote for anyone but Joe Biden increases the chance we will end up with Trump again. For the love of Country VOTE BIDEN so you can vote 3rd party next time; if you don't there may be no next time.
Wow! No wonder DJT is basing his reelection on branding Democrats as "Socialists" (they're not), what a conflated load of **** you believe. *Hate and Fear and Bull**** is ALL this pResident has to offer; it's all he ever had.

And we see where that got us; World leader in Covid Cases and Deaths, travel bans from foreign nations on AmeriCANs - for the first time ever ... THEY ... DON'T ... WANT ... U.S. And while we're on the subject our Allies (since War 2) no longer respect U.S. or look to U.S. for Leadership. In my 69-year lifetime it would have been unimaginable that would ever happen, but it took DJT only about 2 years to pull it off. Our Law enforcement and Intelligence communities have always been respected as the world's leaders in their craft; only took DJT about 2 years to destroy that.

Many of U.S. now look to fringe nut case media to get our news because DJT's misadministration has branded anything that isn't glowing with his praise as "Fake News" and only his "Alternative Facts" are believable. In less time than it takes to get an Associate Degree at a Community College DJT has turned our system of knowledge and beliefs upside down. Our standing as World Leader has been destroyed, our economy is on its ear, people are dying left and right, needlessly, because he decided ignoring the pandemic for the threat it IS was what was best for HIM and HIS reelection. :doh

We lived in a troubled world before DJT, no question, but in less time than it takes for a baby to be conceived and learn to walk DJT has turned our planet into a World Gone Mad. We The People of The United States have a responsibility to our Children and The World to end this madness, it's frightening that we have 70+ days to go before we can.

Yes, that is a repost of mine from another thread but I felt it was something that need to be said generally. The latest Senate JOINT (bi-partisan) Intelligence committee report*proves DJT to be a criminal; It's time for him to go!

Reads like a campaign acceptance speech. Funny stuff!
End the madness vote third party and help America heal and become a better nation.

Any third party will do or just write in none of the above if your ballot doesn't have a third party candidate. I sick and tired of all the BS propaganda rhetoric coming from both major parties. So much BS propaganda, lies, half truths, out of context statements, excessive exaggerations that Joseph Goebbels would envy the two major party's propaganda machine. They put Goebbels to shame.

Both major parties owe their hearts and souls to corporations, wall street firms, lobbyist, special interest mega money donors, etc. That's where they get their tens and hundreds of millions of dollars for their campaigns and to run their organizations and propaganda machines.

If you want sanity and good honest government, you won't find that or get it by voting for either of the two major parties. All either wants is to make us mindless robots who follow them lock step without question. End the madness, exactly, vote for anyone who doesn't have an R or a D behind their name or your voting for the same old propaganda machines who desire only insanity and mindlessness.
Not this time, getting DJT GONE is the most patriotic thing you can do in this election. A vote for anyone but Joe Biden increases the chance we will end up with Trump again. For the love of Country VOTE BIDEN so you can vote 3rd party next time; if you don't there may be no next time.

I don’t buy into your chicken little stance. Any true patriot will vote third party to keep the country alive. Our country may not survive unless people are willing to make the hard choices and tell Biden and Trump to pound sand, if you don’t you’re part of the problem not the solution.
I don’t buy into your chicken little stance. Any true patriot will vote third party to keep the country alive. Our country may not survive unless people are willing to make the hard choices and tell Biden and Trump to pound sand, if you don’t you’re part of the problem not the solution.

Well, at least you're not voting for Trump. But, I have to ask, what is your candidate promising that makes you hopeful for change and what change is that?
The South Has Risen.
Well, at least you're not voting for Trump. But, I have to ask, what is your candidate promising that makes you hopeful for change and what change is that?

Ending foreign wars and bringing troops home, ending war on drugs and stopping asset forfeiture pre conviction, not imposing idiotic gun control measures, allowing people more control and freedom over their lives, shifting power from the federal government to states and localities
Ending foreign wars and bringing troops home, ending war on drugs and stopping asset forfeiture pre conviction, not imposing idiotic gun control measures, allowing people more control and freedom over their lives, shifting power from the federal government to states and localities

All worthy goals but I have point out that many of those things are part of the Democratic platform, and I will admit that some of the Democratic platform runs contrary to your platform. BUT, IMHO, the insanity of Trump has to stop first before anything esle.
All worthy goals but I have point out that many of those things are part of the Democratic platform, and I will admit that some of the Democratic platform runs contrary to your platform. BUT, IMHO, the insanity of Trump has to stop first before anything esle.

Replacing it with the insanity that Biden offers is not the answer, hopefully you’ll realize that before it’s too late. Someone who has been part of the problem for 40+ years will never be part of the solution.
Wow! No wonder DJT is basing his reelection on branding Democrats as "Socialists" (they're not), what a conflated load of **** you believe. *Hate and Fear and Bull**** is ALL this pResident has to offer; it's all he ever had.

And we see where that got us; World leader in Covid Cases and Deaths, travel bans from foreign nations on AmeriCANs - for the first time ever ... THEY ... DON'T ... WANT ... U.S. And while we're on the subject our Allies (since War 2) no longer respect U.S. or look to U.S. for Leadership. In my 69-year lifetime it would have been unimaginable that would ever happen, but it took DJT only about 2 years to pull it off. Our Law enforcement and Intelligence communities have always been respected as the world's leaders in their craft; only took DJT about 2 years to destroy that.

Many of U.S. now look to fringe nut case media to get our news because DJT's misadministration has branded anything that isn't glowing with his praise as "Fake News" and only his "Alternative Facts" are believable. In less time than it takes to get an Associate Degree at a Community College DJT has turned our system of knowledge and beliefs upside down. Our standing as World Leader has been destroyed, our economy is on its ear, people are dying left and right, needlessly, because he decided ignoring the pandemic for the threat it IS was what was best for HIM and HIS reelection. :doh

We lived in a troubled world before DJT, no question, but in less time than it takes for a baby to be conceived and learn to walk DJT has turned our planet into a World Gone Mad. We The People of The United States have a responsibility to our Children and The World to end this madness, it's frightening that we have 70+ days to go before we can.

Yes, that is a repost of mine from another thread but I felt it was something that need to be said generally. The latest Senate JOINT (bi-partisan) Intelligence committee report*proves DJT to be a criminal; It's time for him to go!

I agree. Mission 1: Remove Trump, detain him as a flight risk, keep him tied up in court, and then in prison.

Replacing it with the insanity that Biden offers is not the answer, hopefully you’ll realize that before it’s too late. Someone who has been part of the problem for 40+ years will never be part of the solution.

Well, that depends on what solution your after. If your goal is to take the Nation Back to strict "States Rights", I'll admit Biden isn't going to accomplish that. But if your goal is preserving the Union so the we can all fight another day; Biden's the only choice you have in 2020.
Well, that depends on what solution your after. If your goal is to take the Nation Back to strict "States Rights", I'll admit Biden isn't going to accomplish that. But if your goal is preserving the Union so the we can all fight another day; Biden's the only choice you have in 2020.

If you want to persevere the Union then voting for someone who has been destroying it for 40+ years is not the way to go.
Not this time, getting DJT GONE is the most patriotic thing you can do in this election. A vote for anyone but Joe Biden increases the chance we will end up with Trump again. For the love of Country VOTE BIDEN so you can vote 3rd party next time; if you don't there may be no next time.

Democrat = BLM= social unrest & riots.
Wow! No wonder DJT is basing his reelection on branding Democrats as "Socialists" (they're not), what a conflated load of **** you believe. *Hate and Fear and Bull**** is ALL this pResident has to offer; it's all he ever had.

And we see where that got us; World leader in Covid Cases and Deaths, travel bans from foreign nations on AmeriCANs - for the first time ever ... THEY ... DON'T ... WANT ... U.S. And while we're on the subject our Allies (since War 2) no longer respect U.S. or look to U.S. for Leadership. In my 69-year lifetime it would have been unimaginable that would ever happen, but it took DJT only about 2 years to pull it off. Our Law enforcement and Intelligence communities have always been respected as the world's leaders in their craft; only took DJT about 2 years to destroy that.

Many of U.S. now look to fringe nut case media to get our news because DJT's misadministration has branded anything that isn't glowing with his praise as "Fake News" and only his "Alternative Facts" are believable. In less time than it takes to get an Associate Degree at a Community College DJT has turned our system of knowledge and beliefs upside down. Our standing as World Leader has been destroyed, our economy is on its ear, people are dying left and right, needlessly, because he decided ignoring the pandemic for the threat it IS was what was best for HIM and HIS reelection. :doh

We lived in a troubled world before DJT, no question, but in less time than it takes for a baby to be conceived and learn to walk DJT has turned our planet into a World Gone Mad. We The People of The United States have a responsibility to our Children and The World to end this madness, it's frightening that we have 70+ days to go before we can.

Yes, that is a repost of mine from another thread but I felt it was something that need to be said generally. The latest Senate JOINT (bi-partisan) Intelligence committee report*proves DJT to be a criminal; It's time for him to go!

If I had s viable alternative, I would support them.

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